Berlin Humboldt University Bans 9/11 Film
911blogger | 07.11.2006 16:08 | Culture | Globalisation | Indymedia
The film "Loose Change" has been downloaded over 70 million on Google Video and is thus the first international blockbuster.A free presentation of this film for the general public was planned for November 3, 2006 in the Film Theater of the Humboldt University;
Humbold University in Berlin cancelled a planned presentation of the film Loose Change scheduled for November 3, 2006, with only two days notice to the organizers.
Three young Americans created the film Loose Change, which examines unanswered questions with regard to the attacks of September, 11, 2001, and made it available over the internet in mid-2005. The film calls the official story into question and shows, among other things, a series of contraditions which still demand explanation. The film makers appeal to the public to examine the evidence and judge for themselves whether or not the official claims about the events can possibly be true.
Loose Change contains a wealth of evidence which indicates that the 911 attacks were a false-flag operation staged by the Bush administration in order to justify a so-called "war against terror" to promote their geo-political interests.
The film "Loose Change" has been downloaded over 70 million on Google Video and is thus the first international blockbuster. The version with German subtitles has been viewed 2,000,000 times on the internet since June, 2006. Television stations in France, Israel, Italy, Poland, Belgium, Holland, and Australia have show "Loose Change." Even Hollywood has shown interest -- a large studio is in negotiations to co-produce a version for film theaters, which is scheduled to premier at the USA's Sundance Film Festival in spring 2007.
It is highly questionable that a film from the United States, which calls on viewers to educate themselves and form their own opinions, would be censored at Humboldt University. This is unusual for a German instiution of higher education, especially in view of the fact that the film "Loose Change" has been shown at dozens of US universities without similar attempts at censorship. It has furthermore been copied by thousands of US students and widely distributed on US colleges and universities. Humboldt University is a former east german university and had problems with censoring before during the Nazi era as well as during the communist period. In Germany usually only films with extremly violent, racist or pornographic content would be censored.
A free presentation of this film for the general public was planned for November 3, 2006 in the Film Theater of the Humboldt University; it was officially approved in early October and this was confirmed in both written and spoken form. The agreement was annulled by the office of the president of the university (signed by Mr. Kuhring) only two days prior to the planned presentation. This unjustified action was based on an alleged technicality. This are extracts from the 2 page letter sent to the student from the office of the President of Humboldt University :
..."The film 'Loose Change' covers the terrorist acts of September, 11th in the USA and makes allegations that refer to a direct responsibility of the president of the United States and other people within the US administration, but also to people within the economic system and the society."
"The film contains racist and discriminating allegations, the distribution of which within the public domain cannot be supported. Furthermore, the distribution could damage the image of the Federal Republic of Germany and could compromise international cooperation. It could also result in a loss of reputation in the event that Humboldt University should be mentioned in this context."
"The film is a failure, it presents unacademic assertions and prejudices and pretends pseudo-academic evidence, not scientific in any respect, both in the American scientific community and in the European scientific community.".....
On November, 3 after a cancellation notice was placed on the website of the event, free DVDs of "Loose Change" were handed out to about 150 people who still came to see the film. Several businesses in Berlin support the film -- a hairdresser, a CD shop, a bar, a new age store, a filmstudio, and an art gallery distribute "Loose Change" for free. So far in Berlin 10000 DVDs have been mailed and handed out through these outlets. Small ads for the film appear on a continuous basis in Berlin magazines and newspapers. The film was shown in small theaters and at a Berlin -Potsdam Film Festival.
As of Saturday 11/4 one german daily newspaper, the Berliner Zeitung has covered the ban on the event.
english translation at
Three young Americans created the film Loose Change, which examines unanswered questions with regard to the attacks of September, 11, 2001, and made it available over the internet in mid-2005. The film calls the official story into question and shows, among other things, a series of contraditions which still demand explanation. The film makers appeal to the public to examine the evidence and judge for themselves whether or not the official claims about the events can possibly be true.
Loose Change contains a wealth of evidence which indicates that the 911 attacks were a false-flag operation staged by the Bush administration in order to justify a so-called "war against terror" to promote their geo-political interests.
The film "Loose Change" has been downloaded over 70 million on Google Video and is thus the first international blockbuster. The version with German subtitles has been viewed 2,000,000 times on the internet since June, 2006. Television stations in France, Israel, Italy, Poland, Belgium, Holland, and Australia have show "Loose Change." Even Hollywood has shown interest -- a large studio is in negotiations to co-produce a version for film theaters, which is scheduled to premier at the USA's Sundance Film Festival in spring 2007.
