Ivancsits S, Diem E, Jahn O, Rudiger HW.
Division of Occupational Medicine, University Hospital/AKH, Waehringer Guertel 18-20, 1090, Vienna, Austria.
OBJECTIVES. Epidemiological studies have reported an association between exposure to extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields (ELF-EMFs) and increased risk of cancerous diseases, albeit without dose-effect relationships. The validity of such findings can be corroborated only by demonstration of dose-dependent DNA-damaging effects of ELF-EMFs in cells of human origin in vitro.
METHODS. Cultured human diploid fibroblasts were exposed to intermittent ELF electromagnetic fields. DNA damage was determined by alkaline and neutral comet assay.
RESULTS. ELF-EMF exposure (50 Hz, sinusoidal, 1-24 h, 20-1,000 MicroTesla, 5 min on/10 min off) induced dose-dependent and time-dependent DNA single-strand and double-strand breaks. Effects occurred at a magnetic flux density as low as 35 MicroTesla being well below proposed International Commission of Non-Ionising Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) guidelines. After termination of exposure the induced comet tail factors returned to normal within 9 h.
CONCLUSION. The induced DNA damage is not based on thermal effects and arouses concern about environmental threshold limit values for ELF
Int Arch Occup Environ Health. 2003 Jun 12 in print

Evaluation of rat thyroid gland morphophysiological status after three months exposure to 50 Hz electromagnetic field.
Rajkovic V, Matavulj M, Gledic D, Lazetic B.
Department of Histology and Embryology, Institute of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, University of Novi Sad, Trg Dositeja Obradovica 2, 21000, Novi
Sad, Yugoslavia
Objective of our study was to use morphophysiological criteria in order to determine the sensitivity of male rat thyroid gland to an extremely low frequency electromagnetic field (ELF-EMF) influence and the ability of the gland to repair after period of exposure.
Animals were exposed to 50Hz, 50-500 MicroTesla ELF-EMF for 3 months when a part of them (group I) were sacrificed, while the rest of animals were subjected to recovery evaluation of the gland and sacrificed after 1 (group II), 2 (group III) and 3 (group IV) weeks. Histological and stereological analyses were performed on paraffin and semifine thyroid gland sections. Serum T3 and T4 were also determined.
Histological and stereological analyses showed that the volume density of follicular epithelium and thyroid activation index decreased, while the volume density of colloid and capillary network increased in group I, II and III. The values of all these parameters in group IV were similar to corresponding controls. Serum T3 and T4 concentrations were significantly lower in all exposed animals, except in group I.
Results of this study demonstrate that after significant morphophysiological changes caused by ELF-EMF exposure thyroid gland recovered morphologically, but not physiologically, during the investigated repair period.
Tissue Cell. 2003 Jun;35(3):223-231.

Childhood Leukemia: Electric and Magnetic Fields as Possible Risk Factors
Brain JD, Kavet R, McCormick DL, Poole C, Silverman LB, Smith TJ, Valberg PA, Van Etten RA, Weaver JC.
Department of Environmental Health, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
Numerous epidemiologic studies have reported associations between measures of power-line electric or magnetic fields (EMFs) and childhood leukemia.
The basis for such associations remains unexplained. In children, acute lymphoblastic leukemia represents approximately three-quarters of all U.S. leukemia types.
Some risk factors for childhood leukemia have been established, and others are suspected. Pathogenesis, as investigated in animal models, is consistent with the multistep model of acute leukemia development. Studies of carcinogenicity in animals, however, are overwhelmingly negative and do not support the hypothesis that EMF exposure is a significant risk factor for hematopoietic neoplasia.
We may fail to observe effects from EMFs because, from a mechanistic perspective, the effects of EMFs on biology are very weak. Cells and organs function despite many sources of chemical "noise" (e.g., stochastic, temperature, concentration, mechanical, and electrical noise), which exceed the induced EMF "signal" by a large factor.
However, the inability to detect EMF effects in bioassay systems may be caused by the choice made for "EMF exposure." "Contact currents" or "contact voltages" have been proposed as a novel exposure metric, because their magnitude is related to measured power-line magnetic fields. A contact current occurs when a person touches two conductive surfaces at different voltages. Modeled analyses support contact currents as a
plausible metric because of correlations with residential magnetic fields and opportunity for exposure.
The possible role of contact currents as an explanatory variable in the reported associations between EMFs and childhood leukemia will need to be clarified by further measurements, biophysical analyses, bioassay studies, and epidemiology.
Environ Health Perspect. 2003 Jun;111(7):962-970.

Informant: Reinhard Rueckemann
Please look at this text on the mechanisms of the EMF (too many scientists 'officials' say still " there are no explanations "!)

Here is the abstract :
EMF and Stress proteins (Hsp) or Heat shock proteins
Richard GAUTIER (Dr en pharmacie), Roger SANTINI (Dr es sciences)

Increase of synthesis of Hsp by the electromagnetic fields (EMF) generally or by the radio frequencies of the mobile telephony in particular was widely demonstrated. By studying works relative to the cellular biochemistry we realizes that these mechanisms are known (activation of the way of the MAP Kinase and Hsp, deregulation of the protein synthesis, apoptose pathway) and consequences in sanitary terms established, whether it is in term of resistance in anti-cancerous treatments, of confusions of the intellectual activity, infringement of the BHE, the deficit of the immunity, the development of cancer.
Informant: Dr Richard Gautier
Court Cases
From: Robert Riedlinger
To: Imelda O'Connor
Date: Tue, 17 Jun 2003 08:57:13 -0700
...........From EMF-L...........
I am sending this to everyone -- though I realize that perhaps only about 10% of you will actually make use of it...... Please forgive me. I never know which 10% it will be......
This document is an excellent example of two things:
1.) The legal document, itself. Which many of you have never seen, I'm sure. You will see here the kind of information that must go into the Complaint to file such a court case.
2.) But more than that. From the perspective of the whole of society -- this document graphically portrays the terrible predicament our society is allowing itself to get into ... **as the electromagnetic BLUE WORLD is being allowed to expand totally unmanaged (unregulated) into our home and work neighborhoods......**
The onslaught of this RF/MW (and power line ELF) electromagnetic explosion is happening NOW!!!!!
If we (society -- our governments) are unwilling to grapple with the health hazards and property value damages it is presenting, our courts will soon be swamped with cases like the following.......
Send this to your congressman/woman. They will understand...... They may RUN from it....... They may rush to the telecom and power companies to get more $$$$$$$ for their campaign chest.......
Roy Beavers
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: hicks doc]
Date: Mon, 6 Aug 2001 21:19:37 -0500
From: Bill Hicks
To: Roy Beavers
Roy: I am glad you have the complaint now. Yes, please circulate it to the whole list and anyone whom it might help. Sorry it took so long. Thanks
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: hicks doc
Date: Mon, 06 Aug 2001 13:27:45 -0700
v.Cause No. 71C01-0107-CP-
Defendants.   )
Plaintiffs William Hicks, Bonnie Hicks, Brett Onnink, Leslee Onnink, Peggy Barber, Paul Barber and LouAnn Pennington for their complaint allege as follows:
Jurisdiction and Parties
1. Plaintiffs William Hicks and Bonnie Hicks own and reside at 55685 Clover Road, Mishawaka, IN within the County of St. Joseph, State of Indiana.
2. Plaintiffs Brett Onnink and Leslee Onnink own and reside at 3112 Mishawaka Avenue, South Bend, IN within the County of St. Joseph, State of Indiana.
3. Plaintiffs Paul Barber and Peggy Barber own and reside at 352 Weber Street, Roseland, IN within the County of St. Joseph, State of Indiana.
4. Plaintiff LouAnn Pennington owns and resides at 55650 Clover Road, Mishawaka, IN within the County of St. Joseph, State of Indiana.
5. Defendants Charles S. Hayes and Jacqueline L. Horvath are each individuals resident in the County of St. Joseph, State of Indiana. Such defendants are either the agents of defendants Charles S. Hayes, Inc. and Horvath Communications, Inc. and are personally responsible for the nuisances alleged hereafter as such, or they are principals of such corporations, the corporations themselves merely shells through which such defendants operate their business of constructing, owning and operating cellular telephone towers throughout St. Joseph County.
6. Defendants Charles S. Hayes, Inc. and Horvath Communications, Inc. are each a corporation established pursuant to the laws of the State of Indiana with its principal place of business in St. Joseph County.
Facts: Defendants and Plaintiffs
7. Defendants own, operate and maintain cellular telephone towers, scattered across St. Joseph County, many in close proximity to residential property, schools and other places of human congregation; each are equipped with a number of antennae each of which emit microwave electromagnetic radiation.
