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International SOS: SpeakOut at STRATCOM
No New Weapons of Mass Destruction!
August 1-3, 2003 Omaha, NE
Senior officials in the Bush administration who have proposed the production of a new generation of nuclear weapons have scheduled a meeting to discuss plans for nuclear proliferation at US Strategic Command (STRATCOM) during the first week of August 2003. We are going to be there to say NO! Join us!
How can your organization participate in this international protest of weapons of mass destruction?
* Visit our website at

* Endorse International SOS: SpeakOut at STRATCOM
* Co-sponsor International SOS: SpeakOut at STRATCOM
* Nominate and Sponsor speakers for the rally
* Spread the word: host issue-oriented meetings to mobilize your membership and those in your area about the threat of new nuclear WMDs.
* Organize: coordinate transportation for groups from your area to come to Omaha, NE August 1-3, 2003. (Please let us know if you are willing to do this. We have a place on the website to publicize organized carpooling and busses from various cities.)
* Present your organization and issue to potentially thousands at International SOS with an informational table or booth (contact us at

* Workshops: host a teach-in at International SOS on some aspect of the threat of this nuclear policy or on another pressing issue.
* Sponsor a specific event during International SOS. Contact us for ideas or offer your own!
If you or your organization would like to be involved, or for more information, please contact us at

Citizens Against Weapons of Mass Destruction
PO Box 45088
Omaha, Nebraska, USA

Visit event Website for updates: