On Friday 6th April, Nottingham's Critical Mass Bike Ride started from a NEW Meeting Point in the Market Square. This ride was an extra one! Normally, it is the last friday of every month. This event was added as part of the 'Spring into Action' programme [see below].
Critical Mass is a monthly bike ride to celebrate cycling and to assert cyclists' right to the road. With no set routes and no leaders, it's simply a bunch of people enjoying clean healthy transport.
Check out the website at

Also, there is a discussion group at

In addition to all of the worthwhile issues that Critical Mass highlights, it's a great way to meet people and perhaps do a bit of networking to promote other campaigns.
So why start from the Market Square? Well Critical Mass should appeal to anyone that rides a bike so it should start from the most central location for everyone's benefit.
Plus, practically every other Critical Mass around the globe starts from a central, well-known location which makes it easy to remember and easy to find.
The previous meeting point at the Savoy, Derby Road location was chosen with a view to engaging more students from the Uni to be invovled. But over time, this hasn't really proved to be the case. Further, with the Texaco filing station now turned into a demolition site with much of the pavement area coned off, there is not a lot of room, should more cyclists come. Also, you had to know it was there, either by word of mouth or advertising. I don't think we were joined by many passers-by.
It's never more than a couple of hours. Bring bright clothing, lights, horns, bells, NOISE and FRIENDS.
As usual, I've tried to take a set of pictures that show critical mass to be an empowering experience. Hopefully fun to be at. A celebration of the alternatives to the existing 'car culture'.
The next one is Friday 27th April from Market Square, Nottingham (Last Friday of every month). Gather at 5.30pm to depart at 5.45pm.
See you there ..........
Nottingham Critical Mass 2005-7

Slide Shows
CM Feb 2006

CM 2005-2006

ASBO welcomed by community! [bike workshop]

Construction of the 'multi-person thingy'

Design & building the multi-person powered thingy - Nottm's Rinky-Dink Phase 2

Yet another thinggy is made: Pictures

Making flags and decor for Nottingham's Critical Mass Bike About

All bikes are go ! Nottingham Indymedia feature

Bicycology biketour pedals onwards : Nottingham Pix

Critical Mass Links to stuff about it all

Thu 5th - Wed 11th Apr, Spring into Action - A week of workshops, events, music and action on climate change happening at different venues across Nottingham. It is expected that within this period, there will be some workdays, were you will be able to turn up,and get involved in helping build the project
Spring Into Action - A week of events on Climate Change, happening in Nottingham Thursday 5th - Wednesday 11th April 2007
This is the 'full' Programme of Events, with dates, time, locations ..... and everything

Please check Nottinghamshire Indymedia on the 'Events' column [left hard side] for details of what when, how and where, nearer the time.
A week of workshops, events, music and action on climate change happening at different venues across Nottingham.
Climate change is real and its happening now. Governments and corporations dream of continued economic growth - economic growth can't solve this crisis, but we can. A massive and concerted effort is needed on the scale of 'Dig for Victory' or the 'Home Front': A war on climate change.
We can't continue our current way of life - the oil on which it all depends is running out too fast. A shift to a locally based economy will have to happen, with food and energy being produced by the people that use it. The only question is when? We could start now, or we could wait for a future of war, famine, hurricanes, droughts and floods. We need to gain the courage and change fast enough to cultivate a new world, before it's too late.
'Spring into Action' is part of an emerging grassroots movement against climate change. Born out of the Camp for Climate Action (www.climatecamp.org.uk), 'Spring into Action'
unites people across the east of England into making changes in our own lives, creating small scale solutions in our communities and resisting those who still seek their own
short term gain over a safe future for us all.
So get involved, come join a workshop or run one yourself, come and help organise the change that you want to experience in our world.
See also:

Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham. UK


Member of the National Union of Journalists [No: 014345]
"It is not enough to curse the darkness.
It is also necessary to light a lamp!!"
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