IM's, please leave this visible for a few days, it is a genuine challenge and if noone else claims it you can have the £20. Google or scroogle or otherwise search on Shirley McKie, even just on this site. Then link that seach to Lockerbie for brownie points. And now update it, rewrite what you have learned and then publish it. There are enough new articles published here on every subject everyday. Follow up.
I promise £20 to the person who responds to the latest Shirlie McKie news with an even partially relevant post. Honestly, show me a modicum of interest in your response and a bank account /sort code number or else I donate the £20 directly to IM - don't make me do that. People post here for varous reasons but all of you should aspire to true journalism, and an interest in all stories not just your own. 3 or 4 lines will earn you £20, which is more than most mainstream journalists earn for full articles - seven pence per word for most unknown journalists I believe, you do the maths.
I could do it myself, I have a story, but I'm not doing this for you lot anymore, it feels less like flogging a dead horse and more like wanking a dead pig. I'm not rich but I am honest. £20 for the most in depth response on Shirlie McKie. Try it and see.
IM's, I know this reads like non-news, but it really is important and relevant news, I'm just getting too old and bitter to spoon-feed it here any longer. There is a story here, give your newbies a chance to find it. Not having any faith in the younger generations reading ability I've decided to bribe them to investigate for themselves.
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