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Black Bloc (Outdated and out of touch)

Col | 28.03.2011 08:44

With a broad spectrum of society represented at the TUC demo on the 26th March, one group stood out as markedly different. Their aims and ideals inconsistent with those of the hundreds of thousands in attendance. The Black Bloc are not representative of the people and they are acting purely for themselves.

Well done Black Bloc.

Once again, you managed to divert the potential for any media or public discussion regarding the issues at hand. Infantile behaviour, loutishness and outdated tactics. It's all about you again - isn't it. Grandstanding and Ego. OH LOOK AT ME EVERYBODY.

Why didn't you show solidarity with the common people you purport to be acting on behalf of, by demonstrating peacefully with them.

Yes, we know it wouldn't amount to much and that it would be unlikely to influence government policy but, that was the manifesto for the day. Why did you have to infiltrate a peaceful protest to achieve a whole lot of fuck all ?? AGAIN !

Why not do it the Saturday before ? The Saturday after ? I'll tell you why.

You have to hide like fucking cowards that's why. You need large crowds to hide within.

If you truly believed in the ideals of anarchism, you'd wear your heart on your sleeve and let the world know who you are and what you are about. Ok, you might go to prison but, you'd go to prison fighting for what you believe in and not be afraid to let those you oppose - know it.

You are like frightened little rabbits caught in headlights. You are afraid of the state and have no real progressive philosophy to combat the inequality and unfairness in society. You don't stand shoulder to shoulder with the common man. You don't give other ideology a passing glance. It's your way or the highway and that is more representative of Fascism than Anarchism.

You are acting completely independently from most of society because, there is no broad based support for your methodology or general philosophy. Each time you mobilise without popular support at peaceful demonstrations, it takes away the spotlight from the issues of the day and gives the police greater licence to abuse peaceful protesters.

You don't have a mandate from anyone, certainly not those who were there to protest peacefully. The people are not ready to take those sorts of steps toward outright anarchy and total public disorder.

That's not to say they won't have a place at some time in the future when government gets seriously out of hand. Right now though, there is no real place for it amongst a peaceful protest, representative of the views of wider society.

Until you harness the support of the common man and inspire them to dismantle the apparatus alongside you, you will achieve fuck all.

You won't inspire anyone if you can't even show your face.

Digest that, evolve or fuck off.



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good god

28.03.2011 09:05

someone here I agree with

The other marchers out side Fortnums told the 'kidies' to piss off as they were not wanted.
Well as you can see they didnt, the message was lost, feelings polerised and anouther chance lost.

the whole day, the whole event, the planning and the hopes of all those there that it would mean something and that the govenment would start to realise that there could be a bit of support for an alternative to these swinging cuts.... gone

Do you fuckers work for rupert murdock? The only people who came out of this with a smile on their faces were the rich media wankers who saw a chance to see stuff smashed cos' it sells papers.
You just helped everyone except the rest of us.

Wow, you smashed a few windows and chucked stuff at the cops. so fucking what! whats in the papers today? 400,000 people trying to get a message accross or you buch of twats?

You, all trustafarian rentatrots with a desperate desire to get yourself on the tv and arrested to add to your standing in the pillock community.

I surgest that when we march again we show these shitwits what the voice of the people can really do...dont let the cops nick them, fill them in ourselves, maybe a few of them should feel the "will of the people"


@ Col, sorry mate, you took a wrong turn heading for the....

28.03.2011 09:07

Daily Mail now please move on as this site goes way above your little mind.

Congratualtions and well done to all involved in Saturdays expression of our disgust and refusal to except what is happening around us. Fuck the rich and fuck the state. We will fight back

No Gods
No Masters

Aunty Christ

black bloc

28.03.2011 09:17

the black bloc are the last line of defense against the corrupting influence of wealth

like the Territorial Support Group, they need to be invincible through irationality and violence

all methods of resistance are required in parallel

like it or not, the mainstream media feeds on drama, whether it be police or black bloc or both

better to use non corporate media to reflect your sense of self

note to indymedia editors: please do not delete this comment becuase you find it offensive to your self of taste

heath bunting
mail e-mail:
- Homepage:

I agree with the artricle

28.03.2011 09:31

My thoughts in a nutshell.
I saw some of these wankers on the march, I have to say, I was surprised how posh some of them sounded.
The media and the Tories fucking love them.
They played up for the cameras, giving the pictures the printed and TV media wanted.

The message against the cuts on the fantastic demo has now been lost, by this small buch of weedy attention seeking arseholes.
At the next demo, I suggest a well aimed smack in the mouth should be directed towards these attention seeking twats, if they try to kick off again.



