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First European Day of Action of sans-papiers, migrants and refugees

Droits devant!! | 31.01.2004 22:51 | Migration

Paris, 31 January 2004

First European Day of Action
11 countries and 49 cities involved.

For the freedom of circulation and residency
Against the repression and exploitation of the Sans-papiers, Migrants and Refugees

A very strong mobilisation for this first day of co-ordinated actions throughout Europe in support of the sans-papiers, migrants and refugees with the participation of 11 countries and 49 cities.
Germany (Berlin, Frankfort, Munich….), England (London, Oxford,Liverpool…), Austria (Vienna), Belgium (Brussels), Spain (Barcelona, Madrid, Malaga…), France (Paris, Lille, Toulouse, Marseille, Lyon, Rennes, Grenoble, Calais…), Grèce (Athens), Ireland (Galway), Italy (Rome, Turin, Bologna…), Portugal (Lisbon), Switzerland (Geneva, Fribourg, Lausanne, Bern, Basel).
This mobilisation marks two years of internal work to establish a broad based and durable European network of sans papiers, refugees and migrants to fight against the policies of repression and exploitation enforced by the European governments and bosses.

In Paris, more than 100 sans papiers and support groups have peacefully occupied the Assembly chamber of the Economic and Social Council, third constitutional house of France, in order to meet the trade unions and associations who voted in support of the report concerning the needs of Europe, including France, in terms of immigration.

After a debate with the Vice-President of the Council and representatives of the CGT, FO (two of the 3 main French trade union confederations), ATD quart monde and the Associations’ Group, an appointment was taken for a meeting with those who voted in favour of the Council’s report and the collectives, associations, trade unions and sans-papiers who led this action.
We strongly hope that this meeting might lead to the necessary co-operation between workers’ trade unions and militant organisations against all discriminations and help to confront together the ruthless capitalist powers developing of a global class of poor and excluded.

We will communicate by Monday the different actions undertaken this day in the participating countries.

Contacts: 33 (0)6 07 80 99 59; 33 (0)6 60 18 51 91

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