08-10-2004 18:02
08-10-2004 15:51
International Federation of Jounalists Release on Indymedia Server Seizures
08-10-2004 13:39
Copy of a letter / petition supporting Indymedia after the Genoa raids on Indymedia - June 2002. In the light of yesterdays seizure of Indymedia servers in the UK this if of particular relevance.
08-10-2004 12:20
local social fora will continue to happen but can we develop a global network with todays continoully growing technology more of the planets people can participate in the global social fora
the ESF happens the week after the ISF and for various reasons* an alternative ESF festival has been created at the same time.
we here in dublin might be participating in these processes without having to travel to london
irish media activists will participate in the (alt) ESF and attempts have been made for those unable to get to london from dublin, or wherever in the world, who still want to be filled in or even participate in the social forum process, to be able to do so
heres whats going on
07-10-2004 15:31
here's an excellent open source poem - originally penned by the radical Supergirly and performed at the October Hammer and Tongue poetry slam. feel free to adapt, adjust, alter, rewrite and forward forward forward..
please post any new versions below.
02-10-2004 15:46
some news about preparation for the ESF at the rampART (www.rampart.co.nr)
plus info about workshops re radio and video this week...
29-09-2004 22:57
At 5pm this Sunday the 3rd of October there will be an open meeting of the Media Hacklab. It will take place upstairs in the reading room of the Ramparts social centre: 15-17 Rampart Street, London E1 2LA (nearest tube Shadwell).
15-09-2004 15:22
Communications, Media and Technology at the ESF 2004
A report compiled from documents published over the last year, and updated to give the latest situation.
There's a lot missing from here, especially all of the positive and constructive proposals made by various of the "horizontal" activists around website tools and communications structures designed to increase participation and transparency in the ESF process.
We know that the details of the logistics of a particular social forum tend to be the responsibily of the local organising committee / process, however there are some areas that have an impact of the very real political shape of the event, and are themselves political, and which should concern us all.
Communication structures and tools, websites, mailing lists, computers, media centres, press policies, software platforms, and licensing of media are all highly political issues, yet they have been dismissed as mere practicalities by many involved in the uk ESF process.
15-09-2004 10:25
There will be an IMC centre open daily at the Camden Centre, near kings cross, and other imc / alt media access nodes in other autonomous venues. The camden centre will house four days of Communication Rights discussion and Tactical Media Production - a collaboration between progressive electronic networks, community media and privacy groups. This is but one of the many autonomous spaces and initiatives around the ESF. More info coming soon...
You can download this info as a one page A4 PDF flyer:
13-09-2004 17:39
Know who is handling your personal data before you fly.
11-09-2004 16:59
Loads of good people presenting stuff and speaking:
27-08-2004 12:37
The protests against the RNC in New York City kicking off right now are going to be massive. On the streets people will be again using the SMS text info service that was set up for protestors at the Democratic National Convention in Boston and the Republican National Convention in New York...
24-08-2004 14:03
Of course which is not new and even still not a project…
Project which will be opened soon (hopefully this week) will look for people interested in:
- squatting
- getting involved in the project happening inside
- helping out (incl. staying overnights/throug the day)
Anyone interested call 0789 739 2160
And check more details at
24-08-2004 02:41
Okay, so it may not be that exciting but here is a short movie about the London Action Resource Centre that was made for the film night about social centres at the rampart last wednesday...
20-08-2004 10:02
Date: Monday 23rd August,
Time: from 7pm
Location: Rampart Creative Centre (15-17 rampart street, London E1 2LA)
An evening of radical film screening/exchange, discussion, and skill
sharing, for people interested in or involved with the use of video as a tool for
social change...
18-08-2004 21:22
Home office pushes the case for mass surveillance on the streets, and linux role in techno-monitoring. at linux world expo in london 6-7 oct, regsiter now for free ticket, but not for paying conference.
We are not deceived by claims that the technology is only for 'ID parades', it can easily be used on the streets.
It would appear they cant even put proper english sentences together1
08-08-2004 11:06
The world's fifth largest producer and exporter of oil will be using a e-voting system produced by an american company in a presidential recall referendum called for by the Venezuelan elite and backed by Washington. Despite the use of a paper record of votes, some people claim to have found security flaws and weak cryptography. "Computers can be made to produce any outcome that you want without anybody really knowing that's what was done," said one US observer. One thing is clear, who ever wins the vote, the use of the untested e-voting system will leave room for doubt from either side about the results...
27-07-2004 10:12
The biometrics conference in London in October seems like a perfect opportunity to make people more aware of the dangers of biometric ID cards in Britain.
23-07-2004 04:04
a thesis on e-democracy questioning whether the digital media can boost people's participation/interest in politics - participation needed
18-07-2004 08:51
Comments and Questions on Official Terms and Conditions of ESF Registration