Sikhs gather for Vaisakhi Parade
Notts IMC | 19.04.2006 09:10 | Culture
The Sikh Vaisakhi Parade is essentially a harvest festival and new year rolled into one. Vaisakhi, also spelled Baisakhi, is thus one of the most important dates in the Sikh calendar. It also commemorates 1699, the year Sikhism was born as a collective faith.
In Nottingham, the parade started at the Sikh Temple in Church Road, Lenton at 12:00 on Sunday 16 April. Then walked to other temples in the city, visiting Noel Street, Gladstone Street in Forest Fields, where walkers were given refreshments. Then, onto Basford.
Links: Wikipedia on Vaisakhi | BBC Sikh Vaisakhi | eBook
Notts IMC
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