CyberRadicalism: New Book on Global Info-Economy & Change
Carl Davidson | 15.08.2005 00:03 | Analysis | Globalisation | Technology | London | World
CyberRadicalism Cover
By Carl Davidson and Jerry Harris
Changemaker Publications, 2005, 313pp. Indexed. Paper.$20
E-book version also available.
Available at:
Davidson is a computer consultant in Chicago, IL, USA, a graduate in philosophy from Penn State University and taught at the University of Nebraska. In the 1960s, he was a national leader of SDS. Harris is professor of history at DeVry Institute of Technology in Chicago, IL, USA, and a former steelworker and trade union activist. Both are founders of the Global Studies Assocation, North America.
Table of Contents:
Part One:
The Revolution in Production & the Need for New Theory
Chapter 1: The Promise and Peril of the Third Wave: Socialism and Democracy for the 21st Century.
Chapter 2: The Cybernetic Revolution and the Crisis of Capitalism.
Chapter 3: CyberRadicalism: Getting Beyond Scarcity: Strategy and Vision in the Information Age.
Chapter 4: From Das Capital to DOS Capital: A Look at Recent Theories of Value.
Chapter 5: There Is An Alternative, Market Socialism with Radical Democracy: Some Notes On Reading Schweickart's 'After Capitalism.'
Part Two:
Classes and Class Struggle In the Era of Globalization
Chapter 6: Globalization and the Technological Transformation of Capitalism.
Chapter 7: Towards A Global Ruling Class? Globalization and the Transnational Capitalist Class.
Chapter 8: Information Technology & the Transnational Ruling Class.
Chapter 9: The Military-Industrial Complex in the Conflict for Power.
Part Three:
Revolutionary Practice in a Non-Revolutionary Period:
The Strategy and Tactics of 'High Road' Structural Reform
Chapter 10: A New Manifesto on the Strategy and Tactics of Radical Democracy: A Review of Dan Swinney=s ABuilding the Bridge to the High Road
Chapter 11: A New Social Contract: The Need for Radical Reforms in the Fight for Jobs and a Living Wage.
Chapter 12: Terrorism and the Present Danger: A Perspective for the American Left.
Chapter 13: Moving from Protest to Politics: Dumping Bush's Regime in
Chapter 14: The Road Ahead After 2004: Building a Broad Nonpartisan Alliance vs. Bush and the Far Right.
Chapter 15: Globalization, Theocracy and the New Fascism: An Analysis of the U.S. Right's Rise to Power & What Can Be Done About It
Carl Davidson