A headline on the front page of our local news paper, here in Abbotsford BC Canada, states. Ottawa's Marijuanna:$5 a gram. It goes on to read. The federal government has began to ship government grown medical marijuanna to doctors for patient prescriptions.
Now I understand, from people that use marijuanna,that it relieves headaches,stress,depression,body pain,and also helps you to sleep, etc. These just happen to be some of the ill symptoms that I suffer,and find that many of us that are EMF sensitive,suffer from the RF emissions from cellphone,TV and radio towers.
I understand also,that our federal government collects hundreds of millions of dollars each year for RF frequency licences,which is making myself and other Canadians sick.
The same Minister of the crown (Industry Minister of Canada)that is selling those RF frequency licences, was responsible for the setting up and the funding of the marijaunna grow-op,in an abandoned underground mine shaft,while he was Health Minister.
I understand that marijuanna sells on the street for aprox $10 a gram.@ $5,What a deal!!.
And what a farce. Our federal government, selling licences for genotoxic EMF to comunictions corporations which is polluting our atmosphere and causing illness,headaches etc and at the same time selling medication to sooth our nerves.
I don't smoke tobacco or marijuanna,but it may be worth a try.I Must make an appointment with my doctor soon,since I have not found anything other drug that relieves the pain that I suffer from RF, Electromagnetic radiation.
Regards Robert Riedlinger
Electrical Hypersensitivity
What is Electrical Hypersensitivity?
Known variously as electromagnetic hypersensitivity, electrical sensitivity, electrosensitivity, and a host of other terms, electromagnetic sensitivity syndrome (ES) is a physiological disorder characterized by symptoms directly brought on by exposure to electromagnetic fields. ES is a serious public health concern and the incidence of ES is growing.
A Growing Concern
The typical American is in nearly continuous interaction with stimulation from across the electromagnetic spectrum. The density of radio waves around us is now 100 million to 200 million times the natural level reaching us from the sun. There is increasing awareness that humans are responding to electromagnetic radiation in a variety of ways.
Electromagnetic fields (EMFs)
EMFs are invisible fields of energy produced whenever electric current is flowing. EMFs are biologically active and a great deal of information exists regarding the health effects of EMF stimulation on animals, including humans. Evidence has been coming to light that EMF exposure may cause many more problems than had been contemplated and this includes the phenomenon of electromagnetic hypersensitivity.
Electrical Hypersensitivity (ES)
ES is a disorder whereby neurological and allergic-type symptoms are brought on thru exposure to electromagnetic fields. Many individuals with ES are primarily sensitive to certain frequencies of EMF and there is a wide range in the degree of sensitivity exhibited by those affected.
The incidence of electrosensitivity is growing. Many persons experience an abrupt onset of symptoms following exposure to a novel EMF such as fields associated with a new computer or with new fluorescent lights. Symptoms often are not immediately recognized by the injured as having been brought on by EMF exposure. Onset of ES has also been reported following chemical exposure. More research on this phenomenon is urgently needed in order to understand the mechanism behind it. It appears, however, that there is some direct effect upon the nervous system and that the immune system is likely also involved in this disorder.
Symptoms of ES
Symptoms may include but are not limited to: Headache, eye irritation, dizziness, nausea, skin rash, facial swelling, weakness, fatigue, pain in joints and/or muscles, buzzing/ringing in ears, skin numbness, abdominal pressure and pain, breathing difficulty, and irregular heartbeat. Additional symptoms have been reported in some individuals such as paralysis, balance problems, body and/or muscle spasms, convulsions, confusion,depression, difficulty in concentrating, siezure, sleep disturbances, and memory difficulties.
Environmentally-Induced Illness
A host of conditions has been clustered under the umbrella of environmental illness (EI), including multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS), cancer, chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS or CFIDS), sick-building syndrome (SBS), asthma, candida-related complex (CRC), fibromyalgia, and ES.
