facts, Glasgow attack
Danny | 04.07.2007 14:53
It is almost believable that car bombers don't know how to explode a car. Almost. But for them to leave their SIM cards behind ? Supposedly these aren't idiots, they are trained doctors No way Jose.
Now we have the news that this attack was known about two weeks in advance. This was reported here and those posts were hidden. By whom and why ? No apologies from the IMCistas yet for that mistake.
Now, a mosque in Bathgate was just petrol-bombed. I know who did it and reported it here. If anyone wants to report this to the police feel free, I don't do that myself. Those posts were hiddden too. By whom and why ?
I'd rather be talking about Scooter Libby or the US bombing of Afghanistan, but it seems we have some 'home-grown shit' to deal with first. Some very close to home shit.
Trident Ploughshares ?
Indymedia ?
Does anyone want to have a rational discussion of what has been happening or does it just come down to power and violence ?
Feel free to hide me again rather than discuss this, I will just pick up the phone to my friendly mainstream Sunday Herald journalist.
Now we have the news that this attack was known about two weeks in advance. This was reported here and those posts were hidden. By whom and why ? No apologies from the IMCistas yet for that mistake.
Now, a mosque in Bathgate was just petrol-bombed. I know who did it and reported it here. If anyone wants to report this to the police feel free, I don't do that myself. Those posts were hiddden too. By whom and why ?
I'd rather be talking about Scooter Libby or the US bombing of Afghanistan, but it seems we have some 'home-grown shit' to deal with first. Some very close to home shit.
Trident Ploughshares ?
Indymedia ?
Does anyone want to have a rational discussion of what has been happening or does it just come down to power and violence ?
Feel free to hide me again rather than discuss this, I will just pick up the phone to my friendly mainstream Sunday Herald journalist.