Anti Scam website attacked
stopecg | 15.05.2006 20:10 | Free Spaces | Technology
Anti scam site was temporarily disabled over the weekend in a denial of service attack which site author Jules Woodell suspects was orchestrated some of the con artists exposed on the site. In his most recent blog post he notes 2 attacks, first a spam campaign against his online business, followed by the DOS attack on, apparently another individual who runs a website exposing the scams was targeted in a similar way.
In a previous blog Post he notes how a defamation website has been set up against him since he played a part in the naming of the man behind the scams, Meinolf Lüdenbach. The site in question describes Indymedia as an anarchist website!
Previous attacks against have taken the route of legal threats which were thwarted when an MEP intervened and the lawyer responsible was shamed in the mainstream media.
Meanwhile Lüdenbach's scams continue unabated,
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