Andrew A. Marino, Erik Nilsen, Clifton Frilot
We studied the effect of an electromagnetic field from a cellular telephone on brain electrical activity, using a novel analytical method based on a nonlinear model.
The electroencephalogram (EEG) from rabbits was embedded in phase space and local recurrence plots were calculated and quantified using recurrence quantitation analysis to permit statistical comparisons between filtered segments of exposed and control epochs from individual rabbits.
When the rabbits were exposed to the radiation from a standard cellular telephone (800 MHz band, 600 mW maximum radiated power) under conditions that simulated normal human use, the EEG was significantly affected in nine of ten animals studied.
The effect occurred beginning about 100 ms after initiation of application of the field and lasted 300 ms. In each case, the fields increased the randomness in the EEG.
A control procedure ruled out the possibility that the observations were a product of the method of analysis. No differences were found between exposed and control epochs in any animal when the experiment was repeated after the rabbits had been sacrificed, indicating that absorption of radiation by the EEG electrodes could not account for the observed effect.
No effect was seen when deposition of energy in the brain was minimized by repositioning the radiating antenna from the head to the chest, showing that the type of tissue that absorbed the energy determined the observed changes in the EEG.
We conclude that, in normal use, the fields from a standard cellular telephone can alter brain function as a consequence of absorption of energy by the brain.
Bioelectromagnetics 24:339-346, 2003.
Andrew A. Marino (1)(2)(3)*, Erik Nilsen (1), Clifton Frilot (1)
(1) Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center, Shreveport, Louisiana
(2) Department of Cellular Biology and Anatomy, Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center, Shreveport, Louisiana
(3) Department of Bioengineering, Louisiana Tech University, Ruston, Louisiana
email: Andrew A. Marino (

Bioelectromagnetics Volume 24, Issue 5, 2003. Pages: 339-346

Informant: Reinhard Rueckemann
A personal radiation
A personal beam for every user - this is the new antenna technology - (already in use). "An adaptive array can pinpoint the source of a radio signal and selectively amplify it." It tracks the user and concentrates on him, as if he doesn't get enough radiation already...
More details:

Informant: Iris Atzmon
Thank you for your actions
Hello, I write to you in French, because I do not know German and I am sorry. I am called Catherine. I have been victim of Mind control in France, for more than seven years with wired sound projections. Just like you, the result of my complaints deposited everywhere (extraction of my voice subvocale, readings obligatory of programmed recordings, extortions of remote consents, groups making the experimentation by seeing all everywhere, also making an experiment on the brain, the memory, the word, the body (micro waves) made me convene in Psychiatry by the Police force. At this time there, I did not know that there were victims of this experiments. I was received with a witness woman where I explained after a fashion what occurred and that all went with radiations, waves, frequencies, etc. When the question was asked to me: Can we have to handle you? I had to answer "no" of office bus if I had answered "yes" they could intern me in the direction of the Law where I could become dangerous towards the others or myself... They nevertheless
recognized that the means could be soldiers but how what I told them exceeded by far technologies of what one could do! I had brought my microphone to show them that nevertheless I could record a part of the strongest sound projections (rays on the electrical equipment boxes of the residence, rays, audios, etc). They asked me to indicate my suspects and to return once that I could have observed some more. The experiments now use micro waves which affect the skin directly and create neurological pains, body impressions of heat or cold at will, fields cerebral modified, etc. My studio is surrounded from people who make this experiment (more than 20). From one or two it is known that they are interested in the thought, he is more than thirty years and had named to me several names of people in my immediate environment. He works for the Ministry for National Education and Research. The partitions of the building let pass the noises, I had heard him many once capacity to tell my basic day in roof with his friend and to have the proof that he knew whole very: telephone conversations, actions, etc. I thus have
make a personal investigation in a close bookshop where it was confirmed to me that the one of them is engaged in the field of the thought. The person who told this with the newsagent had been able to accept this too constraining station... I saw arriving tubular radiations in my apartment or in skew which can reach other buildings and other apartments. At the interior even in my studio many radiations were sent, of fixed audio rays one placed... On the Door of Versailles many ministries are important of Defense. I live the weekend in a place where at summer placed everywhere many antennas relay. I am in contact with other French victims of these odious experiments. I would like to be able to meet you and speak (to testify) from what occurs in all impunity in spite of beginnings from Laws to France in districts known as middle-class.
Can you help?
Hello everyone,
Several months ago a woman I know told me that her son has a neck cancer. He got the cancer in the ear through the neck. He used to talk on the cellular phone (Nokia) for 7 years. When he talked, he used to feel burning in the ear and head, and pains at the same side of the phone, that lasted for some time after the he finished to talk. He was diagnosed with carcinoma, but the doctors say they don't know which type of carcinoma.
I gave him to read some things about the researchs on the cell phones-brain tumor, and he was shocked- he said it was described as if it was about him, and he had had these symptoms that are also written in his medical file.
He decided he wants to sue the cellular company (israeli company). We found a lawyer who wants to take it for free, and has already begun to work on the case and a scientist who is ready also to give expression of opinion for free, because we want that it will be a precedent in Israel.
I assume that everyone who cares about the issue of the EMF danger wants a precedent already, somewhere (hopefully Newman). The problem is, this case looks difficult. I read that carcinoma is about the epithel cells, maybe someone has an idea how to strengthen this case, if it can be based. The scientist also says it will be hard, the lawyer thinks the company will do anything to settle it out of court so it won't be a precedent.
Thank you
Help: Antennas already installed
Phone Joan Banfield in Boston. 617-265-5259.
Sprint constructed antennas illegally next to her home. The neighborhood has been suing ever since.
Act fast to bring them down.
Susan in answering a message from Radi Free
Property value surrounding emr lawsuits
This is interesting, especially the property value surrounding emr lawsuits
----- Original Message -----
From: National Innovation Centre
To: Denise Ward
Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2003 7:47 AM
check this out

The battle for the Constitution

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
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