The series of border camps highlighting the racist and violent European border regime has been concluded with a camp near Frankfurt airport. Almost 2,000 people met there to make "internal borders" visible. Frankfurt airport is both a major place of arrival for refugees coming to Europe, and a channel through which many of them are deported.
In addition to a large number of meetings and talks highlighting racist aspects in society, the camp provided a base for creative actions both at the airport and in the city of Frankfurt. These included, amongst many others, actions against racist politicians, mock border controls at post code borders, an action "no peanuts for former forced labourers" at the stock exchange, theatrical performances in the airport terminals, and a large demonstration calling for the shut-down of the deportation prison at the airport. For three days, the airport was partly closed and everyday-business was restricted.
For an overview of the series of border camps go to our Summer of Resistance section. For information on the Frankfurt border camp check the border camp web magazine.