Dear Klaus,
I have just released a 3 page letter describing my experience since a cell phone tower went up in my backyard approximately 2 yrs. ago, to every newspaper in Canada, and I have been presenting this information to our local planning councillors and municipal councillors, in hopes of bringing to our communities across the country that cell phone towers in particular are ruining our health.
I, my children and many neighbours as well as many others who I've discovered in other neighbourhoods near other towers are being affected in identical ways. The problem in our area has been in the local newspapers over the past 4-6 months. I thought it was time to release it nationwide because of the upcoming polical elections.
I will forward the letter to you and you may release it to your readers. I also wish to help Dorthy from South Africa, if I can, regarding her symptoms. I as well moved away from a tower, to a distance of 6-7 kms. away. Industry Canada technicians advised me to move close to the ocean as beams are not directed over large bodies of water, wasted energy.
I continued to suffer from insomnia, tinnitus (ringing in the ears), and this varied from time to time, and a feeling of sadness and despair that this was happening to my daughter, our neighbour's children, young women who I care about, good honest trusting people everywhere. anyway, I have been looking for ways to help myself. Recently I started taking the hormone, melatonine for the past week. The tinnitus is almost completely gone and the insomnia is changing. I still wake up easily throughout the early morning hours but I can fall back to sleep easily. I still feel tired after I wake up but its different. I never used to be able to feel tired when I lived next to the tower.
My doctor at the Environmental Clinic said my nervous system was reacting to a poison created by an electrical field. He wouldn't say it was from the cell phone tower but it was good enough for me. It confirmed that my nervous system was being affected by EMF's and research is currently working on validating that theory. So I believe the Melatonine is responsible for my improvement. Good luck.
WHO will hear this plea for help and WHO will take action???
This story is of extreme importance. According to an article in the Halifax, Chronicle Herald, July 23, 2003, in the business section, "For the first time, the youth segment is actually outweighing the adult one in its influence over technology sales, especially in the world of data transmission service and gadgets, said Mr. Laporte." "Over the next
couple of years, teenagers will make up more than half of the 40 percent of people who are new cellphone and other telco gadget customers." "Out of the 40 per cent will be about 50 per cent...who will be 14 years old or younger," said the executive. Rogers made $57.1 million, or 40 cents a share, during the second guarter. Last year, its profit for the same period was $733,000. Like other major wireless carriers, the telco is focusing on value-added features, since the voice market is growing relatively flat. Mr. Laporte says Rogers is pushing data transmission as its key growth area.......
My greatest concern is for the children. There are no studies to support that children can safely use these wireless gadgets that emitt harmful pulsed, radio frequency, microwave radiation. There have been studies done since the 1st world war that would condemn this technology as unsafe. Groups all over the world are pushing for warning labels on cell phones, especially not to be used by children and teenagers as their brains are still developing.
My research has been extensive and I am appalled that this issue is not being addressed by government. All they seem to care about is creating jobs at all costs. It has been said by scientists who have studied this technology that it will be the biggest problem to our environment and health of the 21st century. I would respectfully request that this story
be printed in hopes to generate much needed awareness. Parents need to know there are big risks when exposing children to cell phones and other wireless gadgets. The metal frame of a car magnifys the radiation by 10 X. Cell phones emitt radiation over 6 feet away....turned off. Because of my family's overexposure to this toxic radiation, we have had to flee our home and community. Myself and 6 yr. old daughter are now sensitive to any electricity. How we will fare is unknown. We need political pressure to change this as quickly as possible.
Note: Road rage is without a doubt, cell phone connected. Its no mystery when the side effects from overexposure include:
argumentative - rages, dizziness, extreme fatigue, memory loss, confusion, overactive digestion, dry burning eyes, difficulty swallowing, inner agitation, sleeplessness-waking up between 2-5 am. regularly and can't go back to sleep., ringing in the ears, rashes-hives, nosebleeds, migraine headaches, pins and needles down arms and legs, heart palpitations, finger spasms, hot flashes, pressure on top of head, spells of shortness of breath, depression, extremely emotional, eye pain, blurred vision, loss of appetite, anxiety feeling in stomach - panic attacks, feelings of being "charged", suicidal thoughts, clicking joints, connective tissue pains, kidney pains, bloated bladder with frequent urination. Diseases linked to this technology are childhood and adult leukemia, breast, brain, cervix and testicle cancer, Parkinsons, Alyzhiemers, Autism, Epilepsy, MS, ALS and more.
