conservative wing of the movement, are putting tight constraints on the
organisation of the ESF, but have shown there is room for manoeuvre, and
final decisions will be made in Gottenburg. and that many possibilities can
flourish in St, Denis, Paris. They have also stated explicitly that final
decisions will be taken in Gothenburg.
It must be respected too that the organisation of the Paris event is a
colossal task, and perhaps this degree of constraint is necessary from the
official organising committee, mainly for practical reasons, such as keeping
some sort of organisational control, otherwise the event could degenerate
into confusion and chaos.
Because of this it is not possible to disuses at a high level all the
detail, which for some individuals are fundamental issues relating to the
movement and its direction.
It may seem that these fundamental issues are being ignored, but the
committee have shown in Geneva that they are listening and acting, that
channels are open to the base and roots of the movement..
It was displayed that organisation can flow outside the official bodies, so
there are ways to achieve what each of us might personally want to see in
Paris. So the feeling that the ESF is owned by the whole movement is
beginning to immerge.
We will have had our arguments and appear hopelessly divided but it is all
just about hanging together. No doubt the media will see we are divided, but
who cares, what influence do they have anyway. It is better to be
The conversations-meetings outside the room, between activists and comrades,
are where radical and progressive ideas and proposals are taking form -
some of these have fed back into the main meetings, and have been met with
positive approval.
It appears that the Paris ESF should be an event not to be missed where the
movement can establish where it is, and what it has achieved, before
catching its breath and taking further steps forward.
It also appears that there will be a rich diversity of events and
activities - both official and unofficial - taking place in Paris that
should be more acceptable to the whole of the movement, particularly those
who have felt their views, and ideas, have been excluded in the past.
On the issue of Seminar on Social Fora, proposed by Manchester activists, I
was able to make a one minute 48 second contribution to promote it in the
plenary session after the programme working group report back. I think this
seminar would be very useful to the whole of the movement, but whould have a
tremendous, and positive impact on the UK movement, including a positive
effect on GR.
It is hoped that this seminar will attract representatives from all the main
groups and networks, and individuals who have done so much to promote the
alternative globalisation movement, in Britain: Reclaim the Streets, Peoples Global Network; Wombles; CAN; ISM; CND; STWC; Earth First; ALF; ELF; CAAT; Peace movement; Quakers; Trade Unions; campaign against the Acountability of American Bases, and of corse Globalise Resistance
I would hope people like John Pilger, Tony Ben; John Pilger; Naimo Klein; George Galloway; Gearge Monibot; Susan George; Andaruti Roy; The Italian Social, and of course the wonderful Marina, could attend too, and leading Trade Unionists such
Mick Rix, Gen Sec. of ASLEF, and Bob Crow of the RMT, and the other prominant members of the awkward squad - the more awkward; the more welcome.
It would be far from a disaster if the seminar were not accepted, but a loss
to the movement, because official seminars are likely to receive much more
publicity, and attention. A workshop at the official, or unofficial ESF
gathering would be acceptable though would need much more organisational
input, and wouldn't not incur the 300 euro fee that is required for an
official seminar, although a great deal more than 300 euro might have to be
spent to achieve publicity and make the preparations.
The next general meeting of the mobilisation for the ESF is in London on
Friday 25 July (today) in agreement with the decision taken by the
Manchester meeting.
It would be fantastic if there was a big turnout tonight!
Friday 25 July 6.30pm
Fenner Brockway House
37 -39 Great Guildford Street
London SE1 0ES
Nearest tubes: Borough / London Bridge / Southwark
It is also quite close to the Tate Modern.
At this meeting it will be now decided, after some discussions at the
Genova preparatory assembly which two ( or is it three) people sit on the
working group to decide which seminar are being chosen for the ESF in Paris,
and which speakers too. Currently, three members of GR/SWP are on it. It is
clearly not correct for the SWP to represent the whole movement.
In a session here in Genova at the preparatory assembly for the ESF, someone
from The London Social Forum ( a woman whom I recognised as having been in
Coventry in may) complained about Globalise Resistance Monopoly of this
committee (perhaps we should nominate her). There was support for this view from the floor and the French organising committee
Further info:
We are using the samizdat site to facilitate developing fora, and promoting
the ESf. There has been a "great leap forward" recently; for example by the London Social Forum, recently.
Go to:

for more ... including info/discussion on facilitating the formation social forum in Britain - please do sign up and join the discusions and supply info
about what's going on in your neck of the woods.