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YOUR apathy is killing Iraqis

BonChance | 09.04.2007 11:03

YOUR apathy is killing Iraqis, Somalians; in fact everyone who doesn't toe the Fascist line

Go and read Eman Walid's story then come back and tell me there's nothing YOU can do about it!

Apparently nearly 80% of US and UK populace 'disagrees' with the Iraq (and soon to be Iran) war, yet people blithely go on living their lives as if nothing terrible is happening.

Cognitive dissonance or what?

Until a clear majority _physically_ get off their backsides and _physically_ lobby our 'leaders' into submission to the majority's wishes, people throughout the world, far less fortunate than you, will go on dying or living in misery, terror and squalor. How do you sleep at night knowing that your 'lifestyle' is aiding and abetting the psychopaths now in power due to YOUR collective apathy?

For instance, how many of you have cried your eyes out at Eman Walid's witnessing most of her family being wiped out by OUR soldiers cunducting an illegal war of aggression? Here's one Iman Walid commentary amongst thousands - hell, even that very sick arch-Ziocon Wolf Blitzer at CNN couldn't help commenting on it:-

Horrific as it is, Walid's is just one appalling story amongst millions (Najaf, Fallujah, Abu Ghraib, Lebanon, Gaza etc etc ad nauseum) and the ripples from this illegal war of aggression and greed will be with us until doomsday (now estimated to be somewhere around 28th Dec 2012).

Why is it that so few people seem aware of the real situation? Why is there so little effective action to stop it? Is it that you are all too comfortable (yep, even you guys squatting in places like Hackney have it real grand compared to your average Palestinian, Ethiopian, Somalian, Iraqi, Columbian, etc etc ad nauseum). Have you stopped using all western controlled oil products yet? Until you do, this nightmare will continue - until then, the enemy is YOU.

What to do to stop the psychopathic madmen running the world? Your call BUT if enough people could get together and avoid the divide and rule tactics spawned by MI6/CIA/Mossad and their sick ilk, perhaps there's still time to turn things around.

Personally I doubt it, I doubt it very much - remember Charles de Menezes? (What did he witness on 7/7 that he should be rubbed out so viciously?) Where lies justice? Not in the hands of the Law according to Lord Goldschmitt, that's for sure!

How much longer are people going to go on thinking that life is worth living under the present world sickness? Is dying so very terrible to stop the present intolerable injustice? I don't think so!

Come to the centres of power in your millions and smother these greedy psychopaths with your bodies - literally - there's nothing else left, is there, unless you are, like pre-war Germany, quite comfortable with the present avalanche descent into Fascism and all that entails for so-called personal freedoms? Stick this in the Daily Wail and see what you get - more apathy!

Justice has demonstrably failed (SOCPA, Patriot Act, UN, ICC etc etc ad nauseum), democracy is a sick joke (mainly 'cos ordinary folk thought it could look after itself - ha-bloody-ha). Oh and don't believe Capt Air - check the SkyNews clip before swallowing the present lies and deceit being spewed upon the MSM:-,,31200-chrisair_1730,00.html

and on a lighter note, see this clip of Fox News backfiring on itself...

BonChance sez 'Vote Green or DIE!!'


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Hide the following 7 comments


09.04.2007 11:50

if it all ends in 2012 then what is the point of us getting off our arses?

apathetic bastards against the war

Who's apathy ?

09.04.2007 12:19

On the nights I can sleep over this, I wake myself to go out and do something positive. I'm obviously ineffective but I'm doing the best I can. If you call me apathetic then you are going to have to seriously boast about what you have done in the past few weeks that you should demean me so. And boasting here about anything big is not a good tactic.

This isn't a criticism of your post. It is good to prompt people into following their beliefs. Two thirds of Scotland believes British troops should be withdrawn today. 92 per cent of Brits thought we shouldn't go in. Some people just can't protest though,and some who can are devoted to other issues they see as more important. So it is incumbent on those of us who can protest this war to protest extra on their behalf. And not to slag everyone else off for failing to do so.

This is a rhetorical question, I don't think you should answer out loud, but have you really done enough to criticise others ? It's not like you are writing to the Daily Mail. There are shits around here, but there are also people worthy of some respect. Not me, but some good folk.

Keep posting similar stuff but watch out who you are blaming. Iraq is not my fault. Carefully post a picture of your local NuLab office being torched and then demand some respect.


Iraq's 4 million refugees - does anyone care?

09.04.2007 12:20

During the build up to war we were told incessantly about Iraq’s `weapons of mass destruction`, which simply did not exist and which anyone with an elementary knowledge of the situation knew did not exist. At the same time we were told virtually nothing about the terrible effects of the sanctions and depleted uranium. Some 4 years after the war basic services like electricity and water have still not been restored – in fact the occupation forbids local people to fix their own electricity as greedy, overcharging war profiteers like Halliburton must do it.
Iraqis are now rapidly becoming the world’s biggest refugee group:

Paul O'Hanlon
mail e-mail:

Apathy; psychopathy

09.04.2007 12:35

'if it all ends in 2012 then what is the point of us getting off our arses?' Who said anything about it ending - more like a transformation for those who survive, imo.

