Dear friend,
This is a generic letter that I am sending out to all who may be wondering where I am. I have just been through the most frightening and harrowing experience of my life.
On June 25th I was entering the USA in order to travel with my beloved Doug to continue fulfilling our mission. We arrived at Newark airport in New Jersey. Doug passes through immigration without a problem, but I was taken away by the immigration police.
For seven hours I was psychologically terrorised, disrespected, abused, insulted, shouted at, deliberately frightened and treated as if I were a murderer. They committed slander about my parents, whom they have never met nor seen. They took my full set of fingerprints and several photographs. The denied me access to a telephone and refused, for the most part, to allow me to ask any questions.
Their terrorist tactics and psychological abuse eventually rendered me in such an emotionally distraught state that I vomited and had severe diarrhoea.
They found a sheet of stickers in my wallet that read 'Don't make a graveyard of your stomach'. One of the officers (a woman) then asked me if I was a vegetarian. I affirmed that I was and from that point on they were postively evil towards me.
I was neither allowed to see nor speak to Doug, who was doing all he could to free me from my torment. After some hours the police escorted him off the airport premises telling him that I would not be joining him and that there was nothing he could do.
They marched me from room to room to be subjected to further insults and demeaning treatment. I had two sets of photographs of me taken, two full sets of finger prints and was made to take an oath. I have had chemicals smeared onto my hands and my personal belongings were raped.
They bombarded me with ridiculous questions such as expecting me to remember the exact dates and details of my movements going back several years. When I told them that I did not remember they accused me of withholding information.
They even asked me the date my library card had been issued of which, naturally, I had little recollection. In order to avoid being accused of withholding information I made a guess as to the library card's issue date and, as it was incorrect, I was then accused of lying.
Regardless of the truth I told them they accused me of lying. They have taken away my right to ever again enter the USA on a green 'waiver' form. The only way that I can enter in future is with a visa. They tell me that if I 'abuse' that by coming to the USA as frequently as I have been that they will also take that away and then I would also be in 'serious' trouble.
I cannot bear the thought of Doug and I not being together. Nor can I bear to be separated from the commitments I had made to voluntarily present and teach at the various events this summer.
I am not permitted to even begin the process of applying for a visa until August 5th 2003.
I am very concerned for all the people I will be letting down by not being there to present. My head is in a spin.
If you are one of the organizers of such an event please do not strike me from your plans. With help this terrible wrong may be righted. I am currently working day and night to bring justice to my situation. I have NEVER stayed in the USA a day beyond that which I am entitled to.
Yet they have deported me on those grounds.
I honestly believe that my deportment is absolutely inappropriate and profoundly wrong.
If there is ANYTHING that you can offer in the way of help Doug and I will be eternally grateful.
I have already been deeply touched by the number of friends in the > USA who have rallied round and formed a team to try to get me entry so that I may continue this vital health mission.
The violence and abuse that I experienced at the hands of the INS is a powerful demonstration of just how sick humanity has become and how desperately needed the message of peace and compassion really is. I am currently at my home in England and may be contacted here ( or by telephone on (01144) (0) 1903 746572
I send you my blessings and hope that one day the human race will transcend power plays and arrive at a place where respect and reverence for all life is global and consistent.
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