On 31 Jan 2004, the first European day of Migrant Struggles took place simultaneously across Fortress Europe in 11 countries and 49 cities, see the noborder web site and the round-up on the global indymedia site for an overview of the actions, and click here for a round up of actions in Europe.
At Lindholme Detention Centre, near Doncaster, there was a noise demo: timeline | photos | videos.
In London, there was a No Borders Protest at Waterloo Station and on Friday a Anti-Daily Mail Demo at which there was a counter, pro-hatred, BNP demo. In the evening there was a post demo party at Kentish Town Social Center.
A short video of the waterloo station action and the adbusting actions of the previous nights has been produced. Note how happy the eurostar staff were to collect up our leaflets in order to deny others access to it.
10min, 170mb~, smaller versions will follow: ftp://italy.indymedia.org/imc_italia/video/310104high.avi
Requires divx codec: linux | mac | windows
At Campsfield there was a small protest as part of the 10 in the UK. In Manchester there was a poor turn out.
In Athens 3,000 people marched on an anti-racist demo.
Reports of actions from Indymedia Centres across Europe: Austria | Barcelona (Photos) | Brussels (Photos: 1 | 2) | Belgrade | Estrecho / Madiaq | Istanbul | Russia
Calls for action
A summary of European actions is on the noborder website.
Noborder DAY OF ACTION 31 January 2004 | January 31st- Big Noise demo at Lindholme.
Across Europe, from France and Spain to Austria, Italy and Germany [1 | 2].
This "European day of struggles for the regularization (of sans papiers) and for the closure of all detention centers for foreigners" has been agreed in a series of meetings, see the common declaration. The day will be reported on a dedicated website.
In Britain, where a "No One Is Illegal Manifesto" has been launched last year, five demos are being held [1 | 2]: On Friday 30 Jan in London at Parliament and the Daily Mail, on Saturday 31 Jan at Hull Detention Center, Campsfield Detention Center, a mass leaflet at Waterloo Station, and a noise demo near Lindholme Removal/Detention Centre.
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[Malaga - SPAIN] actions
30.01.2004 23:10
Action sign
31 de Enero 2004-Jornada Europea de lucha por los derechos de los migrantes -¡Tod@s a Málaga contra el CIE de Capuchinos y por la Libre Circulación!
Por primera vez en Europa, al mismo tiempo en el mismo día, se desarrollarán movilizaciones en distintos paises sobre tres ejes centrales, comunes, discutidos dentro del Foro Social de S. Denis el pasado noviembre en Francia:
-por el cierre de los centros de internamiento dentro y fuera de la Unión Europea
-por la regularización de todos los migrantes en Europa
-por el reconocimiento del derecho de asilo
Diversos movimientos de Andalucía se darán cita el sábado 31 desde las 16hs frente al Centro de Internamiento para Extranjeros de Capuchinos (Málaga)para expresar con sus cuerpos un rechazo rotundo a la nueva ley de Extranjería y exigir papeles para todos.
(Programa de actividadesy Cartel del Evento).
Se preparan eventos también en Barcelona y Madrid y se realizarán decenas de manifestaciones en Italia, Francia, Suiza, Gran Bretaña, Alemania, Bélgica y Austria.
La cuestión central sigue siendo el construir espacios de contagio político con los migrantes, crear nuevas herramientas de corte sindical del precariado postnacional y poner en marcha dispositivos efectivos de desobediencia a las leyes paranoicas del mal gobierno.
¡Que los invisibles se hagan cuerpo y que los sin voz hablen con dignidad!
Ninguna Persona es Ilegal.
Homepage: http://madiaq.indymedoa.org
link for more info + action
03.02.2004 13:18