Remember the quagmiristas: todays odd "mainstream" media spin :the war on peace
x etc | 23.08.2007 13:33 | Iraq | Other Press | Terror War | London
Its a fact that the USAs elder statesmen commitee - of both major parties - came back with the exhortation to TALK TO IRAQS NEIGHBOURS if you are serious about peace.
Its a fact that the current USA administrations foreign secretary, with the UK foreign affairs comitee too, both call for the EU, UK, USA etc to TALK WITH HAMAS to get peace with Israel - as the success of the Irish peace process shows, it IS possible." Little" groups such as the ex-soldiers from israel with ex-soldiers from palestine are the acorns that create the oak trees of futures that might allow that part of the world to show peoples all around the globe that it is worth "investing" a bit of their time, energies, comprehension or resources to support a peace there - despite the "slushfund" kickbacks from 30 Bn dollars to arms dealers subcontractors SEEMING more. To "warbuxminderbindertypes" , perhaps the conflict there seems the essential lynchpin to protect the golden cashcows of quagmires, clashes of culture, "wars on terror/creation of terrorists".
Its a fact that the chief of the UK army has said that the GLOBAL strategic picture means that the lengthier amount of time the USA/UK delays prior to doing something sensible - like perhaps involving the Arab league with unaligned, competent UN forces in a serious "new deal" total social support for each iraqi, of all ages, to take the criminal, "whose bunch are you with" desperate need out of the situation, then a good, solid, total-integrity policesupport to break the newer habits of brutal times - but with a "supporting sierra leone kid soldiers" support/rehab approach that offers good choices, things to do, education, etc . . . . it aint complex, is it. Over 20 years, how very much cheaper too, you'd have to agree.
But its a weird fact that media have got allowed to portray the last remaining puppet-rump of the ex-AEI VPs neo-cons in the administration as IDEALLISTS somehow, as they try to "rally the base" by confusing this with the evacuation of vietnam, presenting all OTHERS as the "cheese-eating surrender monkeys" for the single reason that they use their brains, that they HAVENT rented them out cheap to the mrminderbinderwarbux cash laundry scam.
When YESTERDAYS newspapers report the need for UK farmers to swap some of their production to poppies to make good the lack of opium for medicinal use due to higher production of flu vaccine, the news that we are getting sent back to our hospitals people to patch up that have got shot by farmers trying to protect THEIR poppy production, when uk doctors, amongst others, are saying - lets cut out the casualty, prevent running out of opium, create a bit of afghan peace, social support etc TO CREATE A STOCKPILE OF IT.
How "complex" is THAT?
Or have the quagmirists bought some STUPID machine that they let media people play with "for fun"????
x etc
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