A 'free space' has been made available and is being prepared for use. There will be many workshops here and at the other locations around town.
A 'free space' has been made available and is being prepared for use. There will be many workshops here and at the other locations around town.
So, if you have time, they still need a hand in setup. It's a big warehouse space at:
the Spray Building
Russell Street,

This is the 'full' Programme of Events, with dates, time, locations ..... and everything [cheers dave]

ps. cheers for the loan of the camera, after mine's buggered up. You know who you are :-)
nice pics tash!
04.04.2007 22:09
lovely pictures
12.04.2007 17:51
thanks for this record of the week. the factory is an amazing place and i hope it gets used more for something as good, and that it doesn't get left to rot!
i'm so happy to have been involved into spring into action! i'll never forget it. this is only the beginning though....
well done to all who put so much into making this happen (you know who you are) and to everyone else who put in a bit, which adds up to alot!
forest lady