A busy week of workshops, gigs and actions around the issue of climate change has been taking place in Nottingham. Under the banner of 'Spring into Action' events took place in venues across the city. It showcased practical solutions to climate change. From workshops on bike maintenance, local food production, community compost projects and strawbale building to concerts and performances, it has been an action packed week. It will also acted as a showcase for existing projects in Nottingham including Country Parks, allotment projects and the Attenborough Nature Reserve. A lot of the events took place at the recently occupied former lace factory, also known as the J.B. Spray factory, which is located on Russell Street, Radford.
Links: Spring Into Action website | View programme
Photos: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 |
Audio: Concerned about Climate Change? Spring Into Action Now! - an audio piece
From the newswire: Nottingham Plane Stupid group formed | The Sprouting Activist - an interview | Foraging and Guerilla Gardening at Spring Into Action | Getting your message out there - workshop report back | Magical mystery tour | ‘Spring into Action’ targets Nottingham's climate criminals | Spring Into Action - Printable Programme | Spring Into Action Central Venue Announcement | Spring Into Action! | Spring into Action Workshop venues now online | Spring into Action - Critical Mass | Spring into Action programme now online | Climate Change Bill - they’re havin a laugh! | It's Hotting Up
Background: Indymedia Climate Chaos page | Veggies climate change page | Climate Change Denial (explores the psychology behind it) | How to Talk to a Global Warming Sceptic | RealClimate (climate science from climate scientists)
'Spring into Action' has been organised by Eastside Climate Action, a group made up of local people and groups inspired by the Camp for Climate Action. The week is all about inspiring, educating and empowering people to start making changes in their own lives and demonstrating practical alternatives, local projects and local campaigns in action. 'It is about changing our lifestyles, but also inspiring collective action to create the wider social change that is needed to deal with climate change. Climate change is the greatest threat humanity has ever faced, and we are already feeling its effects. Change is coming whether we like it or not. We need to make these changes sustainable and equitable.'