Berlin Humboldt University Bans 9/11 Film
911blogger | 07.11.2006 16:08 | Culture | Globalisation | Indymedia
Three young Americans created the film Loose Change, which examines unanswered questions with regard to the attacks of September, 11, 2001, and made it available over the internet in mid-2005. The film calls the official story into question and shows, among other things, a series of contraditions which still demand explanation. The film makers appeal to the public to examine the evidence and judge for themselves whether or not the official claims about the events can possibly be true.
Loose Change contains a wealth of evidence which indicates that the 911 attacks were a false-flag operation staged by the Bush administration in order to justify a so-called "war against terror" to promote their geo-political interests.
The film "Loose Change" has been downloaded over 70 million on Google Video and is thus the first international blockbuster. The version with German subtitles has been viewed 2,000,000 times on the internet since June, 2006. Television stations in France, Israel, Italy, Poland, Belgium, Holland, and Australia have show "Loose Change." Even Hollywood has shown interest -- a large studio is in negotiations to co-produce a version for film theaters, which is scheduled to premier at the USA's Sundance Film Festival in spring 2007.
It is highly questionable that a film from the United States, which calls on viewers to educate themselves and form their own opinions, would be censored at Humboldt University. This is unusual for a German instiution of higher education, especially in view of the fact that the film "Loose Change" has been shown at dozens of US universities without similar attempts at censorship. It has furthermore been copied by thousands of US students and widely distributed on US colleges and universities. Humboldt University is a former east german university and had problems with censoring before during the Nazi era as well as during the communist period. In Germany usually only films with extremly violent, racist or pornographic content would be censored.
A free presentation of this film for the general public was planned for November 3, 2006 in the Film Theater of the Humboldt University; it was officially approved in early October and this was confirmed in both written and spoken form. The agreement was annulled by the office of the president of the university (signed by Mr. Kuhring) only two days prior to the planned presentation. This unjustified action was based on an alleged technicality. This are extracts from the 2 page letter sent to the student from the office of the President of Humboldt University :
..."The film 'Loose Change' covers the terrorist acts of September, 11th in the USA and makes allegations that refer to a direct responsibility of the president of the United States and other people within the US administration, but also to people within the economic system and the society."
"The film contains racist and discriminating allegations, the distribution of which within the public domain cannot be supported. Furthermore, the distribution could damage the image of the Federal Republic of Germany and could compromise international cooperation. It could also result in a loss of reputation in the event that Humboldt University should be mentioned in this context."
"The film is a failure, it presents unacademic assertions and prejudices and pretends pseudo-academic evidence, not scientific in any respect, both in the American scientific community and in the European scientific community.".....
On November, 3 after a cancellation notice was placed on the website of the event, free DVDs of "Loose Change" were handed out to about 150 people who still came to see the film. Several businesses in Berlin support the film -- a hairdresser, a CD shop, a bar, a new age store, a filmstudio, and an art gallery distribute "Loose Change" for free. So far in Berlin 10000 DVDs have been mailed and handed out through these outlets. Small ads for the film appear on a continuous basis in Berlin magazines and newspapers. The film was shown in small theaters and at a Berlin -Potsdam Film Festival.
As of Saturday 11/4 one german daily newspaper, the Berliner Zeitung has covered the ban on the event.
english translation at
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