Summary about leading expert confusion:
1. Confusion in words: is no more dangerous than mobile phones = means nothing.
2. Confusion in health: Mobile phones are not safe. (are microwave weapons).
But: Non-lethal killer!.
3. Unsafe ambiguity: there was no evidence that it was unsafe.
Microwave radiation in evident unsafe since more than 30 years.
But: Tetra handsets use higher power than mobile phones = more dangerous.
Leading expert confusion:
But tests had not shown any effect on the brain yet.
Remember: tests has shown effects on the brain since more than 30 years:
New study (does not) says mobile phones are safe. July 20 2003
Summary (excerpt):
1. Year 2002: world-first study, using live human brain cells (30 years after soviet proof mobile phones radiation is not safe: BBB alteration).
2. may not carry the dangers experts first thought.
May not is "ambiguous".
3. is minimal [if any] as fewer than 1 per cent of known present genes are affected".
Minimal? Genes are affected means "Health alteration".
Remember Prof Korenstein:
"The cell damage is caused by the effect of the radiation itself on the cells, a fact that undermines the basis for the international standard" says Prof Korenstein.
Omega: see also
Israeli experiment-genetic damage
An israeli experiment gets some newspaper attention. Though it is in a little box not many people will notice to, as if it is some kind of a not very important item, also was discussed on TV in a science programm, again, in a channel most people don't even have, not to mention look on.
Yediot Ahronot, 5.5.2003
Ryvka Freilich (Health supplement)
A long period exposure to cellular radiation can damage the division of the hereditary substance, according to the findings of Prof Rafi Korenstein in an experiment in Tel Aviv university which was presented in a fair of medical research in the medical department in the university.
The study examined how immune system human cells react to the radiation of 830 MHz for 72 hours (with no break). It was found that the radiation caused damage in the duplication of the hereditary substance which is created during the cell division process. Lack of stability of the hereditary substance characterizes the carcinogenic process in the body.
In addition a direct link was found between the radiation level and the damage in the cell division. The lack of stability of the hereditary substance was found already in radiation power level which is 30% higher than the international standard level. The standard is based on the assumption that the damage in the exposure to high level radiation is because of heat but the experiment shows that the genetic damages are not correlated to cell heating.
"The cell damage is caused by the effect of the radiation itself on the cells, a fact that undermines the basis for the international standard" says Prof Korenstein. Yet, he emphesizes that it is a primary study, and that from examining the radiation effect on the cells in a cell culture it cannot be concluded directly to the radiation effect on the human body cells during the exposure.
The link to the study -
New study says mobile phones are safe
EXCLUSIVE | By Eamonn Duff
July 20 2003
This story was found at:
Informant: Dr. Miguel Muntané
Comments on the 60 Minutes program
Dear Don
Your comments on the 60 minutes TV program regarding mobile phone telephony,(Sun. 20th July 2003) were most welcome. We offer our comments here for consideration.
The results of the mobile phone health study conducted at St Vincent's hospital in Sydney, can only be described as a resounding disappointment for those people waiting for confirmation of the more believable and realistic results of studies such as those of Professors Kjell Mild and Lennart Hardell of Sweden.
In the 60 Minutes program interview, Dr Peter French said that he could not understand how his Swedish colleagues can see the effects that they claim, effects which have prompted them to warn that there is a risk to human health form exposure to the RFR from mobile phones and household cordless phones.
Dr French's earlier studies also revealed sufficient evidence to cause him to view the use of mobile phones with caution and to counsel others to follow suit.
Now we are told that the latest Australian study does not concur with the earlier findings and are led to believe that there is not the same need for caution as the earlier studies indicated.
We might ask, how does the latest Australian study differ from the earlier studies and the Swedish studies that such divergent outcomes are produced ?
As Liz Hayes points out - that when asked - there is no one who will say that the mobile phone is risk free. This in our view should be reason enough to treat these devices with extreme caution.
Some researchers advise that children under 16 years, pregnant women and nursing mothers should not use mobile and cordless phones at all.
