Research Paper 18 1997-98
Thinking about the Unthinkable: Australian Vulnerabilities to High-Tech Risks
Dr Adam Cobb
Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Group
29 June 1998
The document states the following:
"Hackers Attack NZ & Aust for Joining Gulf Taskforce
AZP London: A hacker group calling themselves the 'Anti-Christ Doom Squad' was involved in attacks against New Zealand and Australia just days after Wellington and Canberra announced troop deployments to the latest Gulf Crisis.
In a secret UK Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) report leaked today, the Auckland blackouts that crippled the city for weeks earlier in the year, were traced to electronic attacks on New Zealand's electricity distribution network, launched by computers in Amsterdam over the Internet. A senior government source in the Australian equivalent to GCHQ, the Defence Signals Directorate (DSD), confirmed that the widespread blackouts across the Australian state of Queensland were also traced to the same source.
The 'Anti-Christ' hackers traversed computer systems worldwide using 'spoofed' user-names and stolen passwords to try to conceal their identity. Once inside the New Zealand power companies' supercomputer, the hackers accessed a control system commonly used in energy distributions systems to launch their attack. The Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system controls switches and flows across most modern power distribution networks.
The 'Anti Christ Doom Squad' then concentrated on manipulating one key choke-point on the outskirts of Auckland. It was the location where all five main powerlines converged before entering the city. The 'Doom Squad' altered the temperature within the gas-encased power lines thereby crippling them within minutes. The whole operation was launched and conducted from a drug caf蠡in Amsterdam using a lap-top and a modem.
Simultaneous widespread blackouts across the Australian state of Queensland disrupted businesses, schools and emergency services. However, the DSD refused to comment on whether any other critical Australian infrastructures were affected.
Because the attacks passed through computers in over 10 countries and legal jurisdictions, it will be almost impossible to bring the hackers to justice, the GCHQ report notes."
Now even George Shrub is denying the power cuts are the work of terrorists. Yet no-one seems to have any idea where the problem started. Perhaps it was all just accidental. Time will tell.
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Saudi blackout money
16.08.2003 22:51
What would you do if you
Knew all of the things we know
Would you stand up for truth
Or would you turn away too?
And then what if you saw
All of the things that's wrong
Would you stand tall and strong?
Or would you turn and walk away
I see a message from the government, like every day
I watch it, and listen, and call 'em all suckas
They warnin' me about Osama or whatever
Picture me buyin' this scam I said "never"
You in tune to a Hard Truth soldier spittin'
I stay committed gives a fuck to die or lose commission
It's all a part of fightin' devil state mind control
And all about the battle for your body mind and soul
And now I'm hopin' you don't close ya mind - so they shape ya
Don't forget they made us slaves, gave us AIDS and raped us
Another Bush season mean another war for profit
All in secret so the public never think to stop it
The Illuminati triple 6 all connected
Stolen votes they control the race and take elections
It's the Skull and Bones Freemason kill committee
See the Dragon gettin' shittier in every city
Now ask yourself who's the people with the most to gain (Bush)
'fore 911 motherfuckas couldn't stand his name (Bush)
Now even niggas waivin' flags like they lost they mind
Everybody got opinions but don't know the time
'Cause Amerikkka's been took - it's plain to see
The oldest trick in the book is make an enemy
A phony evil so the government can do its dirt
And take away ya freedom lock and load, beat and search
Ain't nothin' changed but more colored people locked in prison
These pigs still beat us but it seem we forgettin'
But I remember 'fore September how these devils do it
Fuck Giuliani ask Diallo how he doin'
We in the streets holla 'jail to the thief' follow
Fuck wavin' flags bring these dragons to they knees
Oil blood money makes these killers ride cold
Suspicious suicides people dyin' never told
It's all a part of playin' God so ya think we need 'em
While 'Bin Ashcroft' take away ya rights to freedom
Bear witness to the sickness of these dictators
Hope you understand the time brother cause it's major
So now you askin why my records always come the same
Keep it real, ain't no fillers, motherfuck a blingin'
Mine eyes seen the gory of the coming of the beast
So every story every word I'm sayin' 'Fuck Peace'
See you could witness the Illuminati body count
Don't be surprised these is devils that I'm talkin' bout
You think a couple thousand lives mean shit to killers?