Dr. Robert Becker describes the symptoms of MCS and ES, especially those symptoms associated with the central nervous system, as being virtually identical. Both disorders share the general characteristics of involvement of the central nervous system and the immune system. Dr. William Rea (who suffers from ES himself) reports that he is treating five hundred patients who are ES at his clinic in Dallas, Texas. Rea reports that at least 80% of these patients are also chemically sensitive and he too suspects and discusses links between ES and MCS. Links between ES and MCS in many patients are being increasingly recognized and such linkage must be considered and studied. Persons who suffer from both MCS and ES have found that the symptoms which they feel after either electrical or chemical exposure are essentially the same; they are frequently unsure as to which type of exposure brought the symptoms on.
Emotionally-Charged Health Issue
Those suffering from environmentally-induced dysfunction, whether this comes in the forms of ES, MCS, or CFIDS often find that they receive little support from our society and its institutions. Those with ES have found little help from practitioners of traditional medicine. Our mainstream medical establishment has not yet recognized the legitimacy of electromagnetic sensitivity and typically chooses to view individuals with ES as candidates for neuropsychiatric evaluation. The number of people in this country who are ES yet being treated for psychiatric disorders with drug therapy is unknown. The failure of American medicine to recognize ES and other EI will not make these illnesses go away and the clock is ticking on the ability of our public health agencies to sweep this reality under the rug by denying it or by attributing its causation to psychological dysfunction.
Treatment Approaches for ES
Several treatment modalities have been employed by electrosensitives including vitamin/mineral supplementation, chiropractic treatment, acupuncture, homeopathy, and others, with varying degrees of relief reported.
The use of provocation/neutralization (immunotherapy) has been mentioned by several environmental medicine practitioners as being a key element in the treatment of both ES and MCS. Some have found limited symptomatic relief from the use of certain anti-siezure medications. The treatment of greatest importance, in the opinion of many who are ES, is avoidance of EMF radiation.
ES has become accepted in Sweden more so than in any other country, and this is largely due to the activities of Sweden's Association for the Electrically Injured (F.E.B). The FEB produces and distributes educational literature which has helped people throughout the world to become aware of the phenomenon of ES. For information, contact
Box 151 26, 104 65
Stockholm, Sweden
Electrosensitives in North America have created an organization known as the Electrical Sensitivity Network, dedicated to the networking of electrosensitives. For more information about ES syndrome and the ESN Newsletter, contact
Electrical Sensitivity Network
PO Box 4146
Prescott, Arizona 86302
The EMR Alliance is committed to educating and informing the public about biological effects and environmental concerns associated with EMF radiation. The Alliance has a variety of information packages available and its publication Network News is acknowledged as the voice of the citizen activist. For more information about the EMR Alliance and Network News, contact
The EMR Alliance
410 West 53rd Street, Suite 402
New York, NY 10019
(212) 554-4073 Phone
(212) 977-5541 Fax
Omega: see also http://www.geocities.com/emrsafety/yoursay.htm
BBC NEWS England West Midlands Residents oppose phone masts
More than 500 people have signed a petition opposing plans for three digital radio transmitter masts to go above a police station in Birmingham.
Residents fear the controversial Tetra masts could pose a serious health risk if they are installed at Kings Heath police station, which is in the centre of a residential area near two schools.
The digital radio network has been hailed by some as a revolution in police communication. But officers who trialled it have complained about nausea and headaches. In 2000, a government scientific report said there was some evidence that the frequencies used by Tetra had a biological effect on human tissue.
Fears over future
Local resident Martin Mullaney said: "They are trying to put a system into an area which has three schools close by and is densely populated. "We don't want to be in the situation where, 20 years from now, we suddenly discover there has been some serious health implications."
Residents voiced their concerns at a public meeting in the area on Tuesday night.
The planning application for the masts will be considered by Birmingham City Council on Thursday and residents are hoping the council will listent to their concerns.