8. The homes of plaintiffs William Hicks and Bonnie Hicks and Lou Ann Pennington are located within 700 feet of the defendants, 235 foot high cellular telephone tower at 2010 Mick Court, Mishawaka.
9. Plaintiffs Brett Onnink and Leslee Onninks, property abuts the defendants, 187 foot high cellular telephone tower which is located at 3108 Mishawaka Avenue, South Bend; in fact defendants, installation encroaches on the Onninks, property.
10. Plaintiffs Paul Barber and Peggy Barbers, property is located within 100 feet of the defendants, 199 foot high cellular telephone tower, which has as its address 436 McComb, Roseland.
11. William Hicks and Bonnie Hicks have one child, Cody, who is 3 years of age.
12. Brett Onnink and Leslee Onnink have two children, Marshall, 4 and Reid, 3.
13. Paul Barber and Peggy Barber have one child Kimberly, aged 6.
14. Lou Ann Pennington has one child living with her, Kris, a college student, aged 20.
Facts: Nature and Impact of Cellular Telephone Towers
15. Growing numbers and varieties of scientific studies of microwaves emitted from cellular telephone base stations, or towers, have reported disturbing health effects in areas relatively close to such towers.
16. For example a study of generations of laboratory mice placed near microwave towers in the vicinity of Thessalonika, Greece, show increasing levels of sterility, until, by only the fourth generation, the mice subject to the study had shown complete sterility.
17. Other research has demonstrated a variety of adverse health developments associated with microwave towers, including weakened immune systems, tumors, neurological disorders, learning and memory problems, sleep disturbances, headaches and even skin rashes.
18. The variety of symptoms just recited likely is explained by the fact that microwave radiation in the vicinity of such towers interfere in a way similar to cell phone interference with landing commercial aircraft: they conflict with, or resonate with (or against), the essentially electrical process of human cells. As to landing aircraft, cell phones are ordered turned off; no such order exists for humans living under microwave base stations.
19. Scientific studies are already showing some disturbing incidences of pre-cancerous cell breakdown as a result of microwave impact; in fact scientists have observed changes associated with microwave radiation in DNA, the very fabric of life.
20. Exhibit A attached hereto is a listing of studies only through 1997 reflecting microwave effects on human and animal tissue.
21. The foregoing scientific developments are, by process of publication and growing citizen and political debate, becoming well known, with the result that the publics concern about living, or even attending school or working for substantial periods of time in the near vicinity of microwave base stations, is and has been growing at an increasing rate.
22. That growing concern includes a developing realization among many that any single or microwave tower may carry a multitude of antennae, each of which emits its own pattern of microwaves on its own set of wave lengths, with the result that a single tower can emit several different patterns of relatively intense signals, or lobes of such signals, some of which may change on a daily basis, to homes, schools and businesses within hundreds of feet of the tower. Count I:Â Reduction in Property Value Due to Defendants Towers as Nuisances (Onninks)
23. Brett and Leslee Onnink purchased their home at 3112 Mishawaka Avenue on December 6, 1996.
24. The Onninks purchased their home long before defendants constructed their 187 foot high tower, immediately next door, indeed such that the defendants; installation encroaches on the Onninks, property -- in an area of dense population, a characteristic of many of the defendants, towers situated in urbanized parts of St. Joseph County.
25. The defendants, tower carries several antennae, the total number, manufacturer, owner or operator and purpose of each of which is unknown.
26. Subject to discovery, the number and size of such antennae may be physically too great in terms of weight and surface dimension for the tower safely to bear.
27. The towers emissions interfere with and in some cases make impossible the operation of the Onninks, electrical appliances and other electrical products, including but not limited to garage door opener, radio, television, VCR, cordless phones and the childrens, baby monitors.
28. The towers regular operation produces a constant drone of noise which necessarily affects, and reduces, the Onninks, quiet enjoyment of their home.
29. Because, in the Onninks, case, the tower is so close to their home, when the defendants have the tower serviced or modified, the Onninks have been asked, in the interest of their safety from debris falling from the tower, to leave their own home; the noise created by the defendants servicing the tower has also injured the enjoyment of their home; furthermore, service trucks block or interfere with ingress to and egress from their property.
30. In addition, in the Onninks, case, they are required, on a regular basis, to remove from their property debris fallen from the tower including cable ties, plastic bags, hats, bolts, cigarettes, electrical tape as well as a multitude of dead birds.
31. Because the tower attracts birds and because the tower is only 20 feet away, the Onninks, home and yard are constantly barraged by bird droppings.
32. In addition to the foregoing, the very existence of a 187 foot microwave tower next to their home has caused a substantial and irremediable reduction in the value of the Onninks, home due to the following characteristics, characteristics shared by any such tower sited within close proximity to homes, schools and businesses: (a) the publics growing concern that sustained microwave radiation, even at allegedly low levels of intensity, may cause serious short term and long term harmful health effects; (b) the towers negative impact on the appearance of the neighborhood.
33. The foregoing reduction in property value has forced plaintiffs to discontinue plans to improve or add to their home.
34. All of the foregoing, individually or in combination, constitute a nuisance which has seriously and permanently reduced the value of the plaintiffs real property.
Count II: Reduction in Property Value Due to Defendants Towers as Nuisances (Hicks)
35. Paragraphs 1 to 22, 25, 33 and 34 are incorporated.
36. William and Bonnie Hicks purchased their property at 55685 Clover Road in 1990 and built a home and moved in in July 1993, long before defendants constructed their 235 foot high tower within 700 feet of the Hicks home.
37. The towers emissions interfere with and in some cases make impossible the operation of the Hicks electrical appliances and other electrical products, including but not limited to their telephone, television, garage door opener, radio controlled cars and other toys and their baby monitor.
38. The towers existence within 700 feet of the Hicks property has caused a substantial and irremediable reduction in the value of the Hicks home due to its following characteristics: (a) the publics growing concern that sustained microwave radiation, even at allegedly low levels, may cause serious short term and long term harmful health effects; (b) the towers negative impact on the appearance of the neighborhood.
Count III: Reduction in Property Value Due to Defendants Towers as Nuisances (Barber)
39. Paragraphs 1 to 22, 25, 33 and 34 are incorporated.
40. Paul and Peggy Barber purchased their home at 352 Weber Street in Roseland in November 1990, long before defendants constructed their 199 foot high tower within 100 feet of the Barbers' home.
41. The towers emissions interfere with and in some cases make impossible the operation of the Barbers' electrical appliances and other electrical products, including but not limited to telephones, VCR and television.
42. The towers existence within 100 feet of the Barbers' property has caused a substantial and irremediable reduction in the value of the Barbers' home due to its following characteristics: (a) the publics growing concern that sustained microwave radiation, even at allegedly low levels, may cause serious short term and long term harmful health effects; (b) the towers negative impact on the appearance of the neighborhood.
Count IV: Reduction in Property Value Due to Defendants Towers as Nuisances (Pennington)
43. Paragraphs 1 to 22, 25 and 34 are incorporated.
44. LouAnn Pennington purchased her home at 55650 Clover Road in September 1990, long before defendants constructed their 235 foot high tower within 700 feet of her home.
45. The towers emissions interfere with and in some cases make impossible the operation of the Ms. Penningtons electrical appliances and other electrical products, including but not limited to telephone, television and VCR.
46. The towers existence within 700 feet of Ms. Penningtons property has caused a substantial and irremediable reduction in the value of her home due to its following characteristics: (a) the publics growing concern that sustained microwave radiation, even at allegedly low levels, may cause serious short term and long term harmful health effects; (b) the towers negative impact on the appearance of the neighborhood.
Count V: Personal Injury Due to Nuisance (Hicks)
47. Paragraphs 1 to 22, 25, 33, 34 and 36 to 38 are incorporated.
48. The defendants' tower at 2010 Mick Court, Mishawaka, emits microwaves in patterns, wave lengths and from antennae owned or operated by various third parties, all of which is unknown to plaintiffs.
49. On information and belief, the foregoing emissions of microwaves have resulted, since the defendants' tower began operating, in the plaintiffs Hicks experiencing and suffering the following effects:
- heart palpitations
- loss of peripheral vision
- interference with hearing
- recurring headaches including migraine headaches
- short term memory loss
- repeated sleep disturbance
50. In addition to the foregoing observable symptoms, plaintiffs live in fear of sub- cellular breakdown or change and advanced cellular aging, another effect of microwave radiation reported in scientific literature.
51. The foregoing effects have imposed on plaintiffs medical expenses as well as substantial mental distress including adverse effects on the plaintiffs intra-family relations.
Count VI: Personal Injury Due to Nuisance (Onnink)
52. Paragraphs 1 to 34, 50 and 51 are incorporated.
53. The defendants' tower at 3108 Mishawaka Avenue, South Bend, IN emits microwaves in patterns, wave lengths and from antennae owned or operated by various third parties, all of which is unknown to plaintiffs.
54. On information and belief, the foregoing emissions of microwaves have resulted, since the defendants' tower began operating, in the plaintiffs Onninks experiencing and suffering the following effects:
- multiple tumors
- loss of peripheral vision
- weakened immune system
- recurring headaches and migraines
- repeated sleep disturbances
- glandular problems
- short term memory loss
- allergies
- chronic fatigue
Count VII: Personal Injury Due to Nuisance (Barber)
55. Paragraphs 1 to 22, 25, 33, 34, 40 to 42, 50 and 51 are incorporated.
56. The defendants' tower in the vicinity of 436 McComb, Roseland, IN emits microwaves in patterns, wave lengths and from antennae owned or operated by various third parties, all of which is unknown to plaintiffs.
57. On information and belief, the foregoing emissions of microwaves have resulted, since the defendants' tower began operating, in the plaintiffs Barbers experiencing and suffering the following effects:
- loss of peripheral vision
- interference with hearing
- recurring headaches
- weakened immune system
- short term memory loss
- repeated sleep disturbance
- learning capacity diminished
- chronic fatigue
- heart palpitations
- miscarriage
Count VIII: Personal Injury Due to Nuisance (Pennington)
58. Paragraphs 1 to 22, 25, 34, 44 to 46 and 50 are incorporated.
59. The defendants' tower at 2010 Mick Court, Mishawaka, IN emits microwaves in patterns, wave lengths and from antennae owned or operated by various third parties, all of which is unknown to plaintiffs.
60. On information and belief, the foregoing emissions of microwaves have resulted, since the defendants' tower began operating, in the plaintiff Pennington experiencing and suffering the following effects:
- recurring headaches
- repeated sleep disturbance
- weakened immune system
- chronic fatigue
61. The foregoing effects have imposed on plaintiff medical expenses as well as substantial mental distress.
Count IX: Injunctive Relief (Hicks and Pennington)
62. Paragraphs 1 to 22, 25, 33, 34, 36 to 38, 44 to 46, 48 to 51, 60 and 61 are incorporated.
63. Monetary damages are inadequate to remedy the plaintiffs physical, mental and proprietary injuries.
64. Because emissions from defendants' towers are invasive, chronic and seriously deleterious as alleged above, plaintiffs are entitled to injunctive relief that will prohibit the defendants from imposing on plaintiffs a level of microwave radiation greater than the background level of microwave radiation in the South Bend-Mishawaka region.
Count X: Injunctive Relief (Barber)
65. Paragraphs 1 to 22, 25, 33, 34, 40 to 42, 50, 51, 56, 57, 63 and 64 are incorporated.
Count XI: Injunctive Relief (Onnink)
66. Paragraphs 1 to 34, 50, 51, 53, 54 and 63 are incorporated.
67. Because defendants' tower installation physically intrudes on plaintiffs property, is a clear and present danger to plaintiffs physical well-being as well as, due to the microwaves it emits, an invasive and chronic source of physical illness as well as substantial mental distress, plaintiffs are entitled to an injunction prohibiting defendants' continued operation of the tower as a source of microwave emissions and mandating removal of such tower.
WHEREFORE, plaintiffs pray for judgment as follows:
1. On Counts I through IV, for damages sufficient to compensate plaintiffs for loss of the value of their real property.
2. On Counts V through VIII for damages according to proof.
3. On Counts IX and X for injunctive relief sufficient to shield plaintiffs from microwave radiation greater than background radiation in the South Bend-Mishawaka region by means short of termination of all emissions from such towers if technically and physically feasible, but if not, termination of all emissions from such tower.
4. On Count XI for removal of the tower adjacent to the Onninks' home or, in the alternative, injunctive relief sufficient to shield plaintiffs from microwave radiation greater than background radiation in the South Bend-Mishawaka region by means short of termination of all emissions from such towers if technically and physically feasible, but if not, termination of all emissions from such tower.
5. For plaintiffs cost of suit incurred herein.
6. For such other relief as the Court deems just.
Pursuant to Trial Rule 38 plaintiffs request Counts I through VIII be tried to a jury.
Respectfully submitted,
John C. Hamilton (7416-71)
Wayne Place, Suite 200
103 West Wayne Street
South Bend, IN 46601
(219) 289-9987
Facsimile (219) 289-8138
Attorneys for Plaintiffs
Informant: Imelda O'Connor message from Robert Riedlinger
New organization forms
The EMR Policy Institute Forms
Janet Newton has resigned as president of The EMR Network in order to form a new organization called The EMR Policy Institute. The Institute will focus its efforts on addressing U.S. federal policy for environmental exposures to non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation (EMR).
Such exposures are increasing daily given the buildout of broadcast, radar, mobile phone and personal wireless technologies. Science, legal, and environmental advisory boards are currently being formed for the new organization.
Having worked with The EMR Network since its founding, Ms. Newton hopes that organization will continue through its public education work to bring awareness of the potential safety issues regarding low-level radiofrequency (RF) exposures such as the inappropriate placement of broadcast and mobile phone towers too close to the population.
The new organization will be structured in Vermont where Ms. Newton lives, with the advisory boards published at a later time. "We're still in the formation stage but some top technical people have already signed on because experts from the science community in particular recognize that this problem will only increase as wireless technologies continue to burgeon," said Ms. Newton.
"There's no end in sight, especially with wireless computer networks going into indoor environments like schools, offices, and businesses such as McDonalds and Starbucks. Along with ubiquitous service, we are creating ubiquitous exposures for the first time in history. No one really understands the implications of this. It could be a serious public health problem. It certainly requires closer scrutiny and many people in the science community know that. The new organizatio will concentrate on keeping these questions before federal agencies and the Congress."
For additional information, Ms. Newton may be reached at: (802)426-3035. A web site is under construction at: www.emrpolicy.org

Janet Newton
The EMR Policy Institute, P.O. Box 117, Marshfield VT 05658
Tel: (802) 426-3035 FAX: (802) 426-3030
Web Site: www.emrpolicy.org
Pesticides And Polio

An Interview with Noam Chomsky by David Barsamian

Informant: Don Maisch
Dynamic Genomics

General Clark: White House "Hyped" Iraq War

Former UK Foreign Secretary Blasts Blair

The War Built on a Lie

Secret war pact, claims Short

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp