London Indymedia

London Technology Newswire Archive

02-04-2006 12:47

Lydd Airport (Romney Marsh,Kent) Launches public meetings blitz

The owener of Lydd Airport on tranquil Romney Marsh, Kent are to lauch a series of high-profile public meetings to 'explain' their expansion plans. They want to extend the runway and have twin engine jets on short haul flights & up to 2 mill pax per year... All right next door to 2 nuke stations !! Read more >>

30-03-2006 22:36

Indymedia London Open Meetings

This is an open invitation to participate in Indymedia London in whatever aspect you think you could help out.


28-03-2006 15:14

A tall story

Cycling the wrong way down Brick Lane in East London today, I happened to notice a couple of bikes flying flags, chain to a lamp post. The bikes were rather unusual, double height custom jobs and the flags contained a URL for which I guessed meant I'd come across some people on a bike tour. I started to write a note to leave on the bikes inviting them to the 12th anniversary London critical mass bike ride at the end of next month but the cyclists returned so I got to have a chat... Read more >>

21-03-2006 17:31 | 2 additions

Join the digital resitance

the png - to print and distribute
You might have noticed the indymedia call out for more people to get actively involved in tech work. [ |]. This saturday there will be a good opportunity to meet up with some of the people involved in Indymedia and find out about some of the ways (both technical and non-technical), you could help out. It's also a fine chance to find out about the hacklab and support the digital resistance... Read more >>

17-03-2006 15:50 | 2 additions

Indymedia needs YOU

The global indymedia network is the work of hundreds of volunteers on many different levels, from the people who read the articles are speak to other people about what they read, the reporters who post their photos, video or first hand accounts, to the admins who check posts for breech of open posting guidelines, and the techies maintain the servers and develop the software.... Read more >>

17-03-2006 04:40 | 4 additions

Server troubles for indymedia

The last two weeks have seen multiple server troubles for Indymedia, this time however it's not been the FBI trying to throw a spanner in the works... Read more >>

17-03-2006 02:45

hacklab report

For years, months, days, we networks and communities of individuals have been exchanging knowledge, designing worlds, experimenting with gizmos and devices. We are the expression of a thousand thoughts, we are migrants across the City and the Net; we are searching for a place where our commonalities and practices can open up space-time discontinuities.

We want to hack reality, and we need a lab to reassemble its basic elements. In a metropolis scared by unreal securities and too real fears, we yearn to give birth to a site of full of imageries made flesh, of bytes resurrecting metal. Our collective mind is replete with digital/analog technology, info-communication, knowledge-sharing, meme-spreading, participation-catalysis, and much much more.

The four cardinal points are no longer sufficient coordinates. As Mars is closer to Earth than ever in history, there is no better time for a new reticular constellation, for a new geometry of relations that can freely recompile low-entropy bioware, stunning and getting stunned by vivid special effects and lively affects.

Reload, Hacklab Milano, Sept 14 2003


15-03-2006 09:47

Nuclear Power to be questioned in a Peak Oil context at Imperial College, London

An event looking at Nuclear Power in a context of declining global oil supplies will take place at Imperial College, London on Tuesday March 21st starting at 6.30pm.

25-02-2006 19:35 | 1 addition

Computer sale for activists and community groups this weekend 25-26 Feb

Due to Lambeth council evicting local business's Communitty Technology are having to downsize their recycled stock.
"We're outta here" COMPUTER-TAT Sale.
10.30am-6pm 25th and 26th Feb 2006
Angela Davis Estate, Somerleyton Road, SW9 8ND
(7 minute walk from Brixton tube)

25-01-2006 17:30

Bluetooth bytes into popcorn with free films at rampART this thursday

Media activists are playing with new technology hoping to expand the ways that radical media is made available... Read more >>

16-01-2006 14:32

Union pushes for urgent energy reform

In a move which the more cynical might think was consciously timed to follow and support Blairs nuclear inspired visit to Nottingham yesterday, one of the countries biggest unions today warned that the country faced black-outs and job losses if urgent action isn't taken to address the coming energy crisis. However, rather than demand immediate investiment in renewable energy, they say Britain must build more nuclear power station... just what Blair want too. Read more >>

