I am on a one woman crusade (to use George Bush's lingo) to stop the DOE from building the new proposed nuclear trigger facility. I am providing a link to a story about the 2-4 billion dollar mistake our government is quietly trying to build. Here is the link to a recent article outlining the plans.

I first heard of this in the fall of 2002 when I was traveling through Carlsbad and saw the story on the front page of the newspaper. I contacted some media sources and they said quote "It is not the political climate right now for a story like this due to the impending war with Iraq." Well, ... the war is over and I feel it is time for everyone to hear about the trigger plant and voice our objections loudly.
We have until April of 2004 to stop this lunacy! Los Alamos already provides more than enough of these "spheres" to blow us all to kingdom come, so why do we need more? Please forward this email to at least 10 people or a curse will be upon generations of our children to come,
Peace to All (and no more nukes!),
Lisa G
Oklahoma City OK USA