Please Distribute as Widely as Possible
Dear Friends,
The building of the Apartheid Wall in the Occupied Territories is
now at a critical stage. The completed sections of the wall have
already caused considerable suffering to the Palestinian
population. Homes have been demolished, thousands of olive trees
uprooted, acres upon acres of land have been expropriated, roads
have been destroyed--all to make way for this monster. If Israel is
allowed to continue building it, much greater hardships and undue
suffering await the Palestinian population. Now, when the
Palestinians are engaging in nonviolent protests against this unjust
wall (which will bring no security to Israel), we—Palestinians,
Israelis, and Internationals of the Mas'ha Peace Camp—ask you to
help stop construction, NOW.
Add your voices to the Petition against construction of the Wall.
Read and sign the petition on: