More from Hiroshima Day in Melbourne - part 1
pc | 08.08.2006 06:20 | Anti-militarism | Repression | Social Struggles | World
The annual commemoration of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima in effect merged with the fourth week of protests over Israeli attacks on Lebanon and Gaza ...
AUSTRALIA: MELBOURNE: The original event was organised by Nuclear Free Australia and the Melbourne Stop the War Coalition under the banner "STAND UP AGAINST WAR AND FOR A NUCLEAR FREE FUTURE
No uranium mining / No attack on Iran / Troops out of Iraq / Global nuclear disarmament", but many other groups were represented both on the platform and in the march. Speakers included Dave Sweeney from ACF, Michaela Stubbs from FoE's Anti-Uranium Collective (FoE's 2006 Radioactive Exposure Tour of SA and the NT has just ended), Kevin Bracken of the MUA, as well as Hillel Freedman of NFA, to name only a few. Groups prominent on the march included the Greens, a sprinkling of unionists, and more informal groupings including anarchists and a Queer bloc. And all around there were Lebanese and Palestinian flags - and some Australian ones, too. In his speech Dave Sweeney pointed out - after rather belatedly acknowledging Aboriginal Australians as the traditional owners of the land - that around the world it has been indigenous peoples who have suffered disproportionately from the pollution and sickness caused by the uranium industry, and there was indeed a solitary Aboriginal flag amongst the rest...
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A few links: - Nuclear Free Australia - Australian Conservation Foundation - Friends of the Earth, Melbourne - Medical Association for Prevention of War
No uranium mining / No attack on Iran / Troops out of Iraq / Global nuclear disarmament", but many other groups were represented both on the platform and in the march. Speakers included Dave Sweeney from ACF, Michaela Stubbs from FoE's Anti-Uranium Collective (FoE's 2006 Radioactive Exposure Tour of SA and the NT has just ended), Kevin Bracken of the MUA, as well as Hillel Freedman of NFA, to name only a few. Groups prominent on the march included the Greens, a sprinkling of unionists, and more informal groupings including anarchists and a Queer bloc. And all around there were Lebanese and Palestinian flags - and some Australian ones, too. In his speech Dave Sweeney pointed out - after rather belatedly acknowledging Aboriginal Australians as the traditional owners of the land - that around the world it has been indigenous peoples who have suffered disproportionately from the pollution and sickness caused by the uranium industry, and there was indeed a solitary Aboriginal flag amongst the rest...
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More from Hiroshima Day in Melbourne - part2
08.08.2006 07:22
The annual commemoration of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima in effect merged with the fourth week of protests over Israeli attacks on Lebanon and Gaza ...
