charles prince | 06.03.2006 13:11 | Analysis | Indymedia | Repression | World
GERRYMANDERING means to change the political representation of a constituency through the changing of housing allocation in a particular constituency - this has been done and is now being done with significant consequences where the LABOUR PARTY controls the provision of housing and the LABOUR PARTY can thereby significantly influence the outcome of the vote in marginal constituencies through the allocation of houses and flats through their allocation by Registered Social Landlords (RSLs) like ‘the flagship’ RSL – NOTTING HILL HOUSING GROUP. All other RSLs adopt the same policies and thereby allocate the ‘right’ tenants (in accordance with the policies of GERARD LEMOS, as the protégé of his mentor, LORD TOM SAWYER)! RSLs now provide ‘the appropriate flats and/or houses’ to ‘the appropriate people’ on waiting lists of all Local Authorities.
Consider the connections:
GERARD LEMOS, (26/2/58) [7 Bisham Gardens, N6 6DJ] Chairman NOTTING HILL HOUSING GROUP (‘NHHG’) – the flagship Registered Social Landlord (‘RSL’) [allocation of public sector housing and properties to local authorities] since September 2004
i) ‘Interviewing Perpetrators of Racial Harassment’, 1994
ii) ‘Fair Recruitment and Selection’, 1995
iii) ‘Safe as Houses: Supporting People Experiencing Racial Harassment’, 1996 (jointly)
iv) ‘The Communities We Have Lost and Can Regain’, 1997
v) ‘Urban Village, Global City: The Regeneration of Colville’, 1998 [Colville Ward is located east of Portobello Road at Notting Hill in Kensington and Chelsea]
vi) ‘A Future Foretold: New Approaches to Meeting the Long Term Needs of Single Homeless People’, 1999
vii) ‘Racial Harassment: Action on the Ground’, (2000) (jointly)
viii) ‘Dreams Deferred: The Families and Friends of Homeless and Vulnerable People’, 2002
First Floor Office of (GERARD) LEMOS & (PAUL) CRANE (his partner): 64 Highgate High Street, N6 5HX (020-8348-8263) [The home of GERARD LEMOS & PAUL CRANE is at 7 Bisham Gardens which is very close to their office: 64 Highgate High Street, next to Pond Square at the top of Highgate Hill.]
GERARD LEMOS was and is the protégé of LORD (Lawrence) TOM SAWYER (12/5/43) [22 Inchmery Road, SE6 2NE]
TOM SAWYER is the ex Chairman, NOTTING HILL HOUSING GROUP (until September 2004), ex Chairman, LABOUR PARTY (close friend of the Prime Minister, TONY BLAIR) (LORD SAWYER was appointed a LABOUR PARTY peer by TONY BLAIR in 1998) (immediately therafter in 1998 LORDS SAWYER was appointed Chairman of NOTTING HILL HOUSING GROUP to be responsible for the flagship Registered Social Landlord NHHG adopting political policies agreed by LORD SAWYER and GERARD LEMOS paid for out of the substantial reserves of the charity that boasts its 21 charity shops in the most exclusive addresses of London and is able to charge commercial rents through its allied entities - owning over 18,000 properties - incorporating property that covers large swathes of central London - yet many of the tenants have been raising legitimate complaints of Rachmanism, such as harassment and victimisation by management of the commercial entity and particularly from the charitable entity that seems to revel in doing little about disrepair of its properties and placing its tenants that complain in writing in deliberate rent arrears if any reasonable tenant dare to complain in writing raising legitimate complaints), previously Deputy General Secretary of NATIONAL UNION OF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES ('NUPE')/UNISON Union (1981-94), in charge of representing most central government and local government employees.
