Mr Schill served as the main target for the protests - for several months you could hear the call "Schill must go" in the streets almost daily. He was the most right-wing and most outrageous person in the conservative city government elected 2 years ago, and also amongst the worst in German politics. One of his last acts had been to equip the Hamburg police force with designer clothes and Harley Davidson motorbikes (while cutting social services due to "lack of money")
His departure yesterday was first met with disbelief, then with an outbreak of joy by many in Hamburg, especially by the left-wing / alternative / activist communities. In the evening, several thousand people met for a carnevalesque demonstration around the alternative neighbourhood "Schanzenviertel", and later a massive drum'n'bass party took place in the street in front of the main social centre, the "Rote Flora". Colourful placards and costumes could be seen, while fireworks lit the sky...
As the party came to a close late at night, police amassed heavily in the surrounding streets, finally attacked the crowd with several water cannons and re-took the street. Somehow it seemed they wanted to participate in the celebration and didn't know any other way... who knows... but if it made them happy... There are no reports of injuries, and the memory of that night will be one of festive celebrations, even if there's still a lot to do to achieve the declared aim of those celebrating: to bring down the entire government.
There are some pictures on IMC Germany (unfortunately with few images of the dancing party crowd):