It is highly questionable that a film from the United States, which calls on viewers to educate themselves and form their own opinions, would be censored at Humboldt University. This is unusual for a German instiution of higher education, especially in view of the fact that the film "Loose Change" has been shown at dozens of US universities without similar attempts at censorship. It has furthermore been copied by thousands of US students and widely distributed on US colleges and universities. Humboldt University is a former east german university and had problems with censoring before during the Nazi era as well as during the communist period. In Germany usually only films with extremly violent, racist or pornographic content would be censored.
A free presentation of this film for the general public was planned for November 3, 2006 in the Film Theater of the Humboldt University; it was officially approved in early October and this was confirmed in both written and spoken form. The agreement was annulled by the office of the president of the university (signed by Mr. Kuhring) only two days prior to the planned presentation. This unjustified action was based on an alleged technicality. This are extracts from the 2 page letter sent to the student from the office of the President of Humboldt University :
..."The film 'Loose Change' covers the terrorist acts of September, 11th in the USA and makes allegations that refer to a direct responsibility of the president of the United States and other people within the US administration, but also to people within the economic system and the society."
"The film contains racist and discriminating allegations, the distribution of which within the public domain cannot be supported. Furthermore, the distribution could damage the image of the Federal Republic of Germany and could compromise international cooperation. It could also result in a loss of reputation in the event that Humboldt University should be mentioned in this context."
"The film is a failure, it presents unacademic assertions and prejudices and pretends pseudo-academic evidence, not scientific in any respect, both in the American scientific community and in the European scientific community.".....
On November, 3 after a cancellation notice was placed on the website of the event, free DVDs of "Loose Change" were handed out to about 150 people who still came to see the film. Several businesses in Berlin support the film -- a hairdresser, a CD shop, a bar, a new age store, a filmstudio, and an art gallery distribute "Loose Change" for free. So far in Berlin 10000 DVDs have been mailed and handed out through these outlets. Small ads for the film appear on a continuous basis in Berlin magazines and newspapers. The film was shown in small theaters and at a Berlin -Potsdam Film Festival.
As of Saturday 11/4 one german daily newspaper, the Berliner Zeitung has covered the ban on the event.
english translation at
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Germany controlled by racist zionist terrorists since WW2
07.11.2006 19:31
Since WW2, Germans have been force educated into the belief that they exist ONLY to serve their zionist masters. The recent zionist Israel HOLOCAUST in Lebanon shows how this is achieved. The German authorities actively caused the removal of all internet video material in the German language that merely showed the accurate depiction of German funded Israeli war atrocities within Lebanon. It should be remembered that one of these sickening warcrimes was the destruction of a holocaust museum that remembered German funded Israeli crimes against humanity that occured during a previous invasion of Lebanon. ERASING HISTORY IS A ZIONIST SPECIALTY.
Loose Change attacks the central tenet that the zionists use to demonise muslims. 911 was used, of course, as the excuse for Bush and Blair's HOLOCAUSTS in both Afghanistan and Iraq, not to forget the excuse for giving the Russians a 'free-pass' for Blair and Putin's holocaust of muslims in Chechnya.
DID YOU KNOW THAT THE LAWS USED TO CENSOR THE MEDIA IN GERMANY WERE ACTUALLY CREATED BY THE NAZIS? The zionists use the tactics and methods of the nazis, when it serves their interests.
Remember, few things scare Blair, but the 911 truth movement terrifies him. This is the reason that you will find pretend activists on this site, and others, defending the official conspiracy theory with far more vigour than they put into ANY attack against Blair or his works. Blair's people cannot help but reveal themselves by the priorities they persue.
What kind of moron chooses to believe the words of people now PROVEN to have told the most complete and vile pack of lies in order to create the circumstances for the holocausts in Chechnya, Iraq and Afghanistan? Well, Noam Chomsky for one. And Tony Benn for two. And George Galloway for three. And Livingstone for four. You see, the people that you are told to trust DEMAND that you believe each and every word of Bush and Blair over 911. That is the OFFICIAL position of Chomsky, Galloway, Benn, Livingstone etc.
THINK ABOUT THIS. Daily you are told here and on similar sites to accept alpha-male leadership by people like Galloway and Benn. And why? Because Benn and Galloway disseminate the meme that over 911, for some inexplicable reason, the most evil and dishonest people in existence are suddenly telling you the absolute truth.
The same people that attack the 911 truth movement are found constantly telling you that Blair is in trouble. The latest joke is that Blair, over cash-for peerages or some such crap, has to fear a parliament completely under his control, a court system completely under his control, a police force completely under his control, a crown prosecution service completely under his control, and a mass media completely under his control. YES, ITS OPERATION "JAM TOMORROW" AGAIN- the longest running psyop that DEMANDS you do nothing, because magically Blair is always on the verge of 'winking out'. Blair is in as much danger from the institutions within the UK as you are from attack by your own hand.
Blair has only one current priority, arranging the WW3 trigger event, the genocide of Iran. The course-of-Human-history-changing-event is magnitudes greater than anything we have seen Blair yet do, and thus is correspondingly more difficult to arrange. The 911 truth movement weakens the ability of Blair to persuade his US and Israeli proxies to use another false-flag, but this only slows Blair. Blair's main weapon, like Hitler before him, is the 'momentum of history'. This concept means that propaganda is used to make an desired event seem inevitable- so one creates a self-fullfilling prophecy. Hitler's use of hate against the jews was less about the jews and more about creating an engine that would change the very fabric or reality. Blair does the same with the demonisation of muslims, and the growth of police state powers in vast areas of the world.
While accurately described 'terrorism' is almost at an all time low (YES, THIS IS A FACT, BUT HOW MANY OF YOU ARE AWARE OF THIS), the rate of creation of liberty destroying ultra-extreme new laws using 'terrorism' as an excuse has never been greater in Human history. This is a paradox that speaks to how easily the sheep can be manipulated, when only one point of view is presented to them.
It was a 20th century goal of zionism that the 'master-race' would take control of all mass media interfaces between the sheep and their 'masters'. Orwell wrote his famous warnings after exposure to the the most virulent forms of zionism during his age, marxism and soviet communism. Of course, the zionist plan has moved on since then. You would hardly describe the most evil and depraved of all the zionist mass media masters, Rupert Murdoch, as anything like a soviet communist.
To understand how most of you are so easily handled, consider your kids. Historically, children have never been healthier or better fed (in the UK). That is a simple and trivial fact of science. But in the minds of the sheep, fed a diet of pure media manipulation, the very opposite is true. Black becomes white. Lies become truth. Health becomes illness, and security becomes fear. YOU ARE SO INSECURE, THAT BLAIR CAN USE HIS MASS MEDIA TO CONVINCE YOU THAT THE MOST STUPID LIES ARE TRUTHS THAT MUST RULE YOUR DAILY LIFE WITH FEAR.
Again, old Adolf and his buddies used the self-same meme of unhealthy German kids (in body and spirit) in desperate need of 'Uncle' Adolf's patented remedies. Yes, there were plenty of 'Jamie Oliver's' working to serve the original nazis too (and for those of you dribblers that want to say how some of what Oliver says is true, well the same applied to those that served Hitler over concepts like the Hitler Youth- it is the use 'partial truths' are put to that should concern you).
Bashing your kids serves many purposes. It teaches you to doubt the reality of your own life. It teaches you that Blair and his New Reich scum are 'better' parents than you. It teaches you to expect the state to take more and more control over your kids (do you feel a draft yet?). It teaches you to feel worthless about yourself. It teaches you to ignore the progress of more humane and enlightened times.
THE UNIVERSITY OF HUMBOLDT HAS STATED THAT DEVIATING FROM THE OFFICIAL PROPAGANDA ABOUT A WORLD EVENT IS A 'RACIST CRIME'. Well, once again in history, there goes free speech. In the zionist new world order, you are free to agree with EVERY word of your masters, or you are a thought criminal. This is NOT my cynical observation. This is the literal meaning of the statement issued by this zionist controlled body of higher 'learning'.
The statement reminds me of the dictats issued by the catholic church defending flat-Earth-at-the-centre-of-the-universe 'science', and promising death by slow torture for anyone foolish enough to disagree. Of course, the violence of the statement matches the violence of Blair's New Reich agents here, when THEY attempt to exterminate the 911 truth movement comments.
If any of you follow real news, you will have discovered that regardless of years of so-called humane education within Germany, the Germans are immediately up to their old tricks in their first true killing fields operation since WW2, namely their participation in Blair's Afghanistan death squads. When Blair finally attacks Iran, and the European invasion of the whole Middle East begins (sorry, boys and girls, but that is the medium term plan, the Middle-East is OUR backyard, not that of the US), the Germans will be responsible for the worst atrocities on the ground, all in the name of serving their zionist masters.
09.11.2006 14:43
In answer to my own rhetorical question as to where Indymedia would be without Twilight.....better off, perhaps?
Well done Humboldt!
09.11.2006 20:26