Black Bloc (Outdated and out of touch)
Col | 28.03.2011 08:44
Once again, you managed to divert the potential for any media or public discussion regarding the issues at hand. Infantile behaviour, loutishness and outdated tactics. It's all about you again - isn't it. Grandstanding and Ego. OH LOOK AT ME EVERYBODY.
Why didn't you show solidarity with the common people you purport to be acting on behalf of, by demonstrating peacefully with them.
Yes, we know it wouldn't amount to much and that it would be unlikely to influence government policy but, that was the manifesto for the day. Why did you have to infiltrate a peaceful protest to achieve a whole lot of fuck all ?? AGAIN !
Why not do it the Saturday before ? The Saturday after ? I'll tell you why.
You have to hide like fucking cowards that's why. You need large crowds to hide within.
If you truly believed in the ideals of anarchism, you'd wear your heart on your sleeve and let the world know who you are and what you are about. Ok, you might go to prison but, you'd go to prison fighting for what you believe in and not be afraid to let those you oppose - know it.
You are like frightened little rabbits caught in headlights. You are afraid of the state and have no real progressive philosophy to combat the inequality and unfairness in society. You don't stand shoulder to shoulder with the common man. You don't give other ideology a passing glance. It's your way or the highway and that is more representative of Fascism than Anarchism.
You are acting completely independently from most of society because, there is no broad based support for your methodology or general philosophy. Each time you mobilise without popular support at peaceful demonstrations, it takes away the spotlight from the issues of the day and gives the police greater licence to abuse peaceful protesters.
You don't have a mandate from anyone, certainly not those who were there to protest peacefully. The people are not ready to take those sorts of steps toward outright anarchy and total public disorder.
That's not to say they won't have a place at some time in the future when government gets seriously out of hand. Right now though, there is no real place for it amongst a peaceful protest, representative of the views of wider society.
Until you harness the support of the common man and inspire them to dismantle the apparatus alongside you, you will achieve fuck all.
You won't inspire anyone if you can't even show your face.
Digest that, evolve or fuck off.
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