.............From EMF-L........
I think this is highly significant.........guru.........(Thanks Leopoldine!!)
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Decision of Austrian High Court
Date: Tue, 10 Jul 2001 20:58:11 +0200
From: Leopoldine Gaig
To: Roy Beavers
IGEF Internationale Gesellschaft für Elektrosmog-Forschung
(International company for electrosmog-research)
IGEF-expert won case against mobile communications company as per verdict of the High Court of Justice (Federal Court) of Austria.
Mr. Wulf Dietrich Rose, expert in mobile communications, of Kitzbühl, Austria, internationally known for his research works in this field, won his court case for the third time against Max Mobil as per the verdict of the High Austrian Court of Justice (Federal Court) (Az 6 Ob 69/01t; verdict of 26 April 2001).
He proved through his studies and researches that mobile radiation represents serious health risks to the nearby living population like cancer, brain tumours, genetic problems, and disformity of newly borns.
In Germany, Austria and Switzerland, Mr. Rose, IGEF has affected several measurements and specific radiation studies and due to his expertise obtained that already constructed mobile stations in residential areas were dismantled or constructions were simply ostponed. Example: Max Mobil (a daughter company of German Telekom) could not increase the construction program of their intended network system.
The Austrian company Max Mobil filed a demand to the court requesting that Mr. Rose is not only charged to pay an indemnity fine for injurious malpractice but also prohibits him to publish his critical allegations in connection with the harmful dammages on health provoked by mobile radiation emissions. The Court of Second Instance came already to the conclusion that Max Mobile failed to contradict the allegations made by Mr. Rose that the radiations of mobile antennas are dangerous and noxious to the population.
This positive verdict by the High Court of Austria plus the repeated successes of cases looked after by Mr. Rose, proved that his researches and studies offer a solid legal base to request the transfer of already constructed mobile emission stations, or the postponement of same, out of residential areas in Germany, Austria, Switzerland or any other country, even if the indicated norms and guidelines are rigorously respected by the mobile communication companies.
Numerous studies prove that the electromagnetic fields of mobile communications, reduces the activity of the brain (including EEG), disrupts the sleep, changes the time of reaction, increases the possibility of brain haemorrhage, provokes lack of concentration, headaches, fatigue, nausea, loss of memory, reduction of sperm and melatonin, change of DNA, increases blood pressure, cellular perforation, risks of cancer, mainly brain tumour, and influences the good functioning of pace-makers. To continue installing this technology, which is already well known for its health risks, and against the resistance of already ill people, is not only criminal but a real "mafia mentality", comments Mr. Rose.
Very interesting too: The High Court of Austria cited the decision of the International Court for Human Rights in Strassburg in case of Dr. Hertel 1998 and said, national courts have to respect this decision for the future. That means, thanks Dr. Hertel and his fight we are allowed to say and publish what we are thinking without fear to be punished.
Campaign at a glance
Mast Sanity's campaign involved a range of tactics to get their view across, some of which are detailed below.
1. Once you have discovered a mast is going to be put up in your area, find out how the planning application is to be dealt with. Many phone masts are simply given permission as a matter of course by council planning departments.
2. If this is the case, you will need to get your local councillor to "call the application in" to ensure it appears on the council's agenda.
3. Get everyone in the area to write letters of objection to the council's planning department and to individual members of the planning committee. Point out concern over potential health risks and how the mast may affect property prices and quality of life in the area. Everyone should also object to the mobile phone operator.
4. Make lots of noise. Form an action group and make contact with a national campaign such as Mast Sanity. Contact your local newspaper, television and radio.
5. Organise a public meeting and, if possible, get your local MP to attend. Print up flyers detailing the application and decorate the area with posters protesting against the mast, with eye-catching slogans.
6. Get a copy of all the application documents from you local planning office.
7. Try to organise a protest on the day before the council meeting and get local media to attend.
8. Do not despair if the decision goes against you - there are other options. Don't take no for an answer.
9. One option is to apply for a judicial review of the council's decision in the High Court. Without legal aid, this can be very expensive, so speak to a solicitor first. But don't waste too much time; you will only have a few weeks to challenge the council's decision. If you do decide to go ahead with court action, there is usually somebody in the local community who will be eligible for legal aid, so you can bring the case in their name.
10. Even when a mast has been built all is not necessarily lost. It is possible to take the mobile phone operator to County Court under Schedule 2 of the 1984 Telecommunications Act. This is a relatively inexpensive option and has been successful in the past. You will need to prove that your property has been adversely affected by the mast. A third, less tried, method is to appeal to the Secretary of State for local government and planning, who has the final say in planning matters.

Informant: Robert Riedlinger
The stage is set for our defeat; Berkeley, California
Recently I have been rebutting in writing one of the Industry's favorite "experts", whom I've also frequently rebutted in person in debate, with much success. Debate situations can be great for you, provided that you're prepared with a slam-dunk for anything the industry asserts, and ready to take immediate action against the typical procedural violations that your officials may be pressured into committing.
I believe the continuance of your hearing puts you in a stronger, not weaker, position, provided that you keep the heat on throughout the summer and win over your academic community to provide their scientific support (if only behind the scenes) by and during September. Your officials may be waiting for you to give them the power they need to turn Industry down. That power is out there; you just haven't grabbed it yet.
Don't be defeatist. Many communities have won at this stage by playing their best cards consistently, and refraining from playing weak cards. Your community to-date has been much too concessionary to Industry's assertions and arguments. Tighten the belt with get cleaner facts and firmer arguments, and you'll find yourselves in a stronger position.
Susan Clarke
International Movement for the Ban of Manipulation of Human Nervous
System by Technical Means
"In the past the individual could face risks and pressures with preservation of his own identity. His body could be tortured, his thoughts and desires could be challenged by bribes, by emotions, and by public opinion, and his behavior could be influenced by environmental circumstances, but he allways had the privilige of deciding his own fate, of dying for an ideal without changing his mind...New neurological technology, however, has a refined efficiency. The individual is defenseless against dicrect manipulation of the brain..."(Jose Delgado, 1969, neurophysiologist at the Yale University)
"Neuroscience is being increasingly recognized as posing potential threat to human rights" (from the article on the annual public meeting of the French National Bioethics Committee in magazine Nature, volume 391, January 22, 1998)
On January 1999 the European Parliament passed a resolution where it (in paragraph 27) calls "for an international convention introducing a global ban on all developments and deployments of weapons which might enable any form of manipulation of human beings".

Why the movement must be international?
For the simple reason that no state will abandon its mind control technology, fearing that other states will use it against itself, for as long as other states will not abandon it as well. ("Russian army major I. Chernishev, writing in the military journal Orienteer in February 1997, asserted that "psy" weapons are under development all over the globe".
Parameters, pp 38 - 46, U.S. Army War College Quarterly - Spring 1998,
Timothy L. Thomas: The Mind Has No Firewall Against PSI Warfare and Thought Control")
For that matter national organizations for the ban of radiofrequency weapons enabling the control of human nervous functions should be formed all over the globe and cooperate their efforts. We can only encourage you to form one. If you wish to join the international movement for the ban of radiofrequency weapons controling human nervous system just e-mail your name, city where you reside and the state to one of the e-mail addresses above. The list of those who support the ban of those weapons you will find below the references of the following article. You can add your name to the list using the same procedure (we will not publish your street address).

Brain Implants

Informant: Romy
The Extradition, Torture and Electronic Mind Control of U.S. Citizen
John Gregory Lambros, a Native of Minnesota


Government Mind Control

Man-Made Earthquakes?
Vulcan, 04.11.2002 17:19
Several earthquakes in the past week raises the question of telegeodynamics - utilising microwaves to activate volcanoes and EM energy to trigger earthquakes.
Defense Secretary Reveals Earthquake, Volcano Weapons

New 'Strong' Quake Hits South-Central Italy

7.7 Quake Off Indonesia's Sumatra Injures 40

New Quakes In North Pakistan Kill 10, Dozens Hurt

Strong Quake Shakes Northern Japan

108 Earthquakes Over 5.0 In The Last 30 Days

Major Quake - 7.9 - Rocks Remote Alaska

Alaska's 7.9 Quake Felt All The Way To Louisiana

Volcano Erupts In Ecuador

List Of Past Major Quakes To Hit The US

Quake Hits Southern Japan - No Damage Reported

This from New Dawn Magazine back issue from 1999.
A Journal of Alternative News & Information
Real total war has become information war, it is being fought now.

Omega links:
Jose Delgado's "Physical Control of the Mind"

The Hidden Functions of HAARP

Worldwide Disaster News

EMR and human rights abuse
dh, 12.02.2002 23:42
How the secret technology can effect everything from global weather patterns to community orientation and aggression to individual torture. It happened at Greenham - it's happening at Menwith. You thought your mobile and the network might be dangerous? More dangerous than the atomic bomb.

More bad news
Cordless battery charger that works by emitting many watts of HF emr.

Every home should have one (or two) no doubt Not!
Third-Party Links

Stop Religious Discrimination

Kerry Says Bush Misled Americans on War

Ex-CIA Chief: Bush Stretched Facts on Iraq

Special forces 'prepare for Iran attack'


Informant: Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space
Empire of Lies

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
What Did He Know and When Did He Know It?

Informant: Wpdanny