by christophe callewaert
Friday June 20, 2003 at 01:05 AM

[article translated from Dutch to French, to English]
Last Wednesday, Greek Prime Minister Kostas Simitis arrived at Thessaloniki, whence he will preside over the gated summit of the European Union. Upon his arrival, he announced two key points, which will be the order of the day at the summit: the new European constitution, and the reinforcement of anti-immigration policy.
With respect to the second objective, it is difficult to see how this is even possible, given that Europe is already surrounded by a wall many metres high. Tens of refugees die at the borders of the European continent every year. The 70 refugees found on a boat on Tuesday off the coast of Italy are perhaps all dead (full story). Meanwhile, in Belgium, we know of the striking cases of Sémira, Yaguine, and Fodé, which are certainly not isolated cases.
Yet for the right wing government of the European Union, this is not enough; a number of shocking proposals have been made recently. The Italian minister Umberto Bossi’s proposal to use canons against boats of refugees has not been taken seriously. However, the British government’s proposal to return refugees to the place whence they have fled will be examined at Thessoliniki. Concretely, this indicates that Blair & co want to create border camps at the borders between Europe and the Third World.
According to the British newspaper, The Observer, plans are already underway for a refugee camp to be established, in secret, near the Croatian capital, Zagreb. Refugees arriving in Great Britain from the former Eastern block countries will immediately be deported to this camp, whence they will await the verdict on their status as asylum seekers. The Observer reports that Blair has already written to Simitris about establishing regional networks of transit centres, and of procedures that would create a buffer between Europe and asylum seekers.
Blair's proposal is on the agenda for the opening meetings, which will take place at 7:00 p.m on Thursday. Simultaneously, we will protest on the streets of Thessaloniki for the rights of migrants and refugees.
[EU Summit Thessaloniki] Kanonnen tegen vluchtelingen of een bufferzone rond Europa?
FR: Des canons contre les réfugiés et une zone tampon autour de l'Europe ?(full story)