"The design is intentionaly simplistic and safe as milk." I said.
"Is there anything wrong with the damn thing?" I asked.
"Perhaps," I replied, "However the time has come for input from other interested parties. Maybe even the reds"
The machine addresses most of the concerns expressed by Bev Harris and David Dill. These very intelligent people have very real concerns. I will give their youarels below.
Low cost customized modular graphics that can be used over and over.
Virtually 100 per cent accuracy, no hanging chad, no mystery boxes, no software, no funny acronyms and complete anonymity.
The community will enjoy using and testing these machines.
The schematics will be completed soon. Developers are encouraged to react.
These machines actually discourage vote rigging.
The only technician that has endorsed this machine is myself, however I am confident that others will soon join in.
My qualifications are noted in the byline below. I am also the first electronic technician in the US to publicly complain about computerized voting machines.
Please see the design at

To see how well my competition is doing see especially the top ten ways to rig a voting machine at

by Albert Kada
Independent Terrorist Journalist
Special Agent CIA-A-1
World's only publisher of computer viruses besides Microsoft.
Stolen from the unpublished newspaper "The American Blasphemer" please copy