Last year plans to put a Tetra mast up in Inkberrow in Worcestershire were abandoned following protests.
Story from BBC NEWS:
Published: 2003/07/22 18:07:02 GMT
BBC NEWS Wales North East Wales Residents hold antenna protest
Residents living near a site which could house three antennas used for mobile telephone communication have voiced their concerns to factory managers.
More than 30 people including children marched to rubber chemical firm Flexsys on Thursday to hand in letters addressing their fears.
Mobile phone company O2 has applied to Wrexham Council to erect the antennas on top of an existing building.
Cefn Mawr resident Jan Morris said she is against the plan because of its proximity to local housing. "We've put up with a lot over the years because Flexsys employed a lot of local people...we've been forced to put up with so much...such as leaks where we've been forced out of our beds at midnight," she said. "I really do feel that it's a smack in the face for the Cefn residents because the factory knows exactly what we're thinking. "We're all for light industry but, when you read about the possible health risks that there are from these antennas and masts, we've all got children and we're deeply concerned. "It's not going to employ anybody - it's not going to create any jobs."
Mrs Morris, who has lived in the village for 25 years, said people were concerned about possible health risks. "Our children are far more important to us than mobile telephone masts," she said. "We're not against mobile phones, we're not against the masts, we've got massive mountains all around us where these could be situated away from communities."
Pensioner Esme Price, who has lived in Cefn Mawr all her life, protested against the proposal. "I've got a grandson and I don't want him to be in any danger at all, they haven't proved that these things are not dangerous," she said. "I think once they've put one up, you don't know how many more might go up."
Company's view
Flexsys employs 200 people on site and manager Russell Owens said he can understand residents' fears. The company admits to having initial talks with O2, but now says it does not have an "opinion one way or another" about the planning proposal. If councillors vote in favour of the project on Monday, Mr Owens said Flexsys will re-enter into discussions about the antennas once it has carried out a full risk assessment.
County councillor for Cefn Warren Coleman has stated that he supports the application if it accords with advice from the Welsh assembly on health matters.
Story from BBC NEWS:
Published: 2003/07/25 06:18:44 GMT
Informant: Robert Riedlinger
On the Need for New Criteria of Diagnosis of Psychosis in the Light of Mind Invasive Technology
Carole Smith
For those of us who were trained in a psychoanalytical approach to the patient which was characterised as patient centred, and which acknowledged that the effort to understand the world of the other person entailed an awareness that the treatment was essentially one of mutuality and trust, the American Psychiatry Association’s Diagnostic Criteria for Schizotypal personality was always a cause for alarm. The Third Edition (1987) of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) required that there be at least four of the characteristics set out for a diagnosis of schizophrenia, and an approved selection of four could be: magical thinking, telepathy or sixth sense; limited social contact; odd speech; and over-sensitivity to criticism. By 1994, the required number of qualifying characteristics were reduced to two or more, including, say, hallucinations and ‘negative‘ symptoms such as affective flattening, or disorganised or incoherent speech - or only one if the delusions were bizarre or the hallucination consisted of a voice keeping up a running commentary on the person’s behaviour or thoughts. The next edition of the DSM is not due until the year 2010...
See the rest under: http://www.btinternet.com/~psycho_social/Vol3/JPSS-CS2.html
Informant: Romy
ACTION DEADLINE: July 29, 2003
Now is the time to speak out against development that would harm a fragile marine reserve in Peru that is habitat for whales, sea otters, four species of sea turtles, and more than 60 species of migratory birds.
The proposed development--a natural gas liquids fractionation plant and a marine terminal located near the Paracas National Reserve--is part of a huge energy project that involves transporting natural gas and derivates from the tropical forest, across the Andes to the coast.
Construction and operation of the plant will damage the reserve's biodiversity and an accident or spill could have devastating impacts. There are few regions along the South American coastline more ecologically valuable or biologically diverse than Paracas.
Learn more and send a personalized message to the president of Peru and the project's potential funders: