YOUR apathy is killing Iraqis
BonChance | 09.04.2007 11:03
Go and read Eman Walid's story then come back and tell me there's nothing YOU can do about it!
Cognitive dissonance or what?
Until a clear majority _physically_ get off their backsides and _physically_ lobby our 'leaders' into submission to the majority's wishes, people throughout the world, far less fortunate than you, will go on dying or living in misery, terror and squalor. How do you sleep at night knowing that your 'lifestyle' is aiding and abetting the psychopaths now in power due to YOUR collective apathy?
For instance, how many of you have cried your eyes out at Eman Walid's witnessing most of her family being wiped out by OUR soldiers cunducting an illegal war of aggression? Here's one Iman Walid commentary amongst thousands - hell, even that very sick arch-Ziocon Wolf Blitzer at CNN couldn't help commenting on it:-
Horrific as it is, Walid's is just one appalling story amongst millions (Najaf, Fallujah, Abu Ghraib, Lebanon, Gaza etc etc ad nauseum) and the ripples from this illegal war of aggression and greed will be with us until doomsday (now estimated to be somewhere around 28th Dec 2012).
Why is it that so few people seem aware of the real situation? Why is there so little effective action to stop it? Is it that you are all too comfortable (yep, even you guys squatting in places like Hackney have it real grand compared to your average Palestinian, Ethiopian, Somalian, Iraqi, Columbian, etc etc ad nauseum). Have you stopped using all western controlled oil products yet? Until you do, this nightmare will continue - until then, the enemy is YOU.
What to do to stop the psychopathic madmen running the world? Your call BUT if enough people could get together and avoid the divide and rule tactics spawned by MI6/CIA/Mossad and their sick ilk, perhaps there's still time to turn things around.
Personally I doubt it, I doubt it very much - remember Charles de Menezes? (What did he witness on 7/7 that he should be rubbed out so viciously?) Where lies justice? Not in the hands of the Law according to Lord Goldschmitt, that's for sure!
How much longer are people going to go on thinking that life is worth living under the present world sickness? Is dying so very terrible to stop the present intolerable injustice? I don't think so!
Come to the centres of power in your millions and smother these greedy psychopaths with your bodies - literally - there's nothing else left, is there, unless you are, like pre-war Germany, quite comfortable with the present avalanche descent into Fascism and all that entails for so-called personal freedoms? Stick this in the Daily Wail and see what you get - more apathy!
Justice has demonstrably failed (SOCPA, Patriot Act, UN, ICC etc etc ad nauseum), democracy is a sick joke (mainly 'cos ordinary folk thought it could look after itself - ha-bloody-ha). Oh and don't believe Capt Air - check the SkyNews clip before swallowing the present lies and deceit being spewed upon the MSM:-,,31200-chrisair_1730,00.html
and on a lighter note, see this clip of Fox News backfiring on itself...
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