facts, Glasgow attack
Danny | 04.07.2007 14:53
Now we have the news that this attack was known about two weeks in advance. This was reported here and those posts were hidden. By whom and why ? No apologies from the IMCistas yet for that mistake.
Now, a mosque in Bathgate was just petrol-bombed. I know who did it and reported it here. If anyone wants to report this to the police feel free, I don't do that myself. Those posts were hiddden too. By whom and why ?
I'd rather be talking about Scooter Libby or the US bombing of Afghanistan, but it seems we have some 'home-grown shit' to deal with first. Some very close to home shit.
Trident Ploughshares ?
Indymedia ?
Does anyone want to have a rational discussion of what has been happening or does it just come down to power and violence ?
Feel free to hide me again rather than discuss this, I will just pick up the phone to my friendly mainstream Sunday Herald journalist.