UK DSEi 2005 Newswire Archive
DESi Companies targeted on September 11th
12-09-2005 09:46
Companies in the south-east of England involved in the exhibiting at DESi, the world’s largest weapons fair, planned for 13th-16th September, have been targeted.PDF of DSEi/Reed Elsevier leaflet distributed in Oxford
12-09-2005 09:14

Diary of Events for the Meditators' Mobilisation
12-09-2005 00:49
This is the diary events for the meditators' mobilisation against the DSEi arms fair. See the website for more details...yet more DSEi pics and comment
11-09-2005 13:58

beat the bombers, party for peace, more pics
10-09-2005 23:26

beat the bombers...more pictures
10-09-2005 23:03

Pics from "Beat The Bombers Party for Peace!"
10-09-2005 17:40

Overpoliced, but good walking through the shopping streets and residential area talking to people living in the area.
nano impacts studys conference
10-09-2005 13:43
nano impacts conference..............october ------------19th;Dates: October 19, 2005 Location: Alexandria, VA
Join leaders from funding agencies, public and private corporate executives, venture capital, licensing executives and leading technology providers and users.
DSEi Timeline - Sat 10th Sept (Beat the Bombers)
10-09-2005 13:03
Today, the protests against the dsei arms fair are starting with a "Beat the Bombers" Party. The dsei reporting team is producing a timeline about events - call 07901778062 and tell us what's happening, or check rampart radio - or join the party...DSEi radio this week
10-09-2005 10:09
Rampart Radio will try to bring regular updates from this weeks protests against DSEi, the worlds biggest arms fair.tune in, via

or visit

Your content and audio reports are welcome by email or phone but please ensure that you prioritise informing indymedia media dispatch of any breaking news first.
Take action against Caterkiller at DSEi
09-09-2005 19:55

Caterpillar products will be exhibited at the DSEi 2005 (Defence Systems and Equipment International) arms fair held in London Docklands Excel Centre from 13th-16th September. The UK Ministry of Defence awarded two contracts to Caterpillar UK Ltd in 2001 and 2000, worth £20-£50 million.
Caterkiller not only manufacture D9 bulldozers but their wholly owned subsidiary, Perkins Engines based in Shrewsbury, make engines that power the global war machine.
'The British Army uses Perkins engines in its Challenger 2 main battle tanks and Warrior infantry fighting vehicles, while Caterpillar engines power the LAV III family of vehicles recently chosen by the US Army for its Brigade Combat Team requirement. Perkins and Caterpillar engines are in service in both combat and logistic vehicles with over fifty armies around the world.' [ Link ]
Caterkiller make and develop diesel engines for many of the vehicles of war exhibited at DSEi - from warships to tanks to submersibles. Caterkiller are a vital link in the global arms trade.
Take action against Caterkiller the war profiteers at this years DSEi.Caterkiller Shutdown - short film (format: mp4 10'34 mins)
Hi-res version - click to download
DSEi Noborder meeting: Refugees, Migrants and the Arms Trade
09-09-2005 18:18
London No One is Illegal and noborders have a meeting and discussion on Monday 12 September from 7pm, during the Disarm DSEi Conference in St. Matthias Center, Bullivant Street, E14 OER, near DLR All Saints. Food and refreshments available.undercurrents video of Oxford DSEi action
09-09-2005 16:49

FIT team harass Disarm DSEi convergence centre
09-09-2005 15:13
London's Forward Intelligence Team (F.I.T.) arrived 2 hrs and 6 mins after the address for the Disarm DSEi convergence centre was advertised on indymedia uk.This week's SchNEWS - BOMBS AWAY
09-09-2005 13:53

The Lancet Medical Journal Attacks its Owners for Organising DSEi Arms Fair
09-09-2005 12:54
Here's the full texts from latest issue of highly respected medical journal The Lancet. Their criticism of their owners Reed Elsevier has hit the media with articles in the BBC and others:

etc etc
"The Lancet's editors and the journal's International Advisory Board were unaware of Reed Elsevier's involvement with DSEi until a few weeks ago. We are deeply troubled by this connection to the arms trade. On behalf of our readers and contributors, we respectfully ask Reed Elsevier to divest itself of all business interests that threaten human, and especially civilian, health and well-being."
Pre-DSEi police intimidation
09-09-2005 12:41
Police stop and search, and picture taking at known squats in the run-up to DSEi arms fairDISARM DSEi Convergence Centre Location
09-09-2005 12:16
St Matthias Centre, Bullivant Street, E14 0ER.Latest Corporate Watch news update
09-09-2005 11:38
Corporate Watch is a small independent research organisation, based in Oxford. We publish research to help those resisting corporate power -- check out also bring out a newsletter every two months, and a news update on web and email every two weeks. To subscribe to either of these, please see our website, or give us a call on 01865 791 391