14-01-2006 15:10

Blair hypocrisy over nukiller power

On his whistle stop visit to Nottingham today, Blair is moving forward in paving the way for new nuclear power station in the UK. He is acutely aware that the UK is in a dire position with it's coal industry dismantled and it's north sea oil and gas reserves in decline having been exported for a quick buck around the world. Now, the choice is to either invest big time in tried and tested renewables such as wind and solar, along with developing tidal and energy conservation technologies... or just bung up another few dozen nuclear power stations and leave the problems to future generations.

Meanwhile, Iran is seeking to establish it's own nuclear power plants and Blair is joining Bush in nashing their teeth and threatening some kind of action to stop them obtaining the technology.

Blair would like us to think it's about stopping Iran getting the technology that could led them to obtain nuclear weapons. Perhaps that is Irans goal, although today the Irans president yesterday stated that they don't need nuclear weapons, he said only countries that see force as an answer to any problem require such weapons, I wonder who he might be talking about...

13-01-2006 17:27

Sramble over oil sands begins?

Most analysts agree that once we pass the half-way point in the world’s oil reserves, production will begin to drop off as the remaining reserves are more difficult to extract. Some believe that point will come in the next 12 months, others think we have 10 years or more left. But either way, we need to prepare now by reducing our dependency on this finite resource.Oil and gas supply 85% of the energy used in the UK. By comparison, nuclear supplies 4% and renewables 1%. Can nuclear be expanded by a factor of 20, or renewables by a factor of 85? Will coal fill the gap, and at what cost to global warming? Do we have enough coal left to expand its use 12 times over?

We rely on energy to produce, process and transport food. As energy becomes more expensive, will our food system revert to local production and organic methods? Can the world continue to feed 7 billion people at all without cheap energy? What steps should we be taking right now to avert future hunger?

Does the end of cheap oil herald the end of globalisation? Is the notion of continual economic growth consistent with a shrinking energy supply? Some observers predict a recession of 1930s proportions, but lasting much longer. Others believe the economic system could be reinvented along sustainable lines.

The article below is just one news story out of many that illustrate the scramble already taking place to secure the dwindling supplies of oil... Read more >>

09-01-2006 17:47

Peak Oil Gathering - London

Plans are being made to host a gathering on the issue of peak oil and it's implications. It will be be hosted at the rampART social centre, most likely sometime in February.

People are being sought to help organise the event and we are also keen to find out how much interest there is generally in the idea of the event. Please get in touch either if you would be interest in attending or in helping to organise the event...

Since nobody denies that peak oil will happen, the idea is to concentrate on likely timing and the implication and priorities for those who are currently campaigning on various issues in the hope of creating a better world.


05-01-2006 20:41

Cheap recycled Computer sale

Old friends of uk and London Indymedia, Brixton based Community Technology the computer recycling local charity is having to downsize so is having to get rid of all or nearly all their processed and tested stock. I received this mail a few days ago and thought that this may well be usefull to activists, social centers and anyone who needs a cheap computer. Read more >>

28-12-2005 15:55

Film at protests? Now what?

With cheap digital camera increasingly available, many more people are filming at protest. But what happens to the footage? How much of it gets editted down. How many people ever get to see the footage? What about footage falling into the wrong hands?

A gathering of radical videographers will take place in London during January to look at these issues, share skills, pool resources and footage, increase collaboration, work on distribution ideas, and generally continue to move things forward a little.


01-12-2005 10:13

new London photo website

26-11-2005 22:53

Bicycology Roadshow 2006

29-10-2005 15:27

Ministers back GM maize...

Gov ministers have approved the use of GM maize in the UK
sneaked it thru the arrogant b*****d's...

24-10-2005 12:32

Air bosses meeting end Nov ???

IS there a meeting of the Air bosses in London end November? Read more >>


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