More from Hiroshima Day in Melbourne - part 1
pc | 08.08.2006 06:20 | Anti-militarism | Repression | Social Struggles | World
Hiroshima Day in Melbourne
Hiroshima Day in Melbourne
Hiroshima Day in Melbourne
Hiroshima Day in Melbourne
Hiroshima Day in Melbourne
Hiroshima Day in Melbourne
Hiroshima Day in Melbourne
Hiroshima Day in Melbourne
No uranium mining / No attack on Iran / Troops out of Iraq / Global nuclear disarmament", but many other groups were represented both on the platform and in the march. Speakers included Dave Sweeney from ACF, Michaela Stubbs from FoE's Anti-Uranium Collective (FoE's 2006 Radioactive Exposure Tour of SA and the NT has just ended), Kevin Bracken of the MUA, as well as Hillel Freedman of NFA, to name only a few. Groups prominent on the march included the Greens, a sprinkling of unionists, and more informal groupings including anarchists and a Queer bloc. And all around there were Lebanese and Palestinian flags - and some Australian ones, too. In his speech Dave Sweeney pointed out - after rather belatedly acknowledging Aboriginal Australians as the traditional owners of the land - that around the world it has been indigenous peoples who have suffered disproportionately from the pollution and sickness caused by the uranium industry, and there was indeed a solitary Aboriginal flag amongst the rest...
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More from Hiroshima Day in Melbourne - part2
08.08.2006 07:22