June 21, 2003
My Experience Since a Cell Phone Tower Went Up In My Backyard
Barbara Lake, 1111 Ridge Road
RR#1 Wolfville, Kings Co., N.S.
Canada, B4P 2R1
902 542-3858
I am writing to those who are in public health and political domains, as well as to the public.
My children and I are being relentlessly tortured and made ill, by the pulsed, high radio frequency, microwave radiation that is emitted by a cellular communications tower, located approximately 1000' from my home.
After one of my neighbours brought it to our attention, that Rogers AT&T, planned to construct another tower on the same site, the neighbourhood rallied together to attend council meetings to voice our concerns. We believe we were successful in stopping the construction of another tower, but unsuccessful when Town Councillors agreed to allow rogers to co-habitate or piggy back, their equipment on the existing Aliant Tower. There has been some media coverage of our situation, in the Chronicle Herald, the Athenaeum (Acadia University), and it was stated in our local newspaper, The Advertiser, Jan. 2, 2003, that Rogers had plans to install "experimental" equipment.
I have been receiving scientific and other kinds of information from organizations located all over the world, who know this problem all too well. I have discovered disturbing situations all over the world where people from same neighbourhoods, where a cell phone tower is present, suffer identical side effects and die from similar afflictions such as breast cancer and luekemia.
Mr. Scott Brison, MP, Kings-Hants, has sent letters to Mr. Allan Rock, P.C., Minister of Industry, to ask the Minister if I and my neighbours could take part in the current Review of Industry Canada's antenna policy and siting procedures. This review comes as a result of extreme public pressure. Mr. Brison also proposes that a moratorium be placed on the erection of new cellular phone towers until the technology can be furthered studied and made safe. Mr. Brison also wrote to Anne McLellan, P.C., Minister of Health, asking for a review of current radiation guidelines (Safety Code 6), to ascertain if the existing safety code adequately reflects todays requirements.
Scientists and researchers claim that it is the Safety Code 6 itself that is the problem. They claim that the code only considers thermal affects (burns and shock), and that it does not consider the "non-thermal" biological affects. The symptoms, conditions and diseases are recognized by several experts and are similar and common in sufferers of overexposure to RFMR (Radio Frequency Microwave Radiation).
The United States Environmental Protection Agency, Washington D.C. 20460, on March 8, 2002, the office of Air and Radiation, responded to a request by Janet Newton, President of the EMR Network in Marshfield, VT., regarding her concerns about non-thermal effects of RF radiation and the adequacy of the Federal Communications Commission's RF radiation exposure guidelines. They caution that heating is not the only potentially harmful effect, see letter attached.
Some other municipalities that have moved tower sites because of citizen's health concerns: Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal, Calgary, Surrey, Burnaby, Victoria, Coquitlam, Langley, Abbotsford, and Summerland.
LLoyds of London and other Insurance Companies refuse to insure against health effects of towers for any amount of money.
Toronto's medical officer of health, Dr. Sheela Basrur, recommends 100 fold decrease in radiation released from cell towers.
Common New Complaints of people after towers are installed: Migrain headaches, ringing in the ears, sudden wakefullness in the middle of the night, chronic fatigue, heart palpitations, panic attacks, nosebleeds, etc. Myself and my children experience all of these and more.
Telecommunication masts are being vandelised. Residents in County, Tyrone, Ireland, believe the cell phone tower in their neighbourhood are causing cancers and other ill health. Many communities across Northern Ireland have campaigned against phone masts over fears that low level radiation could pose a health risk to people living near the ariel.
In order to protect the public health, the Marblehead Cancer Prevention Project opposes the use of wireless technology until it has been scientifically demonstrated that its products (that is. cell phones) and delivery mechanisms (that is, cell phone antennae) are shown to be safe.
The 1998 Vienna EMF resolution, passed by representatives from the USA, New Zealand, Germany, Canada, Sweden, Poland, and Belgium, which reads, "The participants agreed that biological effects from low-intensity exposures are scientifically established.
However, the current state of scientific consensus is inadequate to derive reliable exposure standards. The existing evidence demands an increase in the research efforts on the possible health impact and on adequate exposure and dose assessments.
Gro Bruntland, the director of the World Health Organization, being sensitive to the technology herself, forbids cell phones in her office and warns mothers to not allow their children to use cell phones or microwave ovens.
Electromagnetic fields and radiation are now used in weaponry.
Also, see the Freiburger Appeal, signed by about 1000 doctors of all kinds of medicine, in Germany, listing symptoms and diseases they blame on cell phone technology, see www.hese-project.org
Research has been conducted on microwave technology since WW1, according to a woman in Wishaw, Warsaw, UK, who has collected over 1000 pieces of damaging evidence against this technology. She and her neighbours have organized against the tower and are going to court. 14% have cancer (breast, cervix and prostate) 68% complain of sleeping disorders, headaches and other symtoms associated with this kind of overexposure.
I have received information and advice on ways to reinforce my home and to protect our bodies. I have received wall paper samples from a company in Germany, who specializes in these kinds of products. They also sell fabric, curtains, bed canopy's etc. claiming they will reduce exposure by up to 98%. Most of the products are financially beyond the average person's means. Myself and my 3 children wear an electromagnetic stabilizer. It helps with many of the symptoms. Some symptoms that it does not stop are insomnia and loud ringing in the ears. I have a cateloge called "Less EMF", sent to me by Janet Newton. The california based company sells meters that detect RFMR, protective clothing and building materials.
We have incorporated protective aluminum foil in the upstairs of our home. The emissions have been diminished somewhat, however, we are still exposed and are suffering.
I have been contacted by a health advocacy group in California, who advised us to move away from the tower and take Aliant to court. A fellow sufferer in Spain, has contacted me and advised us to move as well. He was in a similar situation and nearly died. Once he moved away from the tower, his health improved. Dr. Jonathan Fox, at the Evironmental clinic in Fall River, NS, has confirmed my exposure and advised us to move. My MD, Dr. Heather Wellwood, also advised us to move.
I have contacted the Prime Minister's Office and the Premier's Office. The Premier was able to direct me to a contact with Industry Canada. Industry Canada Representatives, Mr. Henry Klain, a technician and assistant, came to my home on Wednesday, May 21, 2003 to test my home and the surrounding yard, to monitor levels of RFMR. I had asked Mr. Klain to refrain from notifying Aliant about his planned visit to my property. However, he admittedly told me he did tell someone and the levels that I was aware of physically and those that were detected with equipment were practically nill. I told them as soon as they arrived that they would not find what is a typical level of exposure for us. We can sense the changes in emissions, increases and decreases, and on that day I couldn't detect the emissions at all. I told Mr. Klain that I could live with the situation if the power levels stayed the way they were on that day. He and his technician and assistant unanimously said yes when I asked them if they ever tested towers that are operating above guidelines. They also told me that there are no ongoing or even periodic checks and testing of levels of emissions. This is frightening in itself. This checkup was the fist for this tower. Its been there for almost 2 years. These kinds of checks should be done frequently. I received their complete report, full of mistakes, and have sent it to an independant party for interpretation. I am waiting for their report.
Two days after the Industry Canada visit, the power levels were increased and are more powerful now than I have ever experienced them to be over the past 10 months.
My first move to put distance between me and the emissions was on Dec. 11, 2002, when I moved my home based sewing business to a downtown location. I would sleep there when the symptoms were unbearable. Then on May 26th, at 5 am., I found myself in the car, driving around trying to find a place where I could find peace and relief. I drove to the ocean. I was desperate and purchased a cottage, where my family are now living. Mr. Klain told me when I asked him, where is a safe place, he said on the Ocean because the beams are not directed over areas where there are no people. Wasted energy.
We have been living at the cottage since June 2nd. My health and that of the children has improved a great deal, however, we am still aware of the emissions and they continue to wake me up at 3-4am. I and my 6 yr. old daughter continue to hear the high pitched squeal continuously and my digestion is still affected.
Our cat, who had stopped sleeping, was very irritated, and very dirty because he had stopped cleaning himself, is now his old lovable self, and he is cleaning himself and purrs again.