I swear to God we the ones - ain't no villans [sic]
Or any other word they think to demonize a country
Ain't no terror threat unless approval ratings slumpin'
So I'ma say it for the record we the ones that planned it
Ain't no other country took a part or had they hand in
It's all a way to keep ya scared so you think you need'em
Praisin' Bush while that killer take away ya freedom
How many of us got discovered but ignore the symptoms?
Brothas talkin' loud but ain't nobody sayin' shit'
And with the 4th Amendment gone eyes are on the 1st
That's why I'm spittin' cyanide each and every verse
I see the Carlyle group and Harris Bank Accounts
I see 'em plead the 5th each and every session now
And while Reichstag burns I see the public buy it
I see the profilin see the media's compliance
War is good for business see the vicious make a savior
Hope you understand the time brother cause its major
The story here focusses on a case of a child with a bad reaction to the Hib vaccine
All vaccinations are suspect, depending on the susceptibility of the individual.
A mild (or no) reaction may indicate the storing of a disease entity that may not develop until months or years later, and so may not ever be tied to the vaccine
It should be noted that the little girl here was treated by 'bad' homeopathy
Thuja is only a specific for the smallpox vaccine and shouldn't be used routinely for other vaccines unless symptoms closely agree. Hypericum, for ill-effects of dirty wounds, might have been more appropriate. The mother didn't mention the Hib vaccine to a second homeopath, which made the consultation useless.
For the best treatment routine for vaccine damage see 'Rediscovering Real Medicine' by Dr Jean Elsiger ISBN 1 86204 199 7,3605,1017340,00.html
"...Today, in fact, vaccines may be killing and maiming far more
people than they are helping or saving. But you don't read that in
TIME to save your children from the vaccine risks including the
epidemics of chronic fatigue immune dysfunction (CFIDS),
fibromyalgia, lupus, Guillean Barré, Crone's disease, rheumatoid
arthritis, type-1 diabetes, and other autoimmune related
disorders besides autism, attention deficit and hyperactivity, and
several vaccine-linked cancers including lymphoma, leukemia
and sarcoma. Likewise Ms. Sachs neglected to mention
the French government's recent moratorium on childhood
hepatitis B vaccine due to documented links to neurological
illness including multiple sclerosis (MS), or the class action
lawsuits pending against oral polio vaccine makers, including
Merck, who spread monkey cancer viruses (including SV40)
now linked to human cancer epidemics...."
(from: "Parenting with Deadly Timely Propaganda" by Dr. Len Horowitz)
Interview with Sherman Austin, jailed webmaster of
Iraq - US concentration camp,3604,1019096,00.html
Saudi Blackout Money
Sticking It To The Poobahs
News So Hot You Can Fry Eggs
by Sherman H. Skolnick
Daddy Bush had a falling out with private business partner, Saddam Hussein. and the rest is called Persian Gulf War One.
The Bush Crime Family is having a divorce from the Saudi Royals, and it is called the Great Black-Out of 2003. With the true nature unraveling of the U.S./British high-level crazies having created the monstrous disaster called 9-11, the Saudis are not standing still while the Bushies and the Carlyle Group blame it on supposed "terrorist" hi-jackers financed by the Saudis.
Part of an espionage/political assassination-type trick, called The Parallel Track, the Arabs now realize they were all the latter-day "Lee Harvey Oswalds", purely patsies. What to do? Simple. The Saudis, until now paid for their oil treasure in "U.S. Dollars", have on deposit in U.S. money center banks, mainly New York, more than One Trillion Dollars. The largest such, Citibank New York, has as its heaviest shareholder, with the Rockefellers, a top-member of the Saudi royals.