Orca, I was hoping you might chime in - and you might guess by publishing here that I'm preaching to the converted!

It has to be said tho' - it's the apathetic majority in US/UK that needs a boot up the arse!


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09.04.2007 13:24

"Orca, I was hoping you might chime in - and you might guess by publishing here that I'm preaching to the converted!"

My first post my have been lacking, sorry, hoor.

I've spent six years here trying to give people a boot up the arse and get involved. The only person who voluteered turned out to be one rather nasty agent. So leave off me, I'm fragile to criticism from friends and allies.

Yes, I agree that the majorty of UK Citizens could do more to end this awful war that they proclaim to disdain. But expect for the spooks most people here do do something. Maybe they could do more. Okay, certainly they could all do more. Fair enough.

And I appreciate you encouraging anarchists to vote. It might not do any good but it doesn't hurt and might just help. And if I lived in England maybe I'd choose Green.

See in Scotland though, unless the election is rigged, the SNP is going to get in power, thankfully. That won't mean the end of the British state, but a few years down the line, when Cameron is sucking up to the US in Westminster, then there will be a referendum up here. The English may not recognise it, and to be honest, lots of SNP voters won't vote for independence. I am committed to trying though. The best, most pragmaitic way to end the British state. Ending Glaswegian doleys being used as cannon fodder in foriegn resource wars designed to enrich the rich.

I don't have a strong feeling for the Iraqi people. Don't get me wrong, the abuse they have suffered has made me want to drive to London to throw kichen knives at Blair. I just have more personal history with the Iranians. And I can see what is going to happen if the current Westminster plan of action is carried through. Total war. Not 11 years, 35 minimum.

So if you want me to 'chime in', well I think I have. Criticise me if you want. Remember though, lots of us here have 'chimed in', lots of us have taken a stand already. Some of us can't for reasonable reasons. Family etc. And those of who won't take part in VIOLENT direct action, well, you will reap the policy of your taxes and inaction if we fail in our dissent.

Did you read the Chomsky article 'What if Iran invaded Mexico?' Let me be parochial for a moment. 'What if Iran invades Scotland?' . I hate to make predictions but I like to look beyond the end of my nose.

Give peace more than a chance, give it a try.


Well Well

09.04.2007 13:43

Well. Let's remember that there are those who are more passionate than others, and in the end love will prevail, so the ones that have the most love will clearly feel the victory much more certainly when it finally does arrive. We need to make it arrive. We cannot simply sit around because that is why they invented television. That is what the authorities want. Submission. We must hit the streets more. Perhaps start removing those HEVs from their lives of driving around and poisoning kids in their trolleys. Flatten their tyres.

Leafletting and pamphletting does not improve any situation, in fact it merely contributes to the destruction of the rainforest (unless the paper is recycled).

Solidarity is of utmost importance. We must set about creating a future for ourselves that will benefit everyone, by which i mean EVERYONE. Provided we stay green and push for localisation, as is the public demand, then we are the force for democracy.

No more fighting between our ranks. We must unite and tackle the problem of oppression head on. We must bring an end to their state and the mechanisms that they use to run it. We must physically change the system because that is the only reality to them. Paperwork and the words of a megaphone are merely itching powders down their backs.


Ignoring solidarity is of utmost importance

09.04.2007 18:57

"Solidarity is of utmost importance"

Aye, right. Okay, in a way I can see what you maybe mean. Individual solidarity with our rulers victims. With neighbours and family too. Fair enough, that goes without saying. But solidarity in a group ? Never. It means alowing people to fuck you over without return. It means lowering your standards to the standard of the most half arsed infiltrator. Everyone becomes the 'weakest link' in the chain.

And I for one consider myself better than that. I was told years ago 'your friends are just people who are going to let you down'. At the time I thought that was terribly cynical. Not so, it is almost a definition of 'friends' - you are only hurt by the ones that you love. The sort of people who hug you instantly and constantly, they are child-molesters. The sort of people who claim to be your new best friend, they are spooks. In my own life this has been proven repeatedly. The folk you should value are the folk who slag you off and still make you smile by their wit. Treasure your enemies.

Solidarity is a socialist word - a failed word. Socialism was brittle. Anarchists are a tiny minority and should value liquidity. The sea wears away the hardest shore. Take each person at each meeting on their merits. Stalin was solid and yet Stalin is ridiculed now.

"Be like water my friend" - Bruce Lee

I'd rather be Lee than Stalin, maybe that's just me. But I genuinely hate that word, it has led to every major mistake I have made. I know you can't learn from my mistakes, but once you have burned your hand a few times, remember Bruces advice. I'm not recommending apathy or inaction or psychosis, I am recommending personal resposiblity. But bear in mind, whatever excuse you have for inaction is just an excuse.

( copyright Motivational speech no 233)
