About Medical Science
Allen Burgstein | 13.04.2006 10:05 | March 18 Anti War Protest | Analysis | Bio-technology | Education | London | Oxford
You must be without Japanese People even if You are in Japan.
God taught us "Keep laws".
It is include the laws of your Nations.
Then I keep the laws of Japan because I live in Japan.
But I know Japanese People love the ill-treatment and slaughter in the world.
They want only to build up a fortune by the Slaughter.
If I don't talk about it
All of the People do Slaughter with Japanese People for building up their fortune.
But I teach you about the Job for God.
You will be happy without building up their fortune.
This is the Happy with God.
I have the knowlegde of God.
I received All of the Words of God.
Include the Holy Bible.
It is for People with God.
The People who love ill-treatment and Slaughter
is not with God.
God can create Happy in your Life.
But Japanese People must not be in Happy of God.
God knows
They love the ill-treatment and Slaughter.
They are against the God and knowledge of God.
They did not receive the Words of God.
They only do against God,
They do only ill-treatment.
Then God decided
People in the World without Japanese People
make Happy for God.
People will know the Love of God.
You must not go to Japan,
Because here is the place
for ill-treatment and Slaughter People.
I can teach you the Happiness of God.
And God can create the Happy in your Life.
I keep the laws of Japan for God.
You must know the Job belong to God.
In the medicine or medical science
the Subject is the radioactivity.
It change the water into the no-water.
It will be made leukemia and all cancer.
Japanese People forbid me to study about it and
they forbid me to treat and cure the leukemia and cancer .
Because in Japan the medicine and medical science is
for their building up their fortune with their ill-treatment.
They build up their fortune by the leukemia and the cancer.
Japanese Government agree with this fortune .
But I have enough knowledge of medical science.
I am with God.
Then I evaluate the knowlegde belong to God.
Of Course the Medical Science is belong to God.
Therefore I maintain my health even if I am poor.
I know the knowlegde of Medical Science.
But I can not treat and I can not cure other people.
In Japan Japanese People forbid me to cure
and Japanese People forbid me to love the People.
Then I want you to study about radioactivity.
I know the needs the Study for Science.
Because I knows the Job of Scientists for God.
For Japanese People
the Life is only for fortune.
But for Many People with God ,
the Life is for your Happiness with God.
I know it,
But I am treated cruelly by Japanese People for their fortune,
It is difficult for me to say about the Happiness and Love of God.
But I am with God,
I must talk about the Love and Happiness with God.
In Japan Japanese People forbid me to treat other people
and they forbid me to love them.
Then I don't help Japanese People and I don't Love Japanese People.
It is the laws in Japan .
Then I give you the knowledge of God.
Do you study about the Medical Science?
Allen Burgstein