Young adults should use them for emergencies only. Our endorsement of these precautions is based on reports from people who have experienced ill effects from RFR exposure from mobile telephony.
Betty Venables, Co-ordinator EMR Safety Network-international
I have received the Peter French/Alan Blood paper that Dr. French discussed in the 60 Minutes program and it highlights the differences that are sometimes reported in the popular media compared to the actual conclusions in scientific papers.
As stated in the paper conclusions: "The experiments need to be carried out at higher SARS, up to the ICNIRP limit of [4.2 - indistinct on my copy] W/kg. before conclusions regarding effects of mobile phone use on human cells can be made."
TV statement by Dr. French: " It certainly provides some comfort that the risk of adverse health effects from mobile phone use is likely to be very low, if at all."
Informant: Don Maisch
Message from and dialogue with an electrosensitive from South Africa
Sorry for the late reply but I have just spent 2 days in bed with a head cold. So here’s answering your question about how I got involved in ES issues.
I'm electrosensitive and have become sensitised due to overexposure to radiation (500m from cell tower and 17m from substation (60Hz)). My condition was misdiagnosed for many (+10) years; finally I diagnosed it myself.
I now live 4-5 km from the nearest cell tower and even that is not far enough as I still suffer from sleeplessness, physical weakness on exertion, fatigue and tinnitus. I get other symptoms as well if the cell tower company increases the density of their radiation. (I have eliminated 60 Hz radiation by using mainly gas and by moving to an isolated area.)
The harmfulness of EMR & RF radiation is not well known in South Africa, so I tried setting up an electro-sensitive support group but with little response. When I am better settled after my move (the 2nd one in one year), I will try re-advertising again, perhaps in more popular publications. But it is difficult to find the energy to devote to helping
other people when you yourself have only sufficient energy to survive by earning a living (at least I can still do that) and looking after yourself when you get home. And this is where the cell tower companies have us.
If I had the energy I used to have, I would be able to do so much more. I might have to wait until I retire (in 7 years) before I can devote all my time to it. I get angry with the way cell tower managers torture innocent people because torture through deliberate ignorance is exactly what they are doing. At the moment I concentrate on keeping up with the info on this website and printing all relevant info so that anyone who wishes to, can borrow the info from me and read it.
I've read all about the fight that the community in Israel are having with their government and am very grateful to you for posting all that info on this website and congratulate you for getting involved. Thanks once again for the references to good books on the subject.
Best wishes
Answer from Iris Atzmon (excerpt)
Hi Dorothy,
"Add South Africa to the list of countries where wireless phone users have charged that microwave radiation from their phones made them sick. On December 17, businessman Terry Hutchings of Pretoria sued Vodac and M-Tel contending that his brain cancer was caused by mobile phone use. M-Tel is South Africa's largest wireless carrier, and Vodac markets cellular phones. Both companies are based in Johannesburg.
'I have had a cell phone since the day the networks switched them on', Hutchings told the Sunday Times of Johannesburg (December 27), adding that he used his phone 'a few hours a month'. Surgeons removed a malignant tumor last summer, and Hutchings, who is 47, now expects to live five more years at most.
His suit seeks 2.5 million Rand (approximately US$400,000) for personal injury and 500 million Rand (US$80 million) to pay for public warnings on wireless health hazards and to compensate others 'who have adversely affected' by cellular phones."
I hope you don't have a microwave oven - it changes the chemistry of the food and makes it toxic.
Info in South africa - the information is always the problem that prevents the people to understand what's going on, that's the real problem, but with some creativity we can think of some way to break it.
The thing is that lack of knowledge is agressively promoted, with the ignorane as the final purpose, and they keep using this ignorance of people. Once you give the people the force of knowledge this will change, we just have to think of some ways to reach them.
I don't believe in a change from anywhere else but the people, not the government - not the european parliament - even with all the science they will have because they are so drunk with the "holy value"- money.
