Flexible New Deal and Jobseekers aged 60 and over
Keith Parkins | 16.08.2010 15:40 | Repression | Social Struggles | Workers' Movements
It is well documented that New Deal is a complete and utter failure, widespread bullying, lack of resources, abuse of Jobseekers etc. It does nothing for the Jobseekers who attend and usually they are worse off than left to their own resources. The only beneficiaries are the training providers, such as CDG, A4E, Working Links, for who New Deal is a massive gravy train.

Flexible New Deal appears to be little better. The main difference from New Deal is the compulsory work element, that is you have to go and work for an employer for nothing, in other words enforced slave labour which is a breach of International Labour Treaties.
The Coalition Government is looking to make minimum 25% cuts within DWP. The obvious programmes to cut is Flexible New Deal and New Deal.
At Farnborough Job Centre Jobseekers are being forced to attend CDG in Basingstoke for a fifth time! Why are Jobseekers being forced to attend again and again and again this scam training provider? An appalling waste of public money.
I have filed a Freedom of Information request with Farnborough Job Centre asking what is the success rate. This was filed last year. I am still awaiting a reply.
If these courses are so good, why are they mandatory? If they helped job prospects, there would be a waiting list.
Unfortunately it is mandatory. For one group though it is not mandatory. If you have reached the age of 60, or to be more precise the age to which you are entitled to Pension Credits (currently 60 but due to rise to 65 by 2020) you have a choice, you do not have to attend, you have a choice and if you choose to exercise that choice you will not be sanctioned, ie there will be no loss of benefits.
Leaflet Flexible New Deal FND1 10/09 clearly states on page 6 (it is even flagged as important!):
If you've reached the age when you can get Pension Credit before New Deal is due to start, your benefit won't be affected if
- you choose not to take part, or
- you choose to take part and then leave before Flexible New Deal is finished.
There is no wriggle room, it is not open to interpretation, it clearly states once the age of 60 is reached, ie when eligible for Pension Credits (a sidebar defines the age), then one has a choice whether or not to participate and there will be no penalty, no sanctions, no loss of benefits, if one chooses to not participate or withdraws from the scheme. It is laid down in black and white. It could not be clearer.
This is logical as when you reach the age of 60 you can sign off and claim Pension Credits. No more hassle from Job Centre, no degrading and humiliating trip to the Job Centre. You can though if you choose, continue to sign. Therefore it would be illogical to say Flexible New Deal was mandatory once the age of 60 was reached as you can simply sign off and change to Pension Credits.
Why therefore then is Guildford Job Centre forcing Jobseekers to attend a training provider, telling them it is mandatory and they will be sanctioned, ie benefits stopped, if they refuse to attend? Guildford Job Centre are acting contrary to the leaflet Flexible New Deal FND1, which they themselves are issuing!
It is inexcusable that Guildford Job Centre is doing this. If Jobseekers wish to attend, that is their choice, but if they are being forced to attend against their will with the threat of sanctions, this is an appalling waste of public funds, tantamount to fraud on the public purse. The only beneficiaries are the training providers. A matter for investigation by the National Audit Office.
Guildford Job Centre has been asked to produce relevant legislation to support what they are doing. They have refused. Presumably because they have not a leg to stand on. They have also refused to produce an Ofsted report on their training providers. Could this be because they got a bad report? Refused to provide information on the success rate, ie numbers gaining full time employment lasting 6 months or more. No doubt because poor. Were unable to say what advantage Jobseekers would gain by attending. To a Jobseeker with over 40 years experience of using computers they said he would receive IT training!
One Jobseeker was handed a superseded FND1 that had been so badly photocopied that it was illegible!
Guildford Job Centre are aware there is a problem as complaints have been filed. The problem is probably far more widespread than Guildford Job Centre. If it is, then widespread abuse is taking place. Abuse that translates as misappropriation of public funds.
I will be filing a Freedom of Information request with Guildford Job Centre to try to obtain the information they are refusing to divulge.
Job Centres are keen to push Jobseekers onto Pension Credits as it helps to massage the jobless figures. About the only advantage of continuing to sign on is that your are entitled to a New Deal Rail Card. It lasts 3 months and gives half price travel by train. Take two passport-sized pictures to the Job Centre and ask for the form for the New Deal Rail Card.
Camberley Job Centre is refusing to issue a New Deal Rail Card, falsely claiming it does not exist. This means that Jobseekers attending a Flexible New Deal training provider are claiming expenses for full rail fare not half rail fare. Yet further example of how Job Centres are engaging in misinformation, maladministration and wasting public money.
Jobseekers in the latest Orwellian newspeak are now referred to as customers. Customer implies choice. Jobseekers are nonpersons who are denied choice, everything is mandatory. If they try to exercise choice, they are sanctioned.
In the Class War that is currently being waged Jobseekers are to be starved into work.
Pension Credits (more information)
0800 99 1234


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New Deal boot camps

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Scam training course for the unemployed

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Keith Parkins
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