This has been extremely cruel, expensive and exhausting for us. All of my family members are suffering. We return to our home only long enough to do laundry and check the mail. The children miss their home and would like to return.
I am circulating a petition that is calling for the tower to be turned off and moved a safer distance away from homes. Mr Milt Bowling, the executive director of the Electromagnetic Radiation Task Force and director of the EMR Network, the International EMR Coalition and the Health Action Network Society, with whom I have been in contact, works full time in raising public awareness about electromagnetic radiation and advocates for modern international regulations. He lives in BC.
Groups such as the Electromagnetic Radiation Task Force in Canada, the EMR Network in the US, and others around the world are pressuring their governments to put a moratorium on new tower placements, to dismantle those in residential neighbourhoods, near hospitals, schools and day cares.
On May 22, 2003, I presented this information to the Municipality of the County of Kings, Planning Advisory Committee (PAC). Members were astounded and they congratulated me on a great presentation. One of the committee members, Susan Brown, was only too happy to present a copy of this letter and 150 pages of research, to the Minister of the Environment, the following Monday, in Toronto. He promised her he would read it that very day.
In conclusion, I would respectfully request that all towers near residential areas, hospitals, schools, daycares, playgrounds and places where people work, be turned off immediately, and there be an investigation into this matter.
Barbara Lake
We need to turn off the towers. There needs to be an investigation. Please sign my petition to have the towers turned off.
Name Phone# Address
Dear Klaus,
I would like to ask the person who reads your list from Austria, who is from the green party if I am not wrong, and the green party in Austria published a book for (or about?) children about the cellular phones.
I would like to ask what does the booklet talk about? What kind of subjects for example, and is it for the children readers or the parents?
The use of a new geophysical weapon might lead to global catastrophe
By Yuri Solomatin
by Fintan Dunne, 16 Jan '03
Editor www.SickofDoctors.com
In a front page article for yesterday's Russian online newspaper Pravda.ru, Yuri Solomatin, a member of the Ukrainian parliament who chairs the committee responsible for Chernobyl ecological issues, says that weather disasters in Europe during 2002 were caused by an advanced weapon which could trigger a global catastrophe.
Solomatin accuses the United States --or elements in it's command structure--of risking a global catastrophe by using the USA's HAARP electromagnetic transmission system for weather modification and possibly mental manipulation of populations in the former Soviet territories.
Solomatin warns that a new HAARP station in Greenland will extend the range of the weapon from the Pacific to the Atlantic coasts of the Eurasian landmass. He asserts that only low power deployment has been used to date and that high power transmissions could trigger a planetary catastrophe. He also airs his concern that these weapons are in the possession of other countries.
He calls on the Ukrainian parliament (of which he is a member), and his
country's scientific establishment to investigate and develop Ukraine's
stance on the matter.
Unpublished comments by Yuri Solomatin, which SickOfDoctors.com has
reviewed, also implicate HAARP technology in the crash of a Soviet SU-27
jet-fighter at an air show above the Skynliv airdrome near the Ukrainian
city of Lvov on 27 July 2002, which left 83 dead and 199 injured.
From Covert To Overt
Publicly available policy documents authored by strategists in the US
military indicate a determination by the US use such weapons in support of military or strategic objectives. The stated target date of 2025 for full implementation may be simply a cover for existing deployment.
In the USA and Europe there is already considerable speculation that the
'chemtrail' phenomenon, which spreads microscopic particles in the
atmosphere, is an enabling technique for the HAARP system.
The prominent publication in Russia's leading online newspaper may indicate a willingness by civil authorities to air concerns publicly in an attempt to prevent deployment of these weapons in pursuit of strategic objectives in the current tense geopolitical situation.
For the benefit of patients and doctors, this site (www.sickofdoctors.com) will in the coming weeks air the health implications of these weapons and their supporting technologies.
Below: An Extended Version Of The Original Article From PRAVDA, JAN. 15TH 2003
Global Threat
by Yuri Solomatin
Deputy, Ukrainian Parliament
DATELINE: 18:08 2003-01-15
NOTE: This English Edit by Fintan Dunne, Editor, www.SickOfDoctors.com is based on the Pravda article and other unpublished material by Yuri Solomatin.
