Oaxaca Solidarity Action Report, Berlin
asdf | 01.11.2006 13:07 | Repression | Social Struggles | World
Banners were hung, chants and slogans shouted in solidarity with the movement in Oaxaca and denouncing the murderous Mexican police. Red hand prints, resembling blood-stained hands, were printed on the door of the Embassy and fake blood (also from paint) was poured on the Embassy's steps. After the rally officially ended, many of those taking part attemtped to enter the Embassy to register their protest more directly. Several managed to get inside. The police intervened, violently, throwing people down the Embassy's steps and using pepper spray in peoples' faces. As far as this "reporter" knowns, there were no arrests.
A further solidarity action is planned for Saturday 4th November, at 2pm, beginning at Breitscheidplatz near Bahnhof-Zoo.
Solidarity and dignity!
There was also a demonstration yesterday, and two on Monday
01.11.2006 13:19
Photos from yesterday are available here:

Photos from today will likely follow later.
More from the Demo in Berlin Today (01/11/06)
01.11.2006 17:14
There was then a second attack on the demonstrators, and at least two were arrested. Two police were injured, one when another police officer accidentally sprayed him in the face with pepper spray. Protesters were harrassed and many of them briefly detained on the street as they tried to leave.
Photos, and a more comprehensive report from today's actions (in German only, however!), can be found here:

Photos from the Demo on Wednesday 1st Nov in Berlin
02.11.2006 15:26
