He's been caught out this time.
He can't lie his way out of this one.
"Ownership" belongs to him.
He hounded Dr. Kelly to death.
There were no WMD and no 45 minutes.
It's time to come clean.
The documents show that Phoney is a liar, mass murderer and war criminal.
He'll have to go.
Even if he gets Red Scarlett and Buff Hoon to cover for him it will do no good.
Buff is dumb enough to do it.
But Red is a different matter.
His career is finished no matter what he does.
He forgot his intelligence training and go too close to the mark.
The tabloid hack even said at one stage that he was equal to him.
The only thing he can do is end the thing honourable.
Tell the truth and walk away.
At least that way he can keep a bit of self respect.
Or should I say: Ownership of self respect.