LABOUR PARTY National Executive Committee (‘NEC’) Member, 1981-94, 1998-2001;
Chairman LABOUR PARTY 1991-92;
General Secretary, LABOUR PARTY 1994-98;
Chair, LABOUR PARTY Home Policy Committee 1994-98 (020-7219-8668)]
GERARD LEMOS, Deputy Chairman, BRITISH COUNCIL – strong links to the very centre of LABOUR PARTY policy
GERARD LEMOS, was Lead Investigator of the AUDIT COMMISSION.
GERARD LEMOS, AUDIT COMMISSION, Board Member or Commissioner.
But all employees of AUDIT COMMISSION are subjected to authority of Civil Service!
AUDIT COMMISSION inspectors must feel compromised in their inspections as GERARD LEMOS is head of the flagship RSL but also oversees Civil Service but all inspectors of the AUDIT COMMISSION are civil servants - CONFLICT OF INTEREST!
Is it right that there is this clear politicisation of RSLs through the work of the head of the flagship RSL which is being implemented as LABOUR PARTY policy?
Is it right that there is Gerrymandering of political constituencies through the political actions of the RSLs?
GERARD LEMOS is the main LABOUR PARTY Government Race Adviser!
The Chief Prosecutor or Director of Public Prosecutions [DPP] as head of the Crown Prosecution Service [50 Ludgate Hill, London EC4M 7EX] is Kenneth (Donald John) Macdonald (4/1/53), [22 Dartmouth Park Road, NW5 1SX] who set up Matrix Chambers, where Cherie Blair works.
Matrix Chambers is located at Griffin Building, Gray’s Inn, WC1R 5LN, (020-7404-3447) near Chancery Lane. She recommended her husband appoint Kenneth Macdonald as DPP. [Though his specialisation was in defence work not prosecution work!]
Whereas the Solicitor-General appointed by Tony Blair in 2001 is Harriet Harman (30/7/50) [1 Winterbrook Road, SE24 9HZ], the MP for Peckham who previously worked for Brent Community Law Centre is married to JACK DROMEY (21/9/48) who was National Secretary of the Transport and General Workers UNION (TGWU).
Iain Coleman (18/1/58), the ex MP for Hammersmith & Fulham who in 2005 lost his seat to Greg Hands MP (Conservative) is the husband of Councillor Dame SALLY POWELL (2/10/55) [30 Coverdale Road, W12 8JL – 020-8749-1043)] of Hammersmith & Fulham [previously worked at Glazer Delmar Solicitors, 223-229 Rye Lane, SE15 until 1997 when Tony Blair was appointed as Prime Minister and both SALLY POWELL and TONY BLAIR sit on the NATIONAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE (‘NEC’) of the LABOUR PARTY, the body that controls the LABOUR PARTY and all its policies in order to take power and to hold power. The PARTY, not the People first!
There are other significant partnerships at the highest echelons of the Labour Party, but the people at the core of ‘The Project’ often tend to use another surname to the name of their partner – to muddy the waters for media interest. [As Cherie Blair (23/9/54) calls her name Cherie Booth not Cherie Blair.]
Charles Falconer (19/11/51) [34 Alwyne Road, N1 2HW] the Lord Chancellor is the ex flat mate of Tony Blair (6/5/53) both undertook a law degree followed by the Bar. Charles Falconer was appointed to the post by Tony Blair. This means that as Lord Chancellor he is responsible for all courts, the judicial process and the staffing of all courts and appointing, promoting and dismissing any and all judges in the UK! Previously he was responsible for Housing at the all important Ministry of Housing, Planning and Regeneration at the DTLR!
In the UK, Justice, Law and its administration needs to be understood in terms of Politics – all linked inextricably to the Prime Minster! It is the Prime Minister who determines the timetable of legislation that goes through Parliament. It is effectively the Prime Minister and through the Prime Minister and directly or indirectly his appointees that determine the granting of honours, appointments and government largesse/support or government withdrawal/censure.
[This Prime Ministerial support or censure applies equally to individual support or individual censure through the powerful organs of the State and this tends the case as seen through the media which tends to reflect that dynamic!]
[Leading lights of the Labour Party:
i) Peter Benjamin MANDELSON, known as PETER MANDELSON (21/10/53)(ex Trade Secretary for the UK and now European Union Commissioner for Trade – appointed by Tony Blair) (80 Archel Road, W14 9QP) [ex Director of English National Ballet] [knows Chrisanthe Lemos (4/7/48) of 65 Eaton Square, SW1 9BQ, ex Director of English National Ballet - both resigned in 1997],
ii) (John Whitaker) Jack STRAW, known as JACK STRAW(3/8/46) – Foreign Secretary [Jack Straw was leader of the Peasants Revolt in 1381 – a revolt against the Poll Tax], and
iii) Peter Gerald HAIN, known as PETER HAIN (16/2/50)(Born in Nairobi, Kenya) Northern Ireland Secretary + Welsh Secretary, [found guilty in the UK of CRIMINAL CONSPIRACY in 1972 + leading role in anti-apartheid activities + supporter of Irish unity]
were ALL leading members of the British COMMUNIST PARTY and were targeted by the UK Security Service – now with the support of the current Prime Minister there is no censure but support!]
Jason Lewis, ‘We’ve stopped looking for reds under the bed says MI5’, February 26, 2006, The Mail on Sunday, page 51.
"After years of spying on MARXIST and TROTSKYITE Trade unionists, MI5 [Security Service headquartered at Thames House, by Lambeth Bridge (north west side)] has officially declared they are no longer a danger to national security. As it faces up to the threat of international terrorism in the wake of the 9/11 and 7/7 attacks, it has dropped all so-called ‘reds under the bed’ operations.
The ‘enemy within’ surveillance monitored the activities of hundreds of RADICALS feared to be plotting the overthrow of the Government. It kept a close watch on alleged COMMUNIST SYMPATHISERS – including several who went on to become LABOUR CABINET MINISTERS.
JACK STRAW – currently responsible for the activities of MI5’s sister service MI6, the foreign intelligence service [Secret Intelligence Service (‘SIS’) headquartered at Vauxhall Cross, by Vauxhall Bridge (south east side)] – apparently classified him as a SUBVERSIVE when he was a student leader in the Sixties.
PETER MANDELSON, former NORTHERN IRELAND Secretary, TONY BLAIR’s right hand man and now EUROPEAN UNION TRADE COMMISSIONER, was bugged for three years in the late Seventies because it was feared he could have been a SOVIET AGENT as a former member of the YOUNG COMMUNIST LEAGUE.
And current NORTHERN IRELAND Secretary [and WELSH Secretary] PETER HAIN is also believed to have been SPIED on because of his leading role in anti-apartheid protests in the Seventies.
But according to MI5 no current student communists, nuclear disarmament campaigners or Left-wing trade unionists are being watched.
MI5 does not comment publicly on its work but a statement on its website says: ‘During much of the 20th Century, SUBVERSION was a major issue of concern for the Security Service. This threat diminished sharply following the end of the Cold War and for the last five years has been assessed as negligible.’
It now says: ‘The Service no longer undertakes counter-subversion work, and would only take it up again if our monitoring of emerging threats suggested an increase in the subversive threat.’
MI5 and successive Governments faced criticism over the spying operations which allegedly targeted leading members of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament and trade unionists including Arthur Scargill, who led the miners’ strike in 1984.
But according to MI5, ‘Britain faced a real threat from subversive organisations seeking to undermine parliamentary democracy – and having the capability to do so – most notably during the Cold War.’
COMMUNISTS, TROTSKYITES and FASCISTS linked to ‘countries hostile to the UK’ were put under surveillance and their telephones bugged.
‘A particular focus of this work was to deny members of such groups access to sensitive government information,’ MI5 says. Now more than half of MI5’s officers are focused on combating the threat of Al Qaeda and international terrorism."
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charles prince
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