Heydon Prowse | 03.06.2009 11:22
The BNP show their true colours. We film them canvassing black people and then admitting that blacks can't even join the party.
We noticed while producing our recent films highlighting MPs expenses claims that the BNP were trying to hijack the issue for their own gain. Clearly there is a lot of anger over all sorts of things – the bank bailout, expenses, Iraq etc. But voting in a bunch of fascists is definitely not the answer. Nevertheless, the BNP have been worryingly effective to this end, taking advantage of people’s disillusionment with the mainstream parties. The European elections take place this Thursday 4 June and it is possible that the BNP could return up to four seats.
The reason this is a possibility is because, under the watchful eye of their leader Nick Griffin, they have carefully rebranded themselves so it looks like their not racists, when really… they’re racists.
We contacted the BNP, pretending to be sympathetic media students that wanted to make a film showing the positive side of the party after the slating they have been getting in the press. They seemed a little suspicious, but we rocked up with the camera anyway and spent the day filming them canvassing various areas around Essex. The BNP don’t really seem to understand how camera equipment works and when they thought we weren’t filming, they showed their true colours.
Around 375 million people are entitled to vote in the European elections, but it is possible that fewer than 150 million will do so. If you do not vote on Thursday and the BNP get in, then it will be YOUR fault and now one elses. VOTE. Not for the BNP.
Heydon Prowse
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