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UK Workfare Newswire Archive

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DWP Locks Down Freedom of Information Responses to Hide Workfare Lies

29-02-2012 18:02

Today's victory is only the beginning in the struggle against workfare. The following aims to show how the Government are attempting to hide the existence of other workfare schemes.

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UK-wide day of action against workfare – Saturday 3rd March

18-02-2012 22:49

In solidarity with Liverpool Uncut’s action against workfare on Saturday 3rd March, Boycott Workfare has called a national day of action against workfare. There’s already actions planned in Birmingham, Brighton, Bristol, Cardiff, London, Leeds, Sheffield and Tunbridge Wells (with Glasgow, Lincoln, Notts and others planning!). Why not visit your high street as well?

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Workfare demo shuts Westminster Tesco

18-02-2012 12:55

Right to Work and unemployed activists and supporters occupied Westminster Tesco on Saturday. Police issued warning over trespass and refused to answer why they weren’t arresting Tesco bosses for breaching minimum wage legislation. Defiant protesters demanded that Tesco withdraw immediately from all government schemes that force slave labour on the disabled and unemployed chanting: Tesco bosses hear us say, we won’t work if you won’t pay. And ‘first they stole our ema, now they want to steal our pay’.


Some background and organising:

The new social workhouse? Workfare, the labour market, prison

Supermarket giant Tesco must know no shame. As unemployment blights the lives of millions, Britain’s biggest private sector employer is taking on staff — for free.

This is part of the scandal of “workfare” — making people work unpaid or face being thrown off benefits.

Tesco reports that over the past four months some 1,400 people have worked for them without pay. Only 300 got a job with the company.

The Tory government is slashing jobs and then punishing the jobless. And to add insult to injury, they are forcing people to work for free to boost profits for big business.

Activists promised that the campaign by Right to Work and other anti workfare groups would continue their action, shutting tesco stores down until they withdraw from the scheme and the government drops its slave labour schemes and replaces them with real jobs and training.

Right to Work is calling for a day of action against Tesco stores on Wednesday 22nd February and will also be supporting the national day of action called by Boycott Workfare on 3 march.

As well as taking the fight to the Government when the next unemployment figures are released on March 14 with a Mass Dole queue at the DWP offices in Westminster.

March 3rd London Info:
Meet outside BHS on Oxford Street, 11:30am



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Boycott Workfare National Day of Action, 3rd March, Poundland Picket

18-02-2012 10:16

Picket & Demonstration outside Poundland, on Union Street in Birmingham City Centre calling for them to withdraw from workfare schemes. If they have withdrawn before the 3rd of March, we will picket Tesco on New Street instead. If Tesco have withdrawn make sure you check here to see who else remains.

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Tesco’s Secret Workfare Slaves

16-02-2012 17:05

Furious shoppers are threatening to boycott Tesco after their use of forced labour schemes came to light yesterday.

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Boycott Workfare meeting in Kings Heath, 7th March

12-02-2012 15:44

Poundland and Asda are just two of the high street names using unpaid labour sent on mandatory "work experience" placements from the job centre. These placements are full time, and can last for up to 6 months. Meanwhile, people are finding hours cut or paid jobs lost, as companies use people on workfare schemes for free.

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Why We’re Supporting Boycott Workfare Campaign In Birmingham

20-01-2012 16:59

Since the beginning of the year, Birmingham Trades Council and Brighton GMB Branch have signed the pledge to Boycott Workfare. The campaign also has the support of Birmingham Against Cuts who have written this statement…

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Workfare to be challenged in the courts.

26-11-2011 13:49

Workfare is a programme whereby anyone who has been claiming Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA) for 6 months can be sent to work for major multinational companies like Tesco, Poundland and Sainsbury’s for up to 5 weeks in order to keep their benefits. Now a legal challenge under human rights legislation is being brought against the scheme.Tessa Gregory of Public Interest Lawyers, who are representing Jonathan Shaw from Birmingham, said, “This Government scheme of forced labour unlawfully exploits individuals. The only beneficiaries are participating companies, who get their workers for free.”

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Legal Challenge to Government’s slave labour scheme

18-11-2011 03:07

Britain's biggest supermarkets are now using slave labour as young unemployed people are being sent to work for them for up to two months with no pay and no guarantee of a job. During this period they will be exempt from national minimum wage laws.

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Workfare: Modern Slavery?

08-10-2011 22:55

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Take action against companies profiting from workfare!

06-10-2011 10:12

1pm, Wed 19th October 2011 outside the annual Welfare to Work Conference at the Business Design Centre, Upper Street, Islington, N1 0HQ

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Benefiting from workfare - 'It's exploitation and it's repellent'

27-09-2011 11:41

TK Maxx, Wilkinsons, Savers and Matalan have been named as major retailers where unemployed people are being sent to work without pay. Since our article last month[1] exposing Tesco, Primark and other multinationals taking unpaid work placements, various people have contacted Corporate Watch describing their own experiences of being sent to major retailers, as well as councils and charities, to do similar work to that of salaried staff while receiving only £67.50 a week in Jobseekers' Allowance.

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Workfare Unravels

09-06-2011 14:12

Workfare, the government’s forced labour scheme, could be the latest policy to unravel as encouraging momentum builds against the proposed reform of the welfare system.

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Success! Workfare conference cancelled due to protest

07-06-2011 17:19

Campaigners celebrate success outside the Royal Society
Today, 7 June, the “Making Work Pay” conference was cancelled due to pressure from campaigners. Campaign coalition Boycott Workfare had called the action to launch the Welfare Uncut campaign that will take action against those organisations involved in rolling out the Work Programme.

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Workfare Enquiry

16-05-2011 07:19

This is a questionnaire for benefits claimants in the UK who have been forced onto work for your benefit schemes. It will be used as an organising tool by campaigns opposedto the scheme.

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GMB Union Promotes Workfare as Answer.

15-05-2011 20:55

The Leadership of the GMB Union selling out their own members and the public that have supported their anti-cuts stance

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Project Work - the original workfare scheme

18-04-2011 00:03

A group for those who have experienced Project Work in Medway

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Anti-cuts, anti-workfare - IWW film night and discussion - this Saturday night!

29-09-2010 19:48

What is ‘Workfare’ and why is it bad news for the unemployed?

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Plotting and scheming for Welfare not Workfare

04-12-2009 01:02

On 12 November, it became legal to force unemployed people to work for their benefits – to do 40-hour-weeks for under a third of the minimum wage. The Government's Welfare Reform Act introduced 'Work for your Benefit' pilot schemes, which once completed can be rolled out without any further debate. It also attacked single parents – who face sanctions if they fail to prepare for work outside the home as soon as their child turns three – and people with impairments, disabilities or severe and enduring illnesses.

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U.S style Workfare coming to the U.K...

23-07-2008 11:51

The 'Workhouse' comes closer…

Yet another Welfare Green Paper will mean cheap labour, reducing costs, a Victorian notion of the ‘undeserving poor’ and creating a new market off the the backs of some of the most vulnerable in the UK,