The U.S. Treasury got wind of the Saudi plan for Thursday, August 14, 2003, to begin the wire-transferring of 98 Billion Dollars. The recipients? Why, French banks and other enterprises in Quebec and through Toronto, Canada. In greater part, that is, the French Rothschilds, official bankers of the Vatican.
Shortly after noon of U.S. Financial Doomsday, the U.S. Treasury ordered their unit, Internal Revenue Service, Manhattan, to immediately revert to back-up power. This according to a wire service story used once and later, dropped down the Orwell "1984" media hole. Three hours later, began the greatest U.S./Canadian black-out, blamed by the U.S. monopoly press on the Canadian side of Niagara power.
The Canadians immediately rejected the fake U.S. explanation of a "lightning" strike. That the treacherous Brits, and the Queen of England, having recently bought into a key portion of the U.S. grid, and tied to the Bushies, remains generally unknown. So in a State of Emergency, by a created mess, the Saudi money escape, for now, has been blocked.
Just earlier than the U.S. Treasury command, the Financial Times of London, showed how Federal Reserve Commissar, Alan Greenspan, is trapped in a U.S. Bond Collapse, causing interest rates to spike, (according to some, perhaps worse than 21-1/2 per cent, for the most solvent creditors, as in 1981).
Now what? Perhaps a new fabricated crisis. Such as, a strange ship entering New York Harbor with "nuclear terrorists". Or, maybe thirty nuclear suitcase bombs (code-named "Red Mercury") known to be located in or near Manhattan. The problem? Simple. Stop the Saudis. The oil-soaked, spy-riddled pro-British American monopoly press can hollar that the Saudi royals are secretly financing the Iraqi underground killing our troops. The solution? By U.S. Military force, divide up Saudi Arabia. The non-oil western part with the two religious sites, to house the Royals.
The eastern part, seized for oil for the U.S. and such. Can there be any question that the U.S. Treasury had prior knowledge of the Great Black-Out of 2003? Does the Treasury intend to finger the Vatican plan to seize Jerusalem as their capital? Or admit the Saudi attempted money escape? Or admit that the Bush Crime Family should be arrested for treason against the American people? [
NOTE: stories like this are posted and archived through MAIN PAGE, left-hand side of Page, COLUMNISTS Sherman Skolnick of Often posted there sooner than To hear live, or later hear from archives, of two-hour weekly program "Talk Radio for Spies", click on Program is on each Thursday evening, 11 p.m. Eastern Time, 10 p.m. Central, 9 p.m. Mountain, 8 p.m. Pacific. Documents are often attached as links to upcoming programs on "Cloak And Dagger".]
it was a deliberate ruse just like 911
18.08.2003 12:32
But Uncle Sam and his merry bunch of child raping skull and bones members have definitively and definitely failed in thier latest attempt at procuring a "problem reaction solution scenario" ......i.e they create the problem react with mass fear panic leading to blind media induced patriotism.....then the skull n bones posse provides the solution...............leading to tighter immigration controls more tax breaks for the rich,more immigrants sleeping rough,and of course deeper illegal and further implementation of this insane acronym if I choose my words correctly "The New world order"...........
A question for all of you "patriotic" americans and britishers out there,have you ever actually truly questioned your belief system and held the source of it under closer and much more detailed examination.....????
They create the problem through media i.e war,immigration react blindly in faith to the unseen faces of govt in fear and panic failing to realise that this is mass mind manipulation leading to precise control of everything you eat shit n shop....and then the unseen mind controlling criminals provide the solution whilst all the time creaming the illicit profits of thier latest criminal venture courtesy of your mind and it's programmed feelings and reactions.........
Ever truly examined that all the british and americans back 400 yrs ago have travelled wide and afar systematically raping murdering and brutalising anyone else that they saw fit,yet all of you patriotists out there fall for it hook line and sinker again and again,into losing your hard earned tax dollars into supporting the american and british governments in what they have always done such as travelling to foreign places,robbing the unwitting occupants of vast mineral wealth and oh um ...killing them indiscriminately......