Kofi Anan from the EU ignored a petition from 65 organization for people who are hurt from the radiation in Europe, dozens of scientists and private peple. They sent 10 kg of signatures and material but no one wanted to pass him the petition and when he received it, someone else answered for him only after several months (better later than never?...) with the answer that the ICNIRP which is the international committee for protection of non-ionizing radiation - is no less than a private club that is not under any authority (but it's industry people who control our lives).
How I got involved, detailed: ....
A year earlier from now I was a total ignorant about the whole subject of the EMF. But it looked very suspicious to me that the cellular companies bent the government not to inform people when they put antennas near their house - as a law order. Then they duplicated the radiation level without telling anyone until it was exposed in the newspaper, and they made tiny tiny antennas. That told me - this must be SO bad if they choose to impose it.
They probably know that no one will want it if he knows what it does. But what does it do? I didn't know. I only knew I couldn't concentrate every time I see a huge antennas site in front of me ("good" people call it "electrophobia"), I was very worried about the health impact it might have. I decided to look on the internet but I didn't know any researcher name and nothing but "cellular phones dangers" - I didn't find anything but the english Stewart report which is very, "no meat no milk"- in hebrew it's for something that doesn't have a smell or taste or ...anything....
But I looked for the bad news. I looked for proofs about cancer. Interestingly enough, when you search for health dangers of cellular phones as a layperson, what pops up first in Yahoo is all the industry info (the "no problem" info). And it's not just me- other people I talked to, and even a lawyer who wanted to represent his nighbourhood which received a "present" over 1 night - 4 cell towers in front of them - didn't find anything about the dangers...strange isn't it?
I had the luck to travel to England, by chance to buy an excellent magazine (www.theecologist.co.uk) by chance to find there an article about cellular phones. at last some hint...
I don't know how you found this EMF list, but I wouldn't know about it also in 20 years if I didn't have some help... and if I wouldn't buy this magazine in England.
In my country you won't find info. It's "classified"....and also people are one of the 3 countries most addicted to cell phones. In Israel, for every 1000 people - 900 have cellular phone, by the last world report, but not only that - there are many people with several cell phones, they can go to a store and buy 4 cell phones. Does it looks like peanuts?...
I don't have a cell phone, it looks to me like madness to have a cell phone...but of course the "normal" people don't think so.
Yes, we are very electronic. I am afraid about it because Israel is so small and hurting the people can ruin the country in the longer run. I hope it doesn't sound too dramatic but in my head it looks realistic after reading about this radiation dangers and seeing how many people use it non stop.
But of course it's not just Israel. The world population is in such a huge risk.
Anyway I started reading huge quantities of material like a maniac this year, and I am in another place completely now compared to last July...I found to to my amazement what I hadn't dreamt in my wildest dreams about how dangerous this radiation is.
I had thought about cancer but I found out it destroys the body in every way possible and in every level.
Anyway that "journey" taught me so much about our government, about the world "health" bodies, "regulation" bodies, people who call themselves "experts" and exploit the people like an old cigarette, and that's how it became clear to me that all this party on our expense will not end as long as the people will be ignorant about this subject.
All the best
Gene Therapy Risks Exposed
Petition to Stop U.S. Push for Nuclear War
While the media feasts on the fingerpointing in DC, the potential for nuclear war on the Korean peninsula, and beyond, grows every day. This crisis and the policies that have brought it about need our immediate attention, if we are to prevent nuclear war.
The following petition can be printed out and signatures collected at events and on the street. We working on getting it into an online form, and would welcome help with this. It would be great if moveon or voice4change would pick it up.
Please distribute it as widely as you can. For now it is a consciousness raising tool, and we hope it will focus the peace movement.
Carol Wolman, for the Peace Action Group of Mendocino, CA
Find the text of the Petition here:
STOP THE PRESSES by Eric Alterman
Timeline: Dr David Kelly
Iraq dossier row: the key figures
Democrat Eyes Potential Grounds for Bush Impeachment
Informant: EarthForceUnited
We Can Handle The Truth
Troops accused of torture
Toughen Patriot Act, Ashcroft says
The 16 words weren't just a data point
What the Senate doesn't want to learn about Iraq
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp