I came to Acapulco from Canada searching for a job, last February. I didn’t get anyone. I need drugs to control my arterial hypertension and the medicine I brought from Canada is finishing, so, I need desperately to go back to Canada because here in Mexico there is not one of the two kind of drugs I need (Adalat 30 mg and Monocor 5 mg) but I have spent all my economies and even if I am a Canadian citizen, the Canadian consulate in Acapulco does not help me. I can not afford the price of the airplane ticket of about 800 $ U. S. dollars. I can die if I don’t get the drug I need, it’s a matter of life or death. I ask for help.
Thanks a lot
Guillermo Ramirez
My banc number is :
Caisse Desjardins de Giffard # 20075-815
My account is : 21172
Québec, QC.
