The human brain runs on electromagnetic waves of energy so does the human heart,so if you want to find out who your real enemy is then check out this website and hurry and download
before big brother mysteriouly erases it.......
and then if you take the time to study about the use of E.L.F's and the use of them for mind control by all of the worlds governments then you will obviously find out why it pointless and highly dangerous for your mental brain health....Try to find better ways of defeating your enemy,because I promise you with all the disgusting technology that they have to use against you,going to demonstrations suits thier purpose and changes nothing
Hide the following 5 comments
17.07.2003 11:04
I never realised that the police "win" protests 'cos they're controlling our "MINDS" (why did loony poster put the word in quote marks AND caps?) - I always thought its 'cos they were trained in organised violence and had lots of useful stuff like armour, tear gas, vans, Alsatians etc.
"The human brain runs on electromagnetic waves of energy so does the human heart" - Looks like loony poster has watched The Matrix once too often.
"going to demonstrations suits thier purpose and changes nothing" - Hmm. Very iffy this - linking psychotic paranoia with a general message of defeatism for the protest movements in general.
What's more worrying to my "MIND" is the fact that shape-changing lizard/alien hybrids are putting fluoride in our water in order to turn our children into cloned Imperial Stormtroopers through the use of Masonic witchcraft.
Nutters. Bless 'em eh?
Mad Monk
Its TrUE!!
17.07.2003 11:21
Slyman Behrman
Take the piss you may
17.07.2003 11:55
Go - kitty, kitty:
17.07.2003 13:07
Everyone, stay indoors, don't watch TV as it hypnotises you into being a Masonillumantic NWO slave, encase yourself in 10ft thick concrete, and don't breathe the air either, it's full of those wierd chemtrail things!!!!
And don't go on demos, DON'T protest, all is under control, all is under control, all is under control,all is under control, all is under control...
Thomas J
Before you sceptics fall over each other
17.07.2003 14:41
Or is it perhaps that it is YOU that do not know what you're talking about!
Then again, as Schopenhauer once famously said:
"All truth passes through 3 stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."
But I suppose you think he was a scaremongering burke also.