28.03.2011 09:41

I agree with Col.

here is something I've been wanting to say for a while, this is as good an article as any to voice it.

Truth is Aunty Christ and many other Black Bloc types I've spoken to seem to be unable to comprehend that they don't, in fact, represent the people, but only represent a small minority. Speaking as somebody on low income, from a working class background, I don't agree with your tactics or policies (though I'm sympathetic towards some. I'm no right wing Mail reader, before you use that tired old insult), I don't believe in the Class War and I wish you wouldn't presume to talk on my behalf. You don't speak for me.

And whilst I'm sure you'll label me ignorant, as seems to be the usual response to anybody who disagrees, I've been to several anarchist bookfairs and read many a primer, and I've come to the informed conclusion that I don't really agree with anarchy. Nor, in fact, do the majority of the people you claim to represent.


liberals fuck off

28.03.2011 09:58

how predictable- liberal tossers crying their eyes out now that some people didn't agree to their lame A to B march that would have shown government exactly FUCK ALL. Look at the history of this country and what people managed to achieve and by what methods. Then re-think what you are saying if you still got enough brain left, otherwise just fuck off.


No idea what they were doing

28.03.2011 10:02

I briefly spoke to one of them as they smashed Lloyds in Piccadilly. I was involved in the UK Uncut action – which had a clear political objective – and asked why he was doing it. “Cos it’s fuckin’ fun!” he replied. I asked what it was going to achieve. “Cos we’re smashin’ the state!” he responded. When I suggested that these attacks may play straight into the government’s hands, he accused me of being “one of those fuckin’ undercover cops”.

The pointless violence will ultimately assist the police and the government. It diverted attention away from the message of the protests and boosts the power of the state and resources of the police.

It was only rarely that the ‘black bloc’ confronted the police and on most occasions ran away when they appeared.

Jane B

Excellent article

28.03.2011 10:03

Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I bet the totally democratic anarcho-fascists and undercover cops who run this site end up deleting this like they deleted the two like it that I myself posted.

Truth is the Black Blockheads are just a bunch of undercover pigs and Hard Man Of Trumpton wannabes. I've got no problem with spontaneous expressions of popular anger, like that Royal Car thing. Or people fighting back or whatever - but this is just a load of crap which turns people against each other and ultimately only helps the State.


citizens arrest.

28.03.2011 10:07

PS if you don't think the Blocheads help the police and the Tories, ask yourself why the cops rarely, if ever act to stop them.

Truth is they need this to justify more repression. If they didn't exist, they would have to be invented. Agents provocateurs, pure and simple. The marchers should deal with them next time. Pull a citizens' arrest - see what happens then.


Trot wankers

28.03.2011 10:13

What a load of bollocks is being posted here! The Black Bloc was brilliant on the day. The problem lies with the braindead sheep, all too happy to bleat their way through the streets to yet another boring rally in Hyde Park and then get their coaches back home, having failed to express any anger at what is happening.
Particularly nauseating are all the so-called "revolutionary" socialists who are too scared to try anything of the sort. The big day is always postponed while they get on with "building the movement", which in effect means killing off any momentum or real feeling behind the cause they trumpet.
Anarchists don't claim to "represent" anyone. That's the sort of thinking we are against. We just want to be true to ourselves, what we believe in and what we know must be destroyed before we can build a better future.
Viva la Revolucion!



28.03.2011 10:22

I find it seriously hyopcritical that you would be willing to use violence against other people willing to show there anger at the government. We do not prevent you from expressing your views in your way do we? So do not come on here and say you are going to beat us up next time we do this because there will be plenty who will stop your mindless urge to prevent someones individual right to do what the hell they want, who are you to threaten us like, no better than the police.

Another point is we do not in anyway say to represent the masses, I have never expressed that personally myself and am not doing it now. If your so concerned about violence, how about you look at the violence of the cuts, the violence of the wars raged in afghanistan, iraq and libya before you come on here and try to say our actions are mindless. Thie is not about looking good in front of cameras for us, this about attacking those responsible fro the shit situation we are all in. Loss of capital is all they understand, not a rally in Hyde Park.

You say we have little understanding of the situation, but in actual fact we do, just even more clearer. If you think trade unionism that is married to the capitalist system. corrupt and beauracratic is going to change things then you will get a wake up call very soon.

So before you start complaing to us for covering our faces up (which you very well know is about surveillance by the police and in everyday life) stop hiding behind your computer screens and actually take it to the root cause of what has caused yours and many others pain in the last 10 years, not agaist us.

