UK Workfare Newswire Archive
Day 1: Take Online Action Against The Workfare Conference Monday 2nd Decembe
01-12-2013 23:29
Online action announced, tell the workfare and sanction conference sponsors what you think #ERSA2013Week of Action to Stop Workfare and Sanctions Beginning 2nd December
30-11-2013 17:20
Join the nearest protest or action and take part in online actions posted on throughout the week.Plan an action at a Jobcentre or workfare exploiter near you - let us know about actions and leafletting on this group or email

And help spread the word!
British Labour Camps set up by the 1929 Labour Government VIDEO
26-11-2013 14:31
Shocking Video of British Labour Camps set up by the 1929 Labour GovernmentHERE:

Civil Disobedience Day
05-11-2013 18:28

Jobcentre anger and bans. What a mess.
26-09-2013 18:50

It’s hardly surprising to hear that the tension is bad at jobcentres. Lengthy and ridiculous benefit sanctions, pointless courses and workfare placements that go nowhere – it’s no wonder that people are getting really, really angry.
Birmingham Against Cuts had a story recently about a man who smashed windows at the Sparkhill jobcentre after being sanctioned.
#OpSleepOut Brighton protest - report and pics
24-08-2013 17:59

Jobcentre Plus week of action: 5-9 August
29-07-2013 21:00

The Civil Service Rank & File Network is calling for action aimed at Jobcentre Plus in the week of the 5 August.
The government is trying to draw a dividing line between claimants and those in work as it attacks all of us. Nowhere is this more clear than at the Jobcentre, where low waged civil servants are expected to impose sanctions and enforce unpaid work schemes for unemployed people subsisting on benefits.
Awesome workfare picket as part of Boycott Workfare’s Week of Action
13-07-2013 18:54

I had so much fun this afternoon on an M&S workfare picket today.
Feminist Fightback, North London SolFed, Rhythms of Resistance, and Boycott Workfare descended on M&S off Mare Street, Hackney. As the hot sun scorched Hackney, the samba band rang out across the street interspersed with chants of ‘M&S pay your workers’. Passersby were loving the samba, with two children clapping along as they waited for a bus and then improvising their own instruments with two twigs. People stopped and joined the demo to chant ‘M&S pay your workers’ with us. There was loads of support and good vibes from people. We handed out so many ‘How to Avoid Workfare’ leaflets and leaflets explaining about M&S’ use of forced unpaid labour that we had to rush off and photocopy another batch.
Glasgow's Walk-of-Shame.
12-07-2013 12:55

Some photos from Glasgow's "Walk-of-Shame" Thursday 11 July. A group set off down Sauchiehall Street armed with banners and leaflets, stopping outside those shops that milk the governments free slave labour scheme, workfare. They engaged the public and handed out a considerable number of leaflets at the entrance of the shops involved, which were well received by the public. The more the public are made aware of this free slave labour scheme and what it actually means, the more resistance will grow. Here's to more and larger "Walks-of-Shame", until this slave labour scheme bites the dust.
Demonstrators besiege Leith Job Centre – police manhandle protestors out of building
12-07-2013 10:55

Demonstrators besieged Leith Job Centre in Edinburgh on 11th July to oppose the 30% sanctions target set by a new manager there. Police manhandled protestors who entered the building and announced that the Public Order Act was in force. Part of the Boycott Workfare Week of Action Against Workfare, the demo denounced all work-for-your-benefits schemes, and proclaimed opposition to the whole austerity programme.
Boycott workfare Brent
12-07-2013 09:44
Picket Sainsburys Homebase Willesden, London NW10Marks & Spencer Bombarded With Boycott Threats over #workfare boasts
05-07-2013 10:30

Hundreds of people bombarded Marks & Spencer on social media on Wednesday night after the company boasted of their use of workfare earlier in the week.
The company were forced to lock down their facebook page in an attempt to silence criticism and are now preventing people from posting on their wall. This has simply led to people leaving hundreds of comments threatening to boycott the company on their gaudy posts advertising over-priced food instead.
The ‘workfare party on the M&S facebook page’ as one person described it seemed to be holding strong on Thursday morning whilst the company haven’t fared any better on twitter where they can be found @marksandspencer.
Fight workfare - Sheffield, Brighton, Glasgow, London and everywhere!
04-07-2013 13:53
Boycott Workfare's national week of action is coming up soon, with events confirmed for Sheffield, Brighton, Glasgow and London, and more on the way.How to Avoid Workfare
02-07-2013 05:45

Know your rights – Work Programme
You do not not have to sign any provider documents!
Find out if your “work experience” is mandatory or not.
Fact: Not all ‘work experience’ on the Work Programme is mandatory.
Fact: The only personal data you need to share with a Work Programme provider (such as A4e) is your referral letter and signing on book – See
Fact: You don’t have to sign any Work Programme provider documents or forms.
Fact: Your CV is personal data and you don’t have to give them a copy to keep.
Fact: A written Mandatory Activity Notification must be given if they want to make anything sanctionable or to keep or see personal info they do not already hold.
Fact: The Job Centre can postpone starting the Work Programme for 90 days if you have a job interview, or are expecting to work soon.
Fact: If you are on another Job Centre scheme, pregnant or a survivor of domestic violence you do not have to do the Work Programme.
See and for more info on the Work Programme.
David Rovics to play at a venue in Brum that uses Workfare!
07-06-2013 09:00
On Monday 10th June 2013 David Rovics will be playing at the 'Kitchen Garden Cafe' in the suburbs of Kings Heath in Birmingham.The Kitchen Garden Cafe models itself as some kind of locally sourced organic ethical eatery. It's a shame it doesn't extend this consideration to how it treats it staff. The fact is this business, the deli in particular, has definitely had workfare placements. We know this from speaking to staff although the boss has been very evasive and patronising towards customers raising this as an issue.
Sheffield Workfare Protest, June 1st
20-05-2013 21:29
The government is running scared of protests over workfare. They've been to court to try and keep the names of workfare exploiters from being published because they're scared that protests will cause the whole scheme to collapse. If we keep the pressure on, we can turn their fears into reality.Photo from the Anti-Workfare Walk Of Shame Glasgow Monday May 6th
07-05-2013 23:12

Anti-Workfare Walk Of Shame Glasgow Mon. 6th May 12 noon
28-04-2013 21:34

Sheffield workfare protest, Saturday May 4th
27-04-2013 15:18
On Saturday May 4th, starting at 1pm, Unite Community members will be protesting outside Poundland on the Moor as part of the ongoing national campaign against the government's workfare schemes. We hope you can make it. For more information, see the facebook event:
29-03-2013 14:43
We are calling on all #Anons and activists to flood the DWP with Freedom of Information requests, it's quite simple.