UK Brussels Newswire Archive
Le Samedi a BRuXXXels au Rhythms de Resistance
16-12-2001 19:12
The best day of the three! Read all about it here.Video of Brussels 14th demo
16-12-2001 16:42
In a large colourful demo the “old left” speaks out with a renewed voice.Massive arrest
15-12-2001 20:28

Samba All Starz
14-12-2001 17:29
Facing sub-zero temperatures, with no practice, bands from London, Amsterdam, Nijmegen and Gent joined together to form a 40 strong carnival bloc on todays demo.Aachen border crossing.
14-12-2001 15:08
An update on the planned collective border crossing at Aachen, Germany.Solidarity picket for belgium protestors
14-12-2001 12:31
We have pre-emptively organised a solidarity picketfor monday outside the Belgium embassy to offer and
organise any support if the Anarchist demonstration on
Saturday 15th gets attacked by police. Please spread
as far and wide as possible. Bring flags [preferably black], drums, stereos, get the picture.
Indymedia Radio London for Brussels - Intro
14-12-2001 01:42
The introduction - 8:42 minutes 7.9 MBIndymedia Radio London for Brussels - An interview with Amnesty
14-12-2001 01:41
An interview with a representative of Amnesty about the impact of the planned EU laws - 5:04 minutes 4.6 MBSituation at the German-Belgian border near Aachen
13-12-2001 21:07
[translated text from
This morning at 9.30 a convoi of buses organised by the DGB (the german federal unions) was stopped near Aachen; it was on its way to Brussels. Find below further info about this incident and a description of the situation at the German-Belgian border near Aachen.
Brussels: 100,000 trade unionists for people not profit
13-12-2001 17:54
Brussels on Thursday , December 13th, saw possibly thelargest ever demonstration of trade union strength
across Europe. Well over 100,000 people took five
hours (on a working day) to march through the capital
of the ‘Europe of Profit’ under the slogan, “Europe:
it’s us!”
D14 Four sambistas went to mow
13-12-2001 15:33
First day of actions against the EU Summit in BrusselsRaid on Squat in Brussels
13-12-2001 09:48
this morning police raided a new squat which had been set up last night for demonstrators. About 30 people were arrested and 20 escaped. photos on belgian site.Brussels: Solidarity demo with prisoners of this morning's occupation
12-12-2001 19:10
About 50 people demonstrated this evening in front of a police centre in Brussels, demanding the immediate release of the activists arrested this morning during the occupation of a corporate lobby's officesAachen-BruXXels: Mass border crossing
09-12-2001 16:58
Several days of action, discussion and protest will take place in Aachen, Germany this week, culminating in an attempt to collectively cross the German-Belgium border on Friday morning to take part in the anti-EU protests in Brussels.Brussels guide for activists [v.01]
04-12-2001 16:34
![Brussels guide for activists [v.01]](/icon/2001/12/217699.jpg)
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The map should be updated soon.
CONTENT: how to come // transportations in Belgium and in Brussels // weather // languages // accomodation // communication // what to take and wear // more coming soon.
Your rights at Belgium's borders
30-11-2001 01:01
Your rights at Belgium's bordersBackground and more info EU Brussels Protests
28-11-2001 17:09

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