End of the day we had the guts to do what some of you can only talk about, while others of you would rather still put you faith in Ed Milliband, good luck with that one!


not news

28.03.2011 10:33

this is the indymedia newswire, not a discussion forum. This article is not news but opinion. Find somewhere else to spill your tears.


liberal delusions

28.03.2011 10:35

black bloc is not a group or organisation, pretty much anyone can dress up in black and smash windows, from angry kids to police infiltrators. I don't know what the big problem is though, other than the delusions the OP has about the TUC's message being ruined by the occupation of Fontnams, some petty criminal damage and scuffles with the cops. It's as if you believe radical change is dependent upon favourable mainstream media reporting of another hackneyed A to B march. The government doesn't care about your march, they are not listening to you. The ruling classes of Britain have little to fear from the meek and servile population they sit on top of. Compare this to the example set in Greece, that's all I'm saying.

white roc

Heath Bunting...

28.03.2011 10:37

... is one of those godawful Arts Council hangers-on

If you love the black block so much mate, how come your arts "practice" is entirely subsidised by state funding


Direct Action Does Not Work

28.03.2011 10:43

Direct Action does not work it just alienates the average working person and reinvorces the capitalist viewpoint.

Anyone involved in those violent protests on Saturday who truely believes their actions was a great achievement or victory, is sadly deluded. You lost the propaganda war!

YOU are destroying any chance of a popular revolution, as your actions are not POPULAR amongst british citizens. Please rethink your strategy before May Day, as this may be our last chance for any real change in this country.

P.S. Indymedia - Have you guys been taken over by some Fascist Overlord? I mean, censoring different opinions, come on!!!

And Will you sort your security certificate out, you are putting people at risk.


Comedy of errors

28.03.2011 10:48

i love col logic, calling black bloc cowards from the safe anonimity of an radical open source website.

Deffo cop.

Actually who genuinely gives fuck what you think

Another coward

Your pointless march

28.03.2011 10:50

would have gotten 30 seconds coverage had it not been for the brave people attacking the symbols of oppression. If 50000 people had rioted on the 2003 marches their would have been no war in Iraq and millions of lives saved. You a-b marchers are the real tools of the state. If there was 50000 rioting on Saturday the asshole government would be forced to actually listen to demands for a better society. Instead you a-b morons walk 3 miles to listen to a war criminal(millibrand) tell you lies. No threat at all - those in power are laughing at you and steaing from you and destoying the planet.
It's time to fuck their shit's your duty now to stop those royal parasites wasting millions on their disgusting wedding.


Don't just march from A to B

28.03.2011 10:58

If you think that you are ever going to change anything by just marching from A to B then you are fucking idiot! Furthermore there were at least 2,000 black blockers on the TUC demo split into several groups around central London. I am proud of my actions in making the capitalist Tory scum pay be attacking their shops and banks. If the majority of the people out on the TUC demo had taken direct action that day then we would soon have a revolution!

Black bocker


28.03.2011 11:13

I agree that marching from a-b and going home is pointless. You should have marched from a-b-travalgar and remained their peacefully, and refused to go home.

When protesters on Saturday did try this around midnight the police had all the excuse they required to forcibly remove them thanks to the actions of the mindless thugs earlier in the day.

A little bit of organisation and foresight could start a mass of popular revolutions throughout the country. Unfortunately your actions have just alienated you from the very people you claim to be fighting for.

Sort it out, please. It's not too late.


Some thoughts.

28.03.2011 11:34

"If you think that you are ever going to change anything by just marching from A to B then you are fucking idiot! Furthermore there were at least 2,000 black blockers on the TUC demo split into several groups around central London. I am proud of my actions in making the capitalist Tory scum pay be attacking their shops and banks. If the majority of the people out on the TUC demo had taken direct action that day then we would soon have a revolution!"

Eh? if the majority of people on a maximum 500,000 strong march done direct action on one day we would soon have a revolution??

This is where we are going wrong, if we truly want to see spontaneity and out pourings of anger on large protests, then we have to spend the rest of our time building for resistance and creating a culture of people feeling empowered.
The idea that we can lead by example, and that people will follow in our footsteps of "actions" has failed the test of time, equally as absurd is the idea that a series of actions against targets will lead to revolution.
Our time would be much better spent building for the things the T.U.C have not got the balls to build for:
-Tax strikes
- Mass refusal to pay bills

There are some good schemes we already have that could run alongside this, we are already really good out sorting out free food, we are pretty savvy at alternative heating and power in case of cut-offs.

We need to think outside of the activist box here a bit, at the moment there is widespread dis empowerment, largely due to the likes of the T.U.C, as soon as someone resists a little bit, the sense of empowerment grows to resist more, we need to think of ways we can agitate if we want to see this. Let's do what the TUC have not got the balls for.

Oh and FWIW, I support people fucking shit up.