The use of a new geophysical weapon might lead to global catastrophe
Many specialists and scientists believe that unexpected natural disasters, some surprising technological catastrophes and the striking social cataclysms that struck Europe and Asia in the summer of the year 2002 might have certain global reasons in common in their origin. Principally the possibility of secret geophysical weapon tests. Tests which were either secret or unauthorized.
The discussion deals, first of all, with the possibility of unsanctioned or concealed application of a geophysical weapon by specific world forces. This assertion requires at least a brief explanation.
The Russian Federation State Duma spent almost a year, considering the
global threat of the HAARP program(operated by the US). The Duma finally
prepared two documents: the first to President Putin and the UN, to
international organizations, parliaments and governments worldwide and the global scientific community; the second for the mass media. The Russian parliament suggested the global banning of HAARP tests.
In September, 2002 the State Duma of Russia discussed this question held a vote on sending these documents. One hundred and eighty-eight deputies voted to send the document to President Vladimir Putin, and 220 voted to send it to UN. This shows that Russian parliamentarians were seriously concerned about the development and possible use of geophysical weapons.
It is well known that the USA and the USSR concluded an agreement at the end of the 1970's. Pursuant to the agreement, scientific developments in the field of geophysics for military purposes were banned. The projects in this field became classified.
But de facto such developments, in spite of concluded agreement continued
either under the guise of scientific studies, or development of dual purpose technologies, and the content and the purposes of such developments were wrapped in a fog of reservations, scientific speculations and even mysticism.
Many specialists and scientists believe that a special American program
called HAARP is one of those projects. American scientist Bernard Eastlund is considered to be the godfather of this program. He received the patent for the method and for the device to measure the layers of the Earth atmosphere, the ionosphere and/or the magnetosphere.
It is an open secret that the USA (and probably not the USA alone) has
already constructed high-frequency transmitter facilities. Those devices can heat the earth environment up to a plasma state by means of pumping ions. This makes it possible to control the environment in ways which might have considerable influence on atmospheric phenomena.
The operators of such a weapon are able to program floods, tornados storms and even earthquakes in any region of the planet. It is also possible to paralyze civil and military electronic surveillance systems, and even to affect the psyche of entire nations.
There is a suspicion that in 2002, the unusual natural phenomena and
cataclysms, technological catastrophes (like the SU-27 incident at Skynliv [Editor's note: Soviet SU-27 jet-fighter air show crash in Ukraine on 27 July 2002, which left 83 dead 199 injured]), and the scientifically incomprehensible apathy of entire peoples in the post-Soviet territories, can be connected to testing BY THE USA of such geophysical weapons at low power.
However, neither American politicians, nor the world scientific community
know if it is going to be possible --if such a geophysical weapon is used at full power-- to stop its action, or to be more precise, those catastrophic natural and social processes, which it will entail.
Here is the major problem: it is quite possible the first full capacity use of a geophysical weapon of mass-destruction might end in planetary
Does this seem like science fiction? Not really. As a matter of fact, high frequency transmitter facilities already exist. They are located in Norway and at a military base in Alaska. For the specialists and scientist, more detailed information about the program (brief description, photo of antenna fields and their separate elements) can be found on the official site
Another high power transmitter facility, a more powerful one, will become
operational in Greenland soon. When this happens, the geophysical weapon
will be capable of covering Eurasia from the Atlantic to the Pacific coast.
The information on this subject appeared on several Ukrainian websites on
September of 2002. In this connection, I think that the Ukrainian parliament must support the initiative of the Russian State Duma as well. The Ukrainian Academy of Sciences ought to consider the issue of HAARP¹s potential threat to Ukraine. Adequate institutions ought to collect all available information and to determine the position of state the Ukraine on this global danger.
Yuru Solomatin is a deputy in the Ukrainian parliament, and Secretary of the Ukrainian committee for economic policy, ecological management and the cleanup of the consequences of the Chernobyl tragedy.
Original Translation from Russian by Dimitry Sudakov Yuro Solomatin Article in Pravda
Informant: B Gallagher
Death Sentence on Cloning
Iraqis Irked By, Jubilant At Death of Qusay, Uday
Robert Fisk: His sons are dead but Saddam lives
Bush must account for WMD allegations
Now it's right war, wrong reason
